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  • 英文經典(大學版西方人文掠影)/英文經典繫列叢書
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    • 出版社:上海交大
    • ISBN:9787313133632
    • 作者:編者:楊自伍
    • 頁數:587
    • 出版日期:2015-09-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-09-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:536千字
    • “英文經典”叢書分為小學版、初中版、高中版
    • 1. The Wilderness
      2. Holy Living
      3. The Service of the Muses
      4. Conscience in Morality
      5. The Year of Wonders, 1666
      6. Arrival among the Yahoos
      7. Portrait of John Donne
      8. Of Harmony
      9. Hamlet's Soliloquy
      10. The Education of Women
      11. Imagination and Science
      12. Recollections of Childhood
      13. The Give-and-Take of Friendship
      14. A Triple Perfection
      15. Of Greatness in Napoleon
      16. An October Day in Florence
      17. Of Life at Brook Farm
      18. The Dream
      19. Jefferson's Retirement
      20. Truth
      21. Of Attentions to Ladies
      22. On Keeping Oneself Occupied
      23. Of the Shortness of Human Life
      24. The Failure of Civilization
      25. Musings in Pere Lachaise
      26. Of Ambition Misdirected
      27. Two Glimpses of Carlyle
      28. The Character of Queen Elizabeth
      29. Of Education
      30. Some Thoughts on Education
      31. On Work and Play
      32. An Imitation
      33. A Vision of Love, Sleep, and Death
      34. A Winter Night
      35. Deaths of Little Children
      36. Reflections on the French Revolution
      37. The Motive for Culture
      38. Turgeneff's World
      39. The Moral Philosopher and Moral Life
      40. Johnson's Interview with the King
      41. Queen Victoria
      42. Preface to Leaves of Grass
      43. On Reading the Ancient Classics
      44. The Causes of the Destruction of the City of Rome
      45. Socrates, Plato, and the Roman Stoics
      46. The World Movement
      47. Benvenuto Cellini
      48. The Renaissance
      49. Dante
      50. On Liberty
      51. The French Revolution
      52. Leonardo da Vinci
      53. Ancient History
      54. Greek Religion
      55. The Rise of Modern Philosophy
      56. Science and Culture
      57. To His Wife on Taking Command of the Army
      58. Voltaire as an Author and as a Man of Action
      59. The Ephemera: An Emblem of Human Life
      60. London in 1685
      61. A Definition of a Gentleman
      62. The Origin of Species
      63. French and English
      64. English Humour
      65. Caesar's Mission
      66. Happiness
      67. Progress an Illusion
      68. Poetry and Music
      69. The Credulity of the English
      70. This Enlightened Age
      71. Early Impressions
      72. Lady Castlewood
      73. The Patron and the Crocus
      74. The Ornamental and the Useful in Education
      75. The Death of William the Conqueror
      76. Columbus Nearing Land
      77. Genius and Taste
      78. Why New France Failed
      79. Theory of English Unsociableness
      80. Lord Byron
      81. Man and Circumstance
      82. The Delusions of Sense
      83. Men of Music
      84. Of Women Who Put on Airs
      85. Egoism
      86. Midnight on St. Thomas's Eve
      87. Magic and Religion
      88. English Justice
      89. Of the Natural Condition of Mankind
      90. The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy
      91. Why the Novel Matters
      92. Tradition and the Individual Talent
      93. Two Concepts of Liberty
      94. An Ideal of the Good Life
      95. The Desire of Esteem
      96. Justice as Fairness
      97. The World House
      98. Why I Dislike Western Civilization
      99. If We Are to Survive This Dark Time
      100. The World As I See It
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