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  • 消費主導 中國轉型大戰略 遲福林 著 譯谷 譯 娛樂/休閑英語文教
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    消費主導 中國轉型大戰略

    作  者: 遲福林 著 譯谷 譯
    定  價: 108
    出?版?社: 五洲傳播出版社
    出版日期: 2019年07月01日
    頁  數: 0
    裝  幀: 平裝
    ISBN: 9787508524023
    Introduction: Strategic Selection of Consumption-led Growth
    Ⅰ. Target selection towards consumption-led growth
    Ⅱ. Transition towards consumption-led economic growth
    Ⅲ. Transition and reform towards consumption-led growth
    Chapter Ⅰ: Strategic Selection towards Consumption.led Growth
    Section Ⅰ Consumption-led Growth will Lead the Future
    Ⅰ. Transition towards consumption-led growth to meet challenges of "growth trap"
    Ⅱ. Transition to consumption-led growth to cope with external impact,
    Section Ⅱ Historical Turning Point to Release Consumption
    Ⅰ. Consumption demand has come to the new stage of continual growth
    Ⅱ. Continual upgrading of consumption structure
    Ⅲ. Historical turning point to release consumption
    Section Ⅲ Pulling up Fairly Rapidand Sustained Economic Growth with Consumption
    Ⅰ. It is difficult to continue the investment-led economic growth model
    Ⅱ. Taking increasing domestic consumption as the main means to spur growth
    Ⅲ. Transition towards consumption-led economic growth prospects
    Section Ⅳ Target Selection for Transition Towards Consumption-led Growth
    Ⅰ. Basic features of consumption-led growth
    Ⅱ. Target selection of consumption-led growth
    Ⅲ. Historical opportunities for transition towards consumption-led growth
    Section Ⅴ From a Big Nation of Production to a Big Consumer Power
    Ⅰ. It is not uncertain to become a big consumer power
    Ⅱ. "Twelfth Five-year Plan" is a critical period for historical breakthroughs towards consumption-led growth
    Ⅲ. Contribution to the world in becoming a big consumer power
    Chapter Ⅱ: Economic Transition towards Consumption-led Growth
    Section Ⅰ Consumption-led Growth Determines Economic Transition
    Ⅰ. Consumption-led growth is the biggest restructuring
    Ⅱ. Root cause of consumption rate falling instead of rising is the institutional factors
    Ⅲ. Pushing ahead economic Transition towards consumption-led growth
    Section Ⅱ Urbanization-Led Industrialization
    Ⅰ Changing the situation of rapid advancement of urbanization with concurrent falling consumption rate
    Ⅱ. Pushing ahead the consumption-led urbanization
    Ⅲ. Speeding up development of service industry in urbanization
    Section Ⅲ "Make Migrant Rural Workers a History" as Quickly as Possible
    Ⅰ. Citizenization of migrant rural workers will release huge consumption potential
    Ⅱ. Times and conditions are mature for citizenization of migrant rural workers
    Ⅲ. "Making Migrant Rural Workers a History" as Early as Possible
    Section Ⅳ Re-allocating State-owned Capital with Public Welfare as the Target
    Ⅰ. Spe role of state-owned capital in the era with public product shortage
    Ⅱ. Management of state-owned capital aiming at public welfare
    Ⅲ. Establishing and completing rental collection and dividend distribution mechanism for state-owned enterprises
    Section Ⅴ Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Transition Towards Consumption-led Growth
    Ⅰ. Role of small and medium-sized enterprises in driving up consumption
    Ⅱ. Policy readjustment and institutional innovation to promote accelerated development of small and medium-sized enterprises
    Ⅲ. Promoting development of small and medium-sized enterprises with structural tax reduction as main point
    Chapter Ⅲ: So Transition towards Consumption-led Growth
    Section Ⅰ So Transition in the Background of Public Product Shortage
    Ⅰ. From private product shortage to public product shortage
    Ⅱ. Public product shortage restricts transition towards a consumption-led society
    Ⅲ. Public product shortage has become a new challenge to anti-poverty
    Section Ⅱ Avoiding "Low Welfare Trap"
    Ⅰ. Shortage of basic public services is an important factor in the predicament of low welfare and low consumption
    Ⅱ. Breaking the predicament of "low welfare and low consumption" with equalization of basic public services
    Ⅲ. Accelerating the process of equalization of basic public services
    Section Ⅲ Speeding up Transition and Reform in Key Fields of Public Services
    Ⅰ. Pushing ahead construction of education public service system
    Ⅱ. Deepening reform of medical and health system with reform in difficult areas of public hospitals as emphasis
    Ⅲ. Speeding up the construction of public cultural system
    Section Ⅳ Speeding up Innovation in So Management for Consumption Type Society
    Ⅰ. Interest gaming is unavoidable in building a consumption type society
    Ⅱ. Making public interest appeals and interest expressions as public products
    Ⅲ. Bringing into play advantages of communities, to solve so contradictions with so management and so services
    Section Ⅴ Establishing the Development Concept of Giving Priority to Enriching People and Starting Income Distribution Reform
    Ⅰ. Transition towards consumption-led growth is facing challenge of unbalanced income distribution pattern
    Ⅱ. Starting income distribution reform with building consumption type society as the target
    Ⅲ. Starting income distribution reform with giving priority to enriching people as the orientation
    Ⅳ. Starting income distribution reform with breaking interest impedance as the main point
    Ⅴ. Defining the rigid target in income distribution reform
    Ⅵ. Establishing and completing basic systems for income distribution reform
    Chapter Ⅳ: Government Transition Towards Consumption-led Growth
    Section Ⅰ Government of Growth Doctrine can Hardly Continue
    Ⅰ. Changing the tendency of growth doctrine government
    Ⅱ. Growth doctrine is an important root cause to unbalanced investment and consumption
    Ⅲ. Growth doctrine is an important root cause to the widening gap between the rich and the poor
    IV. Growth doctrine is an important root cause to the institutional corruption
    Section Ⅱ Changing the Government-led Economic Growth Model
    Ⅰ. We should adhere to market orientation in economic life field
    Ⅱ. Transition of economic function of government in market orientation
    Ⅲ. Government orientation cannot be solidified as "China model"
    Section Ⅲ Establishing the Central-local Relations Oriented by Public Services
    Ⅰ. It is difficult to continue the central-local relations oriented by economic aggregate
    Ⅱ. Defining the division of responsibilities in public services between central and local governments
    Ⅲ. Speeding up the reform of central-local fiscal and taxation relations
    Section Ⅳ Transition towards Public Service-Oriented Government
    Ⅰ. Changing the development concept of government
    Ⅱ. Enhancing the role of government as representative of public interests
    Ⅲ. Advancing the government transition with public services as the center
    Ⅳ. Making administrative system reform as the center and emphasis of overall reform
    Concluding Remarks: Equality and Sustainability: China's Pursuit in the Coming 10 Years
    Ⅰ. Leading economic and so transition and reform with consumption-led growth
    Ⅱ. Establishing the development concept and orientation of giving priority to enriching people
    Ⅲ. Unswervingly taking the road of green growth
    Ⅳ. Adhering to market-oriented economic system reform
    Ⅴ. Substantial breakthroughs must be obtained in the government transition centering on public services




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