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  • 瓦爾登湖(英文版)/英文全本典藏
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    • 出版社:吉林大學
    • ISBN:9787567783843
    • 作者:(美)亨利·戴維·梭羅
    • 頁數:313
    • 出版日期:2017-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2017-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:288千字
    • 《瓦爾登湖》是亨利·戴維·梭羅所著的一本**散文集。書中詳盡地描述了作者在瓦爾登湖湖畔一片再生林中度過兩年零兩個月的生活以及期間他的許多思考。這是一本極為**的人生哲理書,寧靜、恬淡、充滿智慧。同時也是一本清新、健康、引人向上的書。通過《瓦爾登湖》,我們不僅可以接觸到大量的動物和植物學知識,還能了解到*多的人文、地理和歷史知識。書中分析生活,批判習俗處,語語驚人,字字閃光,見解獨特,耐人尋味。另外,許多篇頁是形像描繪,優美細致,像湖水的純潔透明,像山林的茂密翠綠也有一些篇頁說理透徹,十分精闢,給人啟迪。閱讀它,我們能在平凡與簡單中真切感受生活的意義與趣味,也*能感受寂靜之美。
    • 由亨利·戴維·梭羅所著的《瓦爾登湖》是美國 作家梭羅獨居瓦爾登湖畔的記錄,描繪了他兩年多時 間裡的所見、所聞和所思。大至四季交替造成的景色 變化,小到兩隻螞蟻的爭鬥,無不栩栩如生地再現於 梭羅的生花妙筆之下,而且描寫也不流於表淺,而是 有著博物學家的精確。
    • Economy
      Where I Lived, and What I Lived For
      The Beanfield
      The Village
      The Ponds
      Baker Farm
      Higher Laws
      Brute Neighbors
      House Warming
      Former Inhabitants and Winter Visitors
      Winter Animals
      The Pond in Winter
    • It was a singular experience that long acquaintance which I cultivatedwith beans, what with planting, and hoeing, and harvesting, and thres-hing, and picking over and selling them--the last was the hardest ofall--I might add eating, for I did taste. I was determined to knowbeans. When they were growing, I used to hoe from five o'clock in themorning till noon, and commonly spent the rest of the day about other af-fairs. Consider the intimate and curious acquaintance one makes withvarious kinds of weeds--it will bear some iteration in the account, forthere was no little iteration in the labor--disturbing their delicate organi-zations so ruthlessly, and making such invidious distinctions with hishoe, levelling whole ranks of one species, and sedulously cultivating an- other. That's Roman wormwood--that's pigweed--that's sorrel--that'spiper-grass-- have at him, chop him up, turn his roots upward to thesun, don't let him have a fibre in the shade, if you do he'll turn himselft' other side up and be as green as a leek in two days. A long war, notwith cranes, but with weeds, those Trojans who had sun and rain anddews on their side. Daily the beans saw me come to their rescue armedwith a hoe, and thin the ranks of their enemies, filling up the trencheswith weedy dead. Many a lusty crest--waving Hector, that towered awhole foot above his crowding comrades, fell before my weapon androlled in the dust. Those summer days which some of my contemporaries devoted to thefine arts in Boston or Rome, and others to contemplation in India, andothers to trade in London or New York, I thus, with the other farmers ofNew England, devoted to husbandry. Not that I wanted beans to eat, forI am by nature a Pythagorean, so far as beans are concerned, whetherthey mean porridge or voting, and exchanged them for rice; but, per-chance, as some must work in fields if only for the sake of tropes and ex-pression, to serve a parable-maker one day. It was on the whole a rareamusement, which, continued too long, might have become a dissipa-tion. Though I gave them no manure, and did not hoe them all once, Ihoed them unusually well as far as I went, and was paid for it in theend, "there being in truth, "as Evelyn says, "no compost or laetation what-soever comparable to this continual motion, repastination, and turning ofthe mould with the spade. ""The earth, "he adds elsewhere, "especially iffresh, has a certain magnetism in it, by which it attracts the salt, pow- er, or virtue (call it either) which gives it life, and is the logic of allthe labor and stir we keep about it, to sustain us; all dungings and othersordid temperings being but the vicars succedaneous to this improve-ment. "Moreover, this being one of those"worn-out and exhausted layfields which enjoy their sabbath,"had perchance, as Sir Kenelm Digbythinks likely, attracted" vital spirits" from the air. I harvested twelvebushels of beans. P150-151
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