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  • 了不起的蓋茨比(英文版)/英文全本典藏
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    • 出版社:吉林大學
    • ISBN:9787567783805
    • 作者:(美)弗朗西斯·斯科特·基·菲茨傑拉德
    • 頁數:248
    • 出版日期:2017-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2017-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:230千字
    • 《了不起的蓋茨比(精)》是二十世紀美國*有代表性的作家斯科特·菲茨傑拉德*具代表性的作品,主要通過原是軍人的大富豪蓋茨比與初戀姑娘黛西的重逢,以及後來發生的悲劇,描繪“爵士時代”社會的種種腐敗,反映美國傳統信念的淪喪以及“美國夢”的破滅。該書堪稱美國現代社會縮影的經典代表,奠定了菲茨傑拉德在現代美國文學**的地位。
    • 《了不起的蓋茨比》是美國作家斯科特·菲茨傑 拉德的一部以20世紀20年代的紐約及長島為背景的長 篇小說。小說描述了出身貧寒的蓋茨比歷盡艱辛不擇 手段地攫取財富,後來從一個窮光蛋變成人們心中的 “了不起”的大富豪,又苦苦追求初戀時由於貧窮而 失去的情人,再現了美國20世紀“爵士樂時代”的社 會現實,揭示了“美國夢”的誘惑和破滅。小說文字 短小精悍,結構錯落有致並以典型的場面和行動、簡 潔、抒情的語言為讀者提供了一部飽含韻味、極富美 感的“尤為動人的美國悲劇”。
    • The Great Gatsby
      Chapter 1
      Chapter 2
      Chapter 3
      Chapter 4
      Chapter 5
      Chapter 6
      Chapter 7
      Chapter 8
      Chapter 9
      The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
      The Lees of Happiness
    • Her husband, among various physical accomplishments, had beenone of the most powerful ends that ever played football at New Haven--anational figure in a way, one of those men who reach such an acute lim-ited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterward savors of anticli-max. His family were enormously wealthy--even in college his freedomwith money was a matter for reproach--but now he'd left Chicago andcome East in a fashion that rather took your breath away; for instance,he'd brought down a string of polo ponies from Lake Forest. It was hardto realize that a man in my own generation was wealthy enough to dothat. Why they came East I don't know. They had spent a year in Francefor no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unrestfullywherever people played polo and were rich together. This was a perma-nent move, said Daisy over the telephone, but I didn't believe it--I hadno sight into Daisy's heart but I felt that Tom would drift on forever, see-king a little wistfully for the dramatic turbulence of some irrecoverablefootball game. And so it happened that on a warm windy evening I drove over to EastEgg to see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all. Their house waseven more elaborate than I expected, a cheerful red and white GeorgianColonial mansion, overlooking the bay. The lawn started at the beachand ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile, jumping over sun-dials and brick walks and burning gardens--finally when it reached thehouse drifting up the side in bright vines as though from the momentumof its run. The front was broken by a line of French windows, glowingnow with reflected gold and wide open to the warm windy afternoon, andTom Buchanan in riding clothes was standing with his legs apart on thefront porch. He had changed since his New Haven years. Now he was a sturdy,straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a superciliousmanner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over hisface and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively for-ward. Not even the effeminate swank of his riding clothes could hide theenormous power of that body--he seemed to fill those glistening bootsuntil he strained the top lacing and you could see a great pack of muscleshifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body ca-pable of enormous leverage--a cruel body. His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression offractiousness he conveyed. There was a touch of paternal contempt in it,even toward people he liked--and there were men at New Haven whohad hated his guts. "Now, don't think my opinion on these matters is final, "he seemed tosay,"just because I'm stronger and more of a man than you are. "Wewere in the same senior society, and while we were never intimate I al-ways had the impression that he approved of me and wanted me to likehim with some harsh, defiant wistfulness of his own. P6-7
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