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    • 出版社:人民體育
    • ISBN:7500929145
    • 作者:國家體育總局人力資源開發中心
    • 頁數:222
    • 出版日期:2006-06-01
    • 印刷日期:2006-10-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:2
    • 字數:170千字
    • 英語是世界上使用*廣泛的語言之一,也是奧運會的官方語言之一。能否將2008年北京奧運會辦成一屆高水平的奧運會,語言溝通與語言服務水平將是一個重要的衡量標準。掌握英語有利於我們與世界各國的體育交流,也有利於我們增進同世界各國人民的友誼和相互了解。本書緊密結合體育**交往實際,實用性和針對性強,編選精當,內容全面細致,語言簡明實用,中英文對照。既可供平時自學體育英語,也便於體育**交往活動中隨時翻查,是具有一定英語基礎的人員,學習體育英語和進行**體育活動時的體育英語教材和實用參考工具書。該書還介紹了體育機構、組織和職務名稱、所有奧運會項目名稱以及許多專有名稱,滿足了當前許多體育工作者、體育愛好者以及願意服務於北京奧運會的志願者學習體育英語的需要,對了解體育知識,提高英語水平將起到積極的促進作用。
    • Unit 1 Beijing Olympics 北京奧運會
      1. One World One Dream 同一個世界 同一個夢想
      2. Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics

      Unit 2 Sport for All 群眾體育
      1. Fitness of the Nation 全民建身
      2. Traditional Sports of China 中國傳統體育

      Unit 3 Introducing the Organizations for Running
      1. Organizations for Running Competitions 辦賽機構
      2. Working Procedure 工作程序

      Unit 4 Technical Meeting of Competition 競賽技術會議
      1. Notice of the Meeting 會議通知
      2. Introducing the Attendants of the Meeting 介紹與會者
      3. Contents of the Meeting 會議內容
      4. Drawing Lots 抽簽

      Unit 5 Olympic Village and Venues' Facilities
      1. Olympic Village 奧運村
      2. Brief Account of the Venues' Facilities
      3. Questions and Answers in Venues

      Unit 6 Registration for Competition 參賽報道
      1. Inquiry of the Venue of the Organizing Committee
      2. Registration Formality 辦理參賽手續
      3. Getting the Championships' Program, ID Cards and Players'
      Numbers 領取秩序冊、身份卡和參賽號碼

      Unit 7 Visiting Competition Sites 看場地
      1. Asking about the Training Sites 詢問訓練場地
      2. Visiting Competition Sites 看比賽場地

      Unit 8 Technical Exchange 技術交流

      Unit 9 Speeches at the Opening and Closing
      Ceremonies 開幕式、閉幕式講話
      1. Opening Speech 開幕詞
      2. Closing Speech 閉幕詞
      3. Oath by the Representative of the Athletes

      Unit 10 Awarding 頒獎
      1. Congratulations 祝賀
      2. Chairing the Awarding Ceremony 主持頒獎儀式

      Unit 11 Program for a Visit 訪問日程
      1. Talking about a Program 談日程
      2. Talking about Sightseeing 談參觀

      Unit 12 Injuries and Sickness 受傷與生病
      1. Ankle Injury 腳踝受傷
      2. Leg Injury 腿部受傷
      3. Seeing a Doctor 看醫生

      Unit 13 Protest and Appeal 抗議和申述
      1. Protest 抗議
      2. Appeal 申訴

      Unit 14 Doping Control 興奮劑檢查
      1. Taking the Doping Test 接受興奮劑檢測
      2. Collecting the Urine Sample 取尿樣
      3. Attending the Anti-doping Meeting 出席反興奮劑會議

      Unit 15 Congress of the Intemalional Sport Organization
      l. Notice of the Meeting 會議通知
      2. Chairing a Meeting 主持會議
      3. Lobbying for Election 為競選作工作
      4. Short Speech after Being Elected 當選後講話

      Unit 16 Taiwan Issue in Sports 體育活動中的臺灣問題
      1. Sticking to IOC Resolution on Taiwan Issue
      2. IOC Nagoya Resolution **奧委會名古屋決議

      Unit 17 Media Interview 新聞采訪
      1. Chairing a Press Conference 主持新聞發布會
      2. Interview after Winning 取勝後采訪
      3. Interview after Losing 失利後采訪

      Unit 18 Study Tour in China 在華考察
      1. Communication 聯絡
      2. Subjects of Study 考察內容

      Unit 19 Making an Appointment and Paying a Visit
      1. Making an Appointment 約會
      2. Paying a Visit 拜會

      Unit 20 Reception 招待會
      1. Reception Invitation 招待會邀請
      2. Attending a Reception 參加招待會
      3. Chairing a Reception 主持招待會

      Unit 21 At the Airport 在機場
      1. At the Immigration Counter 在移民處
      2. At the Customs 在海關
      3. At the Luggage Counter 在行李處
      4. Lost and Found 失物招領

      Unit 22 Traveling by Air 乘機旅行
      1. At the Booking Office 在購票處
      2. Going through Check-in 辦理登機手續
      3. Postponement of Flight 班機推遲

      Unit 23 Applying for Visas in Foreign Countries

      Unit 24 Meeting Guests and Saying Goodbye
      1. Meeting Guests at the Airport 機場迎接
      2. Saying Goodbye 送別

      Unit 25 Meeting and Introducing People 相遇與介紹
      1. Informal Introduction 非正式場合介紹
      2. Formal Introduction 正式場合介紹

      Unit 26 Hotel Check-in 入住旅店
      1. Check-in 入住登記
      2. Room Key Collection 領取房間鑰匙

      Unit 27 Ordering Food and Having Meals 訂餐與用餐
      1. Ordering Food 訂餐
      2. Having Meals 用餐

      Unit 28 Telephoning 打電話
      1. Leaving a Message 留言
      2. Wrong Number 大錯電話
      3. An Emergency Call 緊急情況電話

      Unit 29 Asking the Way and Transportation 問路與交通
      1. Taking a Shuttle Bus 乘班車
      2. Asking the Way 問路
      3. Taking a Taxi 乘出租車
      4. Taking a Bus 乘公共汽車

      Unit 30 Banking 銀行業務
      1. Cashing a Check 兌換支票
      2. Exchanging Foreign Currency 兌換外幣

      Unit 31 Shopping 購物
      1. At a Supermarket Check-out Counter 在超市收銀臺
      2. 25% ( Twenty-five Percent ) Off 打七**
      3. Wanting a Refund 退款

      Unit 32 Talking about the Weather 談論天氣
      l. Talking about the Weather 談論天氣
      2. Checking the Weather On-line 上網查天氣

      Appendix 附錄
      1. Names of Sports Structures and Organizations of Posts
      ( 1 ) The General Administration of Sport of China and Its Major Posts
      ( 2 ) The Chinese Olympic Committee and Its Major Posts
      ( 3 ) The All-China Sports Federation and Its Major Posts
      ( 4 ) Sports Administrative Centers and Their Major Posts
      ( 5 ) Chinese Sports Associations
      2. Names of the International Olympic Committee,
      International Sports Federations ( Associations )
      and Their Abbreviations
      ( 1 ) The International Olympic Committee and Its Commissions
      ( 2 ) Names of the International Olympic Summer Sports Federa-
      tions and Their Abbreviations
      ( 3 )Names of the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations
      and Their Abbreviations
      3. Names of Olympic Sports 奧運會運動項目名稱
      ( 1 ) Olympic Summer Sports 夏季奧運會運動項目
      ( 2 ) Olympic Winter Sports 鼕季奧運會運動項目
      4. 300 Daily Used Sports Terms
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