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  • 能源英語(1普通高等教育規劃教材)
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    • 出版社:知識產權
    • ISBN:9787513031103
    • 作者:編者:趙明學//楊曉華//周英莉
    • 頁數:237
    • 出版日期:2016-08-01
    • 印刷日期:2016-08-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:240千字
    • 趙明學、楊曉華、周英莉編著的《能源英語(1普
    • 1 Energy Introduction
      1.1 History of Energy Utilization
      1.2 Energy Demand
      1.3 Classification of Energy Sources
      1.4 Energy and Environment
      1.4.1 Global Warming
      1.4.2 Acid Rain
      1.4.3 Damage to the Ozone Layer
      1.4.4 Thermal Pollution
      1.5 Future of Conventional Energy Sources
      2 Global Conventional Energy Scenario
      2.1 Global Conventional Energy Reserves
      2.2 Energy Production
      2.3 Energy Consumption
      2.3.1 Global Energy Consumption
      2.3.2 Energy Consumption in China
      2.4 Chinas Sustainable Development Strategy for Its Energy Sectors
      3 Coal
      3.1 Formation of Coal
      3.2 Classification and Uses of Coal
      3.3 Coal Mining
      3.3.1 Surface Mining
      3.3.2 Underground Mining
      3.4 Delivery of Coal
      3.5 Storage of Coal
      3.6 Coalfired Electricity Generation
      3.6.1 Overview of Coalfired Electricity Generation
      3.6.2 Coalfired Electricity Generation Technologies
      3.7 Reserves of Coal
      3.8 Output and Consumption of Coal
      3.9 Environmental Impacts of Coal
      3.9.1 Threats from Coal Mining
      3.9.2 Threats from Coal Use
      3.10 Clean Coal Technology to Tackle Environmental Challenges
      3.10.1 Coal Cleaning
      3.10.2 Combustion Technologies
      4 Petroleum
      4.1 Definition of Petroleum
      4.2 Formation of Petroleum
      4.3 Composition of Petroleum
      4.4 Petroleum Extraction
      4.5 Petroleum Refining and Its Products
      4.6 Petroleum Delivery
      4.7 Storage of Petroleum
      4.8 Uses of Petroleum
      4.9 Reserves of Petroleum
      4.9.1 Global Petroleum Reserves
      4.9.2 Distribution of Petroleum in China
      4.10 Output of Petroleum
      4.11 Consumption of Petroleum
      4.12 Environmental Impacts of Petroleum
      5 Natural Gas
      5.1 Formation of Natural Gas
      5.2 Composition of Natural Gas
      5.3 Extraction of Natural Gas
      5.4 Processing of Natural Gas
      5.5 Delivery of Natural Gas
      5.6 Storage of Natural Gas
      5.7 Bottlenecks and Development in Chinas Natural Gas Industry
      5.8 Uses of Natural Gas
      5.9 Reserves of Natural Gas
      5.10 Output of Natural Gas
      5.11 Consumption of Natural Gas
      5.12 Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas
      6 Hydro Energy
      6.1 Definition of Hydro Energy
      6.2 Classification of Hydropower Plants
      6.3 Site of Hydropower Plant
      6.4 Composition of Hydropower Plant
      6.5 Small Hydropower Project
      6.6 Reserves and Power Generation Capacity of Hydro Energy Resources
      6.6.1 Global Hydro Energy Resources
      6.6.2 Hydro Energy Resources in China
      6.6.3 Hydropower Projects in China
      6.7 Multipurpose of Hydropower Project
      6.8 Environmental Impacts of Hydro Energy
      7 Nuclear Power
      7.1 Definition of Nuclear Energy
      7.2 Classification of Nuclear Energy
      7.3 Nuclear Fuels
      7.4 Nuclear Reactors
      7.4.1 Components of Reactors
      7.4.2 Types of Nuclear Reactors
      7.5 Nuclear Power Generation Theory
      7.6 Nuclear Power Application
      7.7 Reserves of Nuclear Material
      7.8 Nuclear Safety
      7.8.1 Radioactive Effect and Nudear leakage Accidents in History
      7.8.2 Nuclear Power or Nuclear Weapon
      7.8.3 Safety Measures
      7.9 The Future of Nuclear Power
      8 Renewable Energy
      8.1 Overview
      8.2 History
      8.3 Renewable Energy Debate
      9 Bioenergy
      9.1 Wood Fuels
      9.2 Biomass for Electricity Generation
      9.3 Biofuels— Ethanol
      9.4 Biomass Resources
      9.5 Summary
      10 Solar Energy
      10.1 Solar Radiation Resources
      10.2 Solar Collectors
      10.3 Solar Energy Applications
      10.4 Solar Photovoltaic Systems (PV)
      10.5 Solar Thermal Power Plants
      10.6 Solar Energy Storage Systems
      10.7 Other Solar Energy Applications
      10.8 Conclusion and Outlook
      11 Wind Energy
      11.1 Wind Energy—Resources and Potential
      11.2 Types of Modern Wind Turbine
      11.3 Energy Production
      11.4 Wind Energy Costs
      11.5 Wind Farms
      11.6 Environmental Aspects
      11.7 Future Developments
      12 Geothermal Energy
      12.1 Geothermal Resources
      12.2 Utilisation
      12.3 Technologies for Electricity Generation
      12.4 Electricity Generation
      12.5 Direct Utilisation
      12.6 Heat Pump Applications
      12.7 Environmental Issues
      12.8 Enhanced Geothermal Systems
      12.9 New Developments—Drilling for Higher Temperatures
      13 Ocean Energy
      13.1 The Tides
      13.1.1 Harnessing the Energy in the Tides
      13.1.2 The Future of Tidal Power
      13.2 Wave
      13.2.1 The Resource
      13.2.2 Wave Energy Technologies
      13.2.3 Environmental Aspects
      13.2.4 The Prospects for Wave Energy
      13.2.5 Conclusions
      14 Hydrogen Energy
      14.1 Hydrogen
      14.2 Uses of Hydrogen Energy
      14.3 Production of Hydrogen
      14.4 Storage of Hydrogen
      14.5 Delivery of Hydrogen
      14.6 Chinese Policies on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies: Promoting R&D
      14.7 Hydrogen Economy
      14.8 Safety Issues of Hydrogen Energy
      14.9 Hydrogen and Environment
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