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  • 出版社:中國石化
  • ISBN:9787511437198
  • 作者:編者:瀋小平
  • 頁數:297
  • 出版日期:2016-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2016-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:520千字
  • 瀋小平主編的這本《新概念英語<3>同步學案》依托《新概念英語》(新版)第3冊編寫而成,通過Proverb, Supplementary notes, Exercise, Bonus speaking四個板塊的設置,綜合訓練英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯五種語言技能,並有意識地培養跨文化交際能力。語義解釋、首字母填空和單句翻譯無不緊扣課文;閱讀理解大都是高考、考研及雅思考試的真題“試金石”;翻譯題參照四六級、專四專八、上海口譯試題設計,該部分重點介紹中國傳統文化;寫作練習是以商務英語寫作訓練為主,突出實用性;聽譯練習和口語練習則分別源自口譯考試和雅思口語考試;每課開頭的一條諺語和本課題材與話題有一定程度的相關性,對學生學習英美語言和文化不無裨益。另外,隨書光盤裡的MP3音頻使用方便。
  • 瀋小平主編的這本《新概念英語<3>同步學案》 依托《新概念英語》(新版)第3冊編寫而成,其目 的是為了綜合訓練英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯的能力。 每篇學案均包括Proverb,Supplementary notes, Exercise,Bonus speaking四個板塊,通過“四個 板塊”框架下“七步任務”型活動設計,讓讀者深刻 體會課文滲透的文化內涵,精準理解課文重要語言點 ,做到活學活用,並在完成拓展任務的過程中有意識 地培養實用英語技能。本書可供廣大高中生、大學生 、英語培訓機構學員及涉外企業員工使用。
  • Lesson 1 A task based on A puma at large
    Lesson 2 A task based on Thirteen equals one
    Lesson 3 A task based on An unknown goddess
    Lesson 4 A task based on The double life of Alfred Bloggs
    Lesson 5 A task based on The facts
    Lesson 6 A task based on Smash-and-grab
    Lesson 7 A task based on Mutilated ladies
    Lesson 8 A task based on A famous monastery
    Lesson 9 A task based on Flying cats
    Lesson 10 A task based on The loss of Titanic
    Lesson 11 A task based on Not guilty
    Lesson 12 A task based on Life on a desert island
    Lesson 13 A task based on It's only me
    Lesson 14 A task based on A noble gangster
    Lesson 15 A task based on Fifty pence worth of trouble
    Lesson 16 A task based on Mary had a little lamb
    Lesson 17 A task based on The longestsuspension bridge in the world
    Lesson 18 A task based on Electric currents in modern art
    Lesson 19 A task based on A very dear cat
    Lesson 20 A task based on Pioneer pilots
    Lesson 21 A task based on Daniel Mendoza
    Lesson 22 A task based on By heart
    Lesson 23 A task based on One man's meat is another man's poison
    Lesson 24 A task based on A skeleton in the cupboard
    Lesson 25 A task based on The Cutty Sark
    Lesson 26 A task based on Wanted: a large biscuit tin
    Lesson 27 A task based on Nothing to sell and nothing to buy
    Lesson 28 A task based on Five pounds too dear
    Lesson 29 A task based on Funny or not?
    Lesson 30 A task based on The death of a ghost
    Lesson 31 A task based on A lovable eccentric
    Lesson 32 A task based on A lost ship
    Lesson 33 A task based on A day to remember
    Lesson 34 A task based on A happy discovery
    Lesson 35 A task based on Justice was done
    Lesson 36 A task based on A chance in a million
    Lesson 37 A task based on The Westhaven Express
    Lesson 38 A task based on The first calendar
    Lesson 39 A task based on Nothing to worry about
    Lesson 40 A task based on Who's who
    Lesson 41 A task based on Illusions of pastoral peace
    Lesson 42 A task based on Modern Cavemen
    Lesson 43 A task based on Fully insured
    Lesson 44 A task based on Speed and comfort
    Lesson 45 A task based on The power of press
    Lesson 46 A task based on Do it yourself
    Lesson 47 A task based on Too high a price?
    Lesson 48 A task based on The silent village
    Lesson 49 A task based on The ideal servant
    Lesson 50 A task based on New Year resolutions
    Lesson 51 A task based on Predicting the future
    Lesson 52 A task based on Mud is mud
    Lesson 53 A task based on In the public interest
    Lesson 54 A task based on Instinct or cleverness?
    Lesson 55 A task based on From the Earth: greetings
    Lesson 56 A task based on Our neighbour, the river
    Lesson 57 A task based on Back in the old country
    Lesson 58 A task based on A spot of bother
    Lesson 59 A task based on Collecting
    Lesson 60 A task based on Too early and too late
    Appendix Solutions to the tasks
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