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  • 末代皇帝溥儀(英文版)
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 口語/生活實用英語
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    • 出版社:五洲傳播
    • ISBN:9787508524511
    • 作者:王慶祥|譯者:倪娜
    • 頁數:281
    • 出版日期:2013-03-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-03-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 《末代皇帝溥儀(英文版)》由**溥儀研究專家王慶祥先生撰寫。作者遍查了北京、南京以及東北各地與溥儀相關的文獻資料和媒體報道,並采訪眾多溥儀先生的親朋好友。書中配以近100幅珍貴照片,形像地展開了溥儀後半生工作、生活的情節和鮮活場面。
    • Special Amnesty
      1. Date to Start a New Life
      2. Leaving for Beijing.
      3. Arrival in Beijing
      4. The Happy Reunion of the Aisin-Gioro Clan
      5. Opening to a New Page
      1. The First Job
      2. Joining the Cause to Construct a Socialist Society
      3. Learning to Live the Life of a Citizen.
      4. A Chinese Person's Pride
      5. Pujie Coming Back
      A Historical Researcher
      1. Becoming a Commissioner of Historical Research
      2. Working as a Historical Researcher.
      3. Puyi's New Colleagues
      4. Writing and Publishing His Autobiography
      Puyi and His Five Wives
      1. The Marriage Tragedies in the First Half of his Life
      2. Love, in the Twilight of Puyi's Life
      3. Honeymoon
      4. A Painful Topic
      Home Life
      1. Food, Clothing and Shelter
      2. Puyi's Interests in Culture
      3. Puyi's Differences from Ordinary People
      Delightful Tours around China
      1. Revisiting Familiar Places
      2. Tour to Southeast China
      3. Tour of Northwest China
      A Private Citizen
      1. Dragon returning to a Man's World
      2. Voting for Representatives for the People's Congress
      3. Changing Way of Thought
      4. Concerning State Affairs.
      5. Never Forgetting Reformation
      6. Caring for Others
      Political Life
      1. Attending a Session of the CPPCC as a Non-Voting Delegate
      2. Mounting the Stand of Tian'anmen Square
      3. Commemorating the Incident of September 18th.
      4. Shaking Hands with Former Political Opponents.
      5. Speech at Congress Session of the CPPCC
      6. 1962 to 1964, the Happiest Period in Puyi's Life.
      7. Becoming a Member of the CPPCC
      8. The Last Emperor and the Last President Shaking Hands in Beijing
      9. Celebrating National Day 1965.
      10. Twin Reappearances on Public Occasions during the Cultural Revolution
      Receiving Foreign Friends
      1. Receiving Foreign Friends at Beijing Botanical Garden.
      2. Receiving Congressman Abefumio.
      3. Talking with a Correspondent from Uruguay
      4. A Record of Puyi's Interview with Foreign Friends
      5. Responses in Illness to Visitors' Questions
      In the Cultural Revolution
      1. From Earnest Belief to Suspicion
      2. In the Time of "Drawing Fire on Themselves"
      3. In "Red August" of 1966
      4. The Torrents of the Cultural Revolution Finally Reach Puyi.
      5. The First Half of My Life Denounced
      6. "Imperial Concubine Rebelling"
      7. The Denunciation of"The Inside Story of the Qing Imperial Palace"
      Suffering from Cancer and Passing Away
      I. Kidney Cancer, Which Failed to be Diagnosed Promptly .
      2. In the Peking Union Medical College Hospital
      3. Complicated Treatment
      4. The Peking Union Medical College Hospital Turned into "The Opposing Imperialism Hospital".
      5. The Last Words
      6. Puyi's Memorial - Thirteen Years Late
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