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  • 新类目

  • 1秒鐘救急日常英語口語
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 口語/生活實用英語
    【介質】 book
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    • 出版社:中國宇航
    • ISBN:9787515910369
    • 作者:編者:劉志芳//胡曉麗//劉艷紅//戴衛平
    • 頁數:515
    • 出版日期:2016-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2016-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:372千字
    • 劉志芳、胡曉麗、劉艷紅、戴衛平主編的《1秒鐘救急日常英語口語》專門為英語口語基礎薄弱的讀者量身定制,簡單易學,隨查隨用,旨在幫助讀者輕松掃除交流障礙,提升自信心,自如應急。
    • Part 1 生活起居 Daily Life
      Topic 1 起床大作戰 Getting Up
      Topic 2 清晨洗刷刷 Washing Oneself
      Topic 3 廚藝秀 Cooking
      Topic 4 家務女皇 Doing Housework
      Topic 5 電視發燒友 Watching TV
      Topic 6 洗洗睡吧 Sleeping
      Part 2 交際達人 Daily Communication
      Topic 7 初次見面,請多關照 Greetings
      Topic 8 互報家門 Introductions
      Topic 9 我愛聊“天” Talking About the Weather
      Topic 10 送君千裡終須別 Saying Goodbye & Seeing off
      Topic 11 濃情謝意 Expressing Thanks
      Topic 12 深感抱歉 Apologies & Responses
      Topic 13 祝福祝願 Blessing & Congratulation
      Part 3 喜怒哀樂 Emotions & Feelings
      Topic 14 笑逐顏開 Delight
      Topic 15 橫眉立目 Anger
      Topic 16 悲悲戚戚 Sadness
      Topic 17 喜上眉梢 Favorite
      Topic 18 抓狂 Disgust
      Topic 19 大喫一驚 Surprise
      Topic 20 萬念俱灰 Disappointment
      Topic 21 難買後悔藥 Regret
      Part 4 珍饈美味 Delicacy
      Topic 22 美味中餐 Delicious Chinese Dishes
      Topic 23 優雅西餐 Elegant Western Food
      Topic 24 多樣快餐 Diverse Fast Food
      Topic 25 開心自助餐 Buffet
      Topic 26 甜品控 Dessert
      Topic 27 開懷暢飲 Drink & Wine
      Topic 28 請客喫飯 Inviting Somebody to Dinner
      Part 5 購物狂人 Shopping
      Topic 29 超市購物 At the Supermarket
      Topic 30 商場血拼 In the Department Store
      Topic 31 網上淘寶 Online Shopping
      Topic 32 試穿** Trying On and Trying Out
      Topic 33 殺價高手 Bargaining
      Topic 34 包裝付款 Packaging & Payment
      Topic 35 換貨退貨 Exchanging & Returning
      Part 6 休閑娛樂 Leisure & Entertainment
      Topic 36 我是麥霸 At the KTV
      Topic 37 視覺盛宴 At the Cinema
      Topic 38 叫醒耳朵 Music
      Topic 39 一決勝負 Matches
      Topic 40 派對狂歡 Parties & Balls
      Topic 41 遊樂嘉年華 At the Playground
      Topic 42 閑庭信步 At the Park
      Part 7 勤學好問 School
      Topic 43 學校課程 Curriculums
      Topic 44 作業與論文 Homework & Thesis
      Topic 45 博覽群書 Book Lending
      Topic 46 考試與成績 Exams & Results
      Topic 47 參加社團 Joining a Party
      Part 8 留學海歸 Overseas Students & Returnees
      Topic 48 學校申請 School Applications
      Topic 49 托福/雅思成績 TOEFL/IELTS Score
      Topic 50 錄取通知 Offer Letter
      Topic 51 留學簽證 Student Visa
      Topic 52 獎學金 Scholarship
      Topic 53 順利畢業 Graduation
      Topic 54 歸國計劃 Return Plan
      Part 9 安居樂業 Housing
      Topic 55 租公租婆 Renting a House
      Topic 56 買房置業 Buying a House
      Topic 57 家用電器 Household Appliances
      Topic 58 物業服務 Property Services
      Topic 59 打造愛巢 Decorating a House
      Topic 60 螞蟻搬家 Moving
      Part 10 交通出行 Transportation
      Topic 61 乘坐地鐵 By Subway
      Topic 62 乘坐公交 By Bus
      Topic 63 乘出租車 By Taxi
      Topic 64 乘坐火車 By Train
      Topic 65 空中飛人 By Air
      Topic 66 自駕出遊 Self-Driving Travel
      Part 11 求醫問藥 Doctor and Pharmacy
      Topic 67 醫院看病 At the Hospital
      Topic 68 探望患者 Visiting a Patient
      Topic 69 緊急施救 First Aid
      Topic 70 藥店買藥 At the Drugstore
      Topic 71 健康100分 Physical Examination
      Part 12 強身健體 Body Building
      Topic 72 有氧健身 Aerobic Shaping
      Topic 73 時尚瑜伽 Yoga
      Topic 74 遊泳健將 Swimming
      Topic 75 登山背包客 Mountaineering
      Topic 76 滿滿正能量 Psychological Health
      Part 13 公共服務 Public Services
      Topic 77 靠譜的小金庫 At the Bank
      Topic 78 郵寄物品 At the Post Office
      Topic 79 兄弟,加滿油! At the Gas Station
      Topic 80 衣物煥然一新 At the Laundry
      Topic 81 潮流洗剪吹 At the Hair Salon
      Part 14 歡度節日 Holidays
      Topic 82 新年狂歡 New Year
      Topic 83 熱鬧春節 Spring Festival
      Topic 84 甜蜜情人節 Valentine’s Day
      Topic 85 母親節/父親節 Mother’s Day & Father’s Day
      Topic 86 團圓中秋節 Mid-Autumn Day
      Topic 87 溫馨聖誕節 Christmas
      Part 15 愛情滋味 Romantic Love
      Topic 88 浪漫約會 Romantic Date
      Topic 89 兩情相悅 Falling in Love
      Topic 90 海誓山盟 Proposal and Engagement
      Topic 91 執子之手 Wedding
      Topic 92 結婚紀念 Wedding Anniversary
      Topic 93 愛情結晶 Pregnancy
      Topic 94 緣分已盡 Breaking Up
      Part 16 生活百態 Colorful Life
      Topic 95 丁克家庭 Dink Family
      Topic 96 月光族 Moonlight Group
      Topic 97 宅男宅女 Homebody
      Topic 98 手機控 Phone Freak
      Topic 99 博客/微信/微博 Blog & Wechat & Microblog
      Topic 100 轉基因食品 Genetically Modified Food
      附錄A 人物與稱呼
      附錄B 數字
      附錄C 月份和星期
      附錄D 時間概念
      附錄E 季節與氣候
      附錄F 常用地點
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