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  • 紅與黑/世界名著紅藍白繫列
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    • 出版社:外文
    • ISBN:9787119053936
    • 作者:(法)司湯達
    • 頁數:608
    • 出版日期:2008-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2008-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:526千字
    • 《紅與黑》是法國**作家司湯達的代表作,是歐洲批判現實主義文學的奠基作。小說緊緊圍繞主人公於連個人奮鬥與*終失敗的經歷這一主線,廣泛展現了“19世紀*初30年問壓在法國人民頭上的歷屆政府所帶來的社會風氣”,反映了19世紀早期法國的政治和社會生活中的一些本質問題。在藝術上,小說以深刻細膩的筆調,廣泛運用獨白和自由聯想等多種藝術手法,充分展示了主人公的心靈空間,挖掘出了主人公深層意識的活動,從而開創了後世“意識流小說”、“心理小說”的先河,司湯達因此被後人稱為“現代小說之父”。
    • 於連是一個木匠的兒子,年輕英俊、精明能干,一直抱著飛黃騰達,進 入上流社會的夢想。一個機會讓於連在市長家當上了家庭教師,並和市長夫 人產生了暖味關繫。事情敗露後,於連進入神學院,後來成為德·拉莫爾侯 爵的秘書。不久便贏得了侯爵小姐的芳心。二人秘密結婚,於連也因此得到 了騎士稱號。然而,好景不長……於連最終被送上了斷頭臺。
    • BOOK ONE
      Chapter 1 A Small Town
      Chapter 2 A Mayor
      Chapter 3 The Welfare of the Poor
      Chapter 4 Father and Son
      Chapter 5 A Negotiation
      Chapter 6 Ennui
      Chapter 7 Elective Affinities
      Chapter 8 Minor Events
      Chapter 9 A Rural Evening
      Chapter 10 A Great Heart and a Little Fortune
      Chapter 11 An Evening
      Chapter 12 A Journey
      Chapter 13 Open Work Stockings
      Chapter 14 English Scissors
      Chapter 15 The Cockcrow
      Chapter 16 The Following Day
      Chapter 17 The First Deputy
      Chapter 18 A King at Verrieres
      Chapter 19 Thought Brings Suffering
      Chapter 20 Anonymous Letters
      Chapter 21 Dialogue with a Master
      Chapter 22 Modes of Behaviour in 1830
      Chapter 23 The Frustrations of a Public Servant
      Chapter 24 A Capital
      Chapter 25 The Seminary
      Chapter 26 The World,or What the Rich Don't Have
      Chapter 27 First Experience of Life
      Chapter 28 A Procession
      Chapter 29 The First Promotion
      Chapter 30 An Ambitious Man
      BOOK TWO
      Chapter 1 The Pleasures of the Countryside
      Chapter 2 Entry into the World
      Chapter 3 First Steps
      Chapter 4 The Hotel de La Mole
      Chapter 5 Sensitivity,and a Pious Lady
      Chapter 6 A Matter of Pronunciation
      Chapter 7 An Attack of Gout
      Chapter 8 What Decoration Confers Distinction?
      Chapter 9 The Ball
      Chapter 10 Queen Marguerite
      Chapter 11 The Tyranny of a Girl!
      Chapter 12 Will He Be a Danton?
      Chapter 13 A Plot
      Chapter 14 Reflections of a Young Lady
      Chapter 15 Is It a Plot?
      Chapter 16 One in the Morning
      Chapter 17 An Old Sword
      Chapter 18 Cruel Moments
      Chapter 19 The Opera Bouffe
      Chapter 20 The Japanese Vase
      Chapter 21 Thte Secret Note
      Chapter 22 The Discussion
      Chapter 23 The Clergy,Woodlands,Liberty
      Chapter 24 Strasbourg
      Chapter 25 The Department of Virtue
      Chapter 26 Love in the Mind
      Chapter 27 The Finest Places in the Church
      Chapter 28 Manon Lescaut
      Chapter 29 Ennui
      Chapter 30 A Box at the Opera Bouffe
      Chapter 31 Make Her Afraid
      Chapter 32 The Tiger
      Chapter 33 The Torments of Weakness
      Chapter 34 A Man of Intelligence
      Chapter 35 A Storm
      Chapter 36 Melancholy Details
      Chapter 37 A Keep
      Chapter 38 A Man of Power
      Chapter 39 Intrigue
      Chapter 40 Tranquillity
      Chapter 41 The Trial
      Chapter 42
      Chapter 43
      Chapter 44
      Chapter 45
    • Julien, though stunned by the force of the blow, and allbloody, returned to his official station by the saw. He hadtears in his eyes, caused less by physical pain than by the lossof his book, which he adored. "Come down, you animal, so I can talk to you." The roarof the mechanism still prevented Julien from hearing theorder. His father, who had descended, and didn't want thebother of climbing up the machine again, went to find a longrod for knocking down walnuts and rapped him on theshoulder with it. Julien had hardly touched the ground whenold Sorel, driving him roughly in front, pushed him towardsthe house. God knows what he'll do with me! said the youngman to himself. In passing he looked sadly at the streamwhere his book had fallen; it was the one he loved the most,the Memorials of St Helena. His cheeks were heavily flushed and his eyes lowered.He was a slight young man of eighteen or nineteen, weak inappearance, with irregular but delicate features and anaquiline nose. The great dark eyes, which in more peacefulmoments proclaimed thoughtfulness and fire, were at thatmoment animated by an expression of the fiercest hatred.Dark chestnut hair worn very far down gave him a lowforehead and, when he was angry, a wicked look. Among theinnumerable varieties of human physiognomy, none,perhaps, could be marked by so striking an individuality. Agraceful, well-proportioned figure suggested more oflitheness than of strength. From his early childhood, hisexcessively pensive air and his extreme pallor had given hisfather the idea that he wouldn't live long, or that he wouldlive only to be an expense to his family. Despised by thewhole household, he hated his brothers and his father; in theSunday games on the public square he was always beaten. It was less than a year ago that his pretty face had begun to earn him some friendly feelings among the girls. Scorned by everyone as a feeble creature, Julien had worshipped the old Surgeon-major who once dared to speak to the Mayor on the subject of plane trees. Sometimes the Surgeon had paid Pere Sorel for a day of his son's time, and taught him Latin and history -- that is to say, what he knew of history, the campaign in Italy in 1796.Dying, he had left him his cross of the Legion of Honour, the arrears of his half pay and thirty or forty books, the most precious of which had just flown into that public stream,diverted through the influence of the Mayor. Julien had scarcely entered the house when he felt his shoulder grabbed back by his father's powerful hand; he trembled, expecting some blows. --Answer me without lying, shouted the hard voice of the old peasant in his ear, while his hand turned him round as a child's hand turns a lead soldier. Julien's great tear-filled eyes found themselves facing straight into the small spiteful eyes of the old carpenter, who had the air of wanting to read him to the depths of his soul. P26-27
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