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  • 新商務英語閱讀教程(3新商務英語教程國家十二五職業規劃教材)
    該商品所屬分類:外語 -> 大學英語
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302397045
    • 作者:編者:周瑞傑|總主編:楊亞軍//周瑞傑//謝職安
    • 頁數:158
    • 出版日期:2015-06-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-06-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:266千字
    • “新商務英語教程”繫列教材采用話題、語言技
      Objectives,Lead-in,Embracing English,
      Extending Your English和Self-evaluation 5個
    • Unit 1 Management
      Learning Objectives
      Section A Lead-in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A What Is Management?
      Text B True Leadership and Teamwork
      Section C Extending Your English
      I.Approaching the reading skill:Interpreting texts by going outside it(整體理解篇章結構)1
      II.Applying the reading skill:Being Hard or Soft?
      III.Job skill:Reading and understanding intemal communication texts(讀懂公司內部交流文本)
      Section D Self-evaluation
      Unit 2 Budgeting
      Learning Objectives
      SectionA Lead-in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A Prepare a Working Budget for Business Success
      Text B Budgeting
      Section C Extending Your English
      I.Approaching the reading skill:Interpreting texts by going outside it(整體理解篇章結構)2
      II.Applying the reading skill:The Benefits of Budgeting
      III.Job skill:Reading and understanding short texts from business settings(讀懂商務活動相關文本)
      Section D Self-evaluation
      Unit 3 Employee Benefits
      Learning Objectives
      Section A Lead-in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A What Is Employee Welfare?
      Text B Objectives ofEmployeeWelfare
      Section C ExtendingYour English
      I.Approachingthereading sldU:Tellingopinionsfromfacts(分辨觀點與事實)1
      II.Applying the reading skill:Google Benefits and Day Care
      III.Job skill:Reading and understanding business letters(讀懂商務信函)1
      Section D Self-evaluation
      Unit 4 E-business
      Learning Objectives
      Section A Lead-in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A Optimizing the E-business
      Text B Pros and Cons of E-business
      Section C Extending Your English
      I.Approachingthe reading skill:Tellingopinionsfromfacts(分辨觀點與事實)2
      II.Applyingthe reading skill:E-businessDreamMergers
      III.Job skill:Reading and understanding business letters(讀懂商務信函)2
      Section D Self-evaluation
      Unit 5 Foreign Trade
      Learning Objectives
      Section A Lead.in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A What Is International Trade?
      Text B Advantages&Disadvantages ofIntemational Trade
      Section C ExtendingYonrEnglish
      I.Approaching the reading skill:Summarize the main idea of the text(概括文章大意)1
      II.Applying the reading skill:Prepare Your Product for Import/Export
      III.Job skill:Readingandunderstandingvisualinformation--tables(讀懂表格)
      Section D Self-evaluation
      Unit 6 Trade Fairs
      Learning Objectives
      Section A Lead-in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A GettingtheMostFromTrade Shows
      Text B Trade Shows
      Section C Extending Your English7
      I.Approaching the reading skill:Summarize the main idea ofthe text(概括文章大意)2
      II.Applyingthereading skill:Exhibitions&TradeShows--The History and Purpose
      III.Job skill:Reading and understanding visual information--graphs(讀懂曲線圖和柱狀圖)
      Section D Self-evaluation
      Unit 7 Logistics
      Learning Objectives
      Section A Lead-in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A Logistics:What It Is and Why It's Important to Your Company
      Text B Logistics:VitaltoEveryBusiness
      Section C Extending Your English
      I.Approaching the reading skill:Understanding cohesion between parts of a text(grammatical)(理解語篇中的語法銜接)
      II.Applyingthe reading skill:ImportanceofLogisticsinToday's Global Economy
      III.Job skill:Reading and understanding visual information--charts(讀懂組織結構圖、流程圖和餅圖)
      Section D Self-evaluation
      Unit 8 Insurance
      Learning Objectives
      Section A Lead-in
      Section B Embracing English
      Text A HOW Does Insurance Work?
      Text B Buying Business Insurance
      Section C ExtendingYour English
      I.Approaching the reading skill:Understanding cohesion between parts of a text(lexical)(理解語篇中的詞彙銜接)
      II.Applyingthe reading skill:U.S.Insttrance Giants Declare Neta Free-Trade Zone
      III.Job skill:Reading and understanding visual in formation--illustrations(讀懂示意圖)
      Section D Self-evaluation
      New Words and Expressions
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