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  • 俱進英語綜合教程(2教師用書)
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    • 出版社:上海外教
    • ISBN:9787544644006
    • 作者:編者:竇菊花|總主編:苗京偉
    • 頁數:238
    • 出版日期:2017-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2017-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:432千字
    • 竇菊花主編的《俱進英語綜合教程(2教師用書)
    • Module 1 Recitation
      Unit 1 Wind
      Part I A Poem to Appreciate
      Part II A Song to Sing
      Section A BIowingin the Wind
      Section B Colors of the Wind
      Part III A Passage to Read
      Section A Wind
      Section B Feather in the Wind
      Part IV After-class Recitation
      Unit 2 Rain
      Part I A Poem to Appreciate
      Part II A Passage to Read
      Section A April Showers Bring May Flowers
      Section B Run out of the Rainy Season of Your Life
      Part III A Song to Sing
      Section A Over the Rainbow
      Section B Sunshine after Rain
      Part IV After-class Recitation
      Unit 3 Snow
      Part I A Passage to Read
      Part II A Poem to Appreciate
      Section A Snow Song
      Section B Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
      Part III A Song to Sing
      Section A Edelweiss
      Section B SummerSnow
      Part IV After-class Recitation
      Unit 4 Moon
      Part I A Passage to Read
      Part II A Poem to Appreciate
      Section A Walk with Me in Moonlight
      Section B ThinkingofYou
      Part III A Song to Sing
      Section A Moon River
      Section B Same Side of the Moon
      Part IV After-class Recitation
      Module 2 Translation
      Unit 1 Business Etiquette
      Part I Previewing.
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A Using Phones in a Meeting
      Section B A Trip Abroad
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 2 Job Hunting
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      SectionA Brief Introduction
      Section B Other Questions in Job Interview.
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 3 Introducing a Company
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A Who Do You Work for?
      Section B Visiting a Company
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 4 Managing Orifice Work
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A Taking a Telephone Message
      Section B Talking about Business Schedule
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 5 Business Trips
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A How Was Your Business Trip?
      Section B Planning a Business Trip
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 6 Receiving Guests
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A Meeting the Client at the Airport
      Section B Seeinga Client Off
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 7 Promoting Products and Services
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A Sales Promotion
      Section B Introducing Products to Client
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns...
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 8 Negotiation
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A Price Negotiation
      Section B Negotiations Relatingto Commission.
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 9 SocialActivities
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A At a Party
      Section B Going to a Party
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Unit 10 Job Reassignment
      Part I Previewing
      Part II Work-place Situation Simulation
      Section A Being Offered a Promotion
      Section B Talking about Promotion
      Part III Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      Part IV Work-place Skills Practice
      Part V Work-place Skills Extension
      Module 3 Culture
      Unit 1 Sports
      Part I Lead-in
      Part II Reading
      Section A Origin of the World Cup
      Section B The Olympic Games
      Section C Yao Ming's Retirement Speech
      Part III Culture Express
      Part IV Extended Exercises
      Unit 2 Tourism
      Part I Lead-in
      Part II Reading
      Section A Windsor Castle
      Section B Tips on Traveling to China for the First Time
      Section C When to Come to London: London by Month
      Part III Culture Express
      Part IV Extended Exercises
      Unit 3 Wedding Customs
      Part I Lead-in
      Part II Reading
      Section A Traditional Chinese Weddings
      Section B British Customs of Wedding
      Section C Weddings around the World
      Part III Culture Express
      Part IV Extended Exercises
      Unit 4 Low-carbon Life
      Part I Lead-in
      Part II Reading
      Section A Low-carbon Lifestyle
      Section B Living a Low-carbon Lifestyle Needn't Be Difficult
      Section C Low-carbon Lifeon Campus
      Part III Culture Express
      Part IV Extended Exercises
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