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    【作者】 張力,劉茗翀 
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    書名:民用航空實務英語(第2版) 民用航空實務英語(第2版)





    作  者: 張力 劉茗翀 楊桂芹 苗俊霞 車雲月 著
    定  價: 59
    出?版?社: 清華大學出版社
    出版日期: 2020年04月01日
    頁  數: 224
    裝  幀: 平裝
    ISBN: 9787302547068

    "《民用航空實務英語》是“高等院校民航服務專業繫列教材”項目實踐教材之一,以民航實務工作情境為主線的特色,體現了以語言交際功能為中心,以近期新的專門用途英語(English for Specific Purposes,ESP)教學理念作為理論依據,以學習為中心,充分考慮到了民航專業學習者本身及其語言學習和未來工作的需要。     "

    ●Contents Part Ⅰ At an Airport Unit 1 Introductions to a Flight Schedule(航班行程時刻表介紹) 2 1.1 24-hour System & 12-hour Clock Time 2 1.2 Airport/City Codes(機場代碼與城市代碼) 5 1.3 Airline Designator Codes(航空公司代碼) 5 1.4 Aircraft Types(機型) 9 1.5 Business Class(公務艙) 10 Words and Expressions 11 Practice 12 Part Ⅱ Conversations on Board Unit 2 Service on Board(機上服務) 28 2.1 Greeting and Assisting to the Seat(登機引導) 28 2.2 Jackets or Coats(掛衣服) 28 2.3 Hot Towels(熱毛巾) 28 2.4 Drinks(迎賓飲料) 28 2.5 Offering Pajamas, Slippers and Amenity Kits(提供休閑服、拖鞋、盥洗包) 29 2.6 Newspapers(送報紙) 29 2.7 Menu Introduction(介紹餐譜) 29 2.8 Drinks Offer(侍酒飲) 29 2.9 Clearing Glasses(收杯子) 30 2.10 If a Passenger Doesn’t Like the Wine(如果旅客不喜歡這款酒) 30 2.11 Table Preparation(擺餐桌) 31 2.12 Meals(供餐) 31 2.13 Closure(開餐結束語) 31 2.14 Tray Collection(收餐盤) 31 2.15 Collection(整理餐桌) 31 2.16 In-flight Refreshments (點心服務) 32 2.17 Headsets(耳機) 32 2.18 Making the Bed(鋪床) 32 2.19 Communication after the Rest(醒後溝通) 32 2.20 Offering CIQ Forms(提供CIQ表格) 32 Words and Expressions 33 Practice 34 Unit 3 Dealing with Spe Situations(特殊情況處理) 44 3.1 Case Analysis : The Crew Seems to Be Ignoring Me! (個案分析:乘務員忽略我!) 44 3.2 Case Analysis: I Can’t Sit by My Colleague! (個案分析:我不能和同事坐在一起!) 47 3.3 Case Analysis: The Service on This Flight Is Terrible! (個案分析:這個飛機上的服務 太糟糕了!) 47 Words and Expressions 48 Practice 49 Unit 4 Communication with Passengers(與乘客溝通) 51 4.1 Boarding(登機) 51 4.1.1 Greetings(歡迎) 51 4.1.2 Seating(座位) 52 4.1.3 Belongings(隨身物品) 53 Words and Expressions 54 4.2 Before Take-off(起飛前) 55 4.2.1 Safety Check(安全檢查) 55 4.2.2 Cabin Getting Ready(客艙準備) 56 Words and Expressions 56 4.3 In-flight Service(空中服務) 56 4.3.1 General(常規的) 56 4.3.2 Safety(安全) 58 4.3.3 Beverages(飲料) 58 4.3.4 Meals(供餐) 60 4.3.5 Duty Free Sales(免稅品銷售) 63 4.3.6 Phoenix Miles and Change for Hope(知音卡和零錢捐贈) 64 4.3.7 Air Bar(空中酒廊) 65 4.3.8 CIQ(海關移民局檢疫) 65 4.3.9 Relaxation(娛樂休息) 66 Words and Expressions 68 4.4 Landing(落地) 70 4.4.1 Disembarkation(下客) 70 4.4.2 Airport and Destination(機場和目的地) 71 4.4.3 China Beijing(中國北京) 72 4.4.4 Airport Service(機場服務) 73 Words and Expressions 74 4.5 Spe Situations(特殊情況) 75 4.5.1 Explanation and Service(安撫) 75 4.5.2 Disembarkation(下客) 76 4.5.3 Complaint(投訴) 76 4.5.4 Lost & Found(失物認領) 78 4.6 Spe Passengers(特殊旅客) 78 4.6.1 UM(無人陪伴兒童) 78 4.6.2 CIP(常旅客) 79 4.6.3 Disabled Passengers(殘疾旅客) 79 4.6.4 Infants(嬰兒) 81 4.6.5 Sickness(不適或疾病) 81 4.7 Emergency Situation(緊急情況) 82 Words and Expressions 82 Practice 83 Part Ⅲ Announcements Unit 5 Domestic Cabin Announcements(國內機艙廣播) 106 5.1 Prior to Take-off(起飛前) 106 5.1.1 Welcome(歡迎詞) 106 5.1.2 Safety Demonstration(安全演示) 107 5.1.3 Seat Belt Confirmation Prior to Take-off (起飛前確認繫好安全帶) 108 5.1.4 Domestic Order of Service(國內航線及服務介紹) 108 Words and Expressions 109 5.2 Prior to Landing(著陸前) 110 5.2.1 Before Landing(著陸前) 110 5.2.2 Farewell and Giving Regards(著陸前致意) 111 5.2.3 Video Demonstration of the Transit Procedures(中轉流程的視頻演示) 111 5.2.4 Announcement of Transit Flights(中轉航班通告) 112 5.2.5 Seat Belt Confirmation Before Landing(落地前確認繫好安全帶) 112 5.2.6 Transit(中途著陸) 112 5.2.7 Terminal Landing(終點著陸) 113 Words and Expressions 114 Practice 115 Unit 6 International Cabin Announcements(國際機艙廣播) 122 6.1 Prior to Take-off(起飛前) 122 6.1.1 Welcome(歡迎詞) 122 6.1.2 Safety Demonstration(安全演示) 123 6.1.3 Seat Belt Confirmation Prior to Take-off(起飛前確認繫好安全帶) 124 6.1.4 International Order of Service(國際航線及服務介紹) 125 6.1.5 Quarantine (General)[檢疫規定(通用)] 126 6.1.6 Quarantine in Italy(意大利檢疫規定) 126 6.1.7 Quarantine in Australia(澳大利亞檢疫規定) 127 6.1.8 Quarantine in Japan(日本檢疫規定) 127 6.1.9 Entry Documents and Immigration Regulations(入境及海關規定) 128 6.1.10 Completion of Landing Forms(美國申報單填寫) 128 6.1.11 Japanese Immigration Regulations(日本入境規定) 129 6.1.12 German Immigration Regulations(德國入境規定) 129 Words and Expressions 130 6.2 During Flight(飛行期間) 130 6.2.1 Cruising(平穩航行中) 130 6.2.2 Duty-free Sales(出售免稅品廣播) 131 6.2.3 Health Video(健康養生視頻) 132 6.2.4 Concluding the Duty-free Sales(停止出售免稅品廣播) 132 6.2.5 Spraying for Disinfection(噴藥) 132 6.2.6 20/30 Minutes Prior to Landing(著陸前20/30分鐘) 133 6.2.7 Farewell and Giving Regards(著陸前致意) 134 6.2.8 Video Demonstration of the Transit Procedures(視頻演示中轉流程) 134 6.2.9 Announcement of Transit Flights(中轉航班通告) 134 Words and Expressions 135 6.3 Prior to Landing(落地前) 136 6.3.1 Seat Belt Fastened(確認繫好安全帶) 136 6.3.2 Terminal Landing(終點著陸) 136 6.3.3 International-domestic Connecting(國內經停) 137 6.3.4 International Connecting(國際經停) 139 6.3.5 International Connecting-PAX(國際經停,旅客機上等候) 140 Words and Expressions 141 Practice 141 Unit 7 Spe Occasions Announcements(特殊情況廣播) 152 7.1 Brief Introduction(簡要介紹) 152 7.1.1 Organizations(各類團體) 152 7.1.2 Maiden Flight(首航) 152 7.1.3 Anniversary of Air China(中國國際航空周年紀念日) 153 7.1.4 Merged Flights(合並航班) 153 7.1.5 Take-off(中途起飛) 154 Words and Expressions 155 7.2 In the Cabin(艙內情況) 155 7.2.1 Prior to Door Closing(關艙門登機前) 155 7.2.2 Picking up Duty-free Merchandise(領取免稅品) 155 7.2.3 Head Count(清點旅客) 156 7.2.4 Passengers Cancel Journey(因旅客臨時取消航班而清艙) 156 7.2.5 Temporarily Adjusting Seats(臨時調整座位) 157 7.2.6 Auxiliary Power Supply Failure and Increase of CabinTemperature(APU故障,客艙 溫度過高) 157 7.2.7 Delay in Departure(延誤起飛) 158 7.2.8 Delay (Congestion)[延誤(飛機排隊等待起飛)] 158 7.2.9 Extended Delay(繼續延誤) 158 7.2.10 Having All Passengers Rest and Wait in the Terminal(回候機室休息) 159 7.2.11 Changing Aircraft(換乘飛機) 159 7.2.12 Cancelled Flight(航班取消) 159 7.2.13 Safety Check(安全檢查) 160 7.2.14 Taxiing(滑行) 160 7.2.15 Cabin Installations(客艙設備介紹) 160 7.2.16 Equipped with Telephone(衛星電話) 161 7.2.17 Immigration Form/Customs Form/Quarantine Regulations Form Unavailable on Board (機上未配備目的地入境卡、海關申報單、檢疫申明卡) 161 7.2.18 Video System Failure(視頻繫統故障) 162 7.2.19 Clogged Toilet(衛生間故障) 162 Words and Expressions 162 7.3 Before Disembarkation(下機前) 163 7.3.1 Water Supply System Failure(供水繫統故障停止供應熱飲) 163 7.3.2 Lost and Found(失物認領) 164 7.3.3 Request for Medical Assistance(找醫生) 164 7.3.4 Suspension of Hot Drink Service Due to Turbulence(因顛簸,暫停提供熱飲) 164 7.3.5 Turbulence (Suspension of Cabin Service)[顛簸(暫停服務)] 165 7.3.6 Headsets Collection(回收耳機) 165 7.3.7 Flying Directly(直飛) 165 7.3.8 Circling(空中盤旋) 166 7.3.9 Landing Delay(著陸延遲) 166 7.3.10 Landing in Advance(提前著陸) 166 7.3.11 Return/Alternate Flight(返航/備降) 167 7.3.12 Returning to Airports/Arriving in Alternate Airports(到達返航/備降機場) 167 7.3.13 PAX May Leave Belongings on Board(行李不拿下飛機) 168 7.3.14 Taxiing After Landing(著陸後滑行) 168 7.3.15 Delay (Parking Area)[等待(停機位)] 168 7.3.16 Tail Support(貨物太重加支尾撐杆) 169 7.3.17 Delay (Transit Bus)[等待(擺渡車)] 169 7.3.18 Taking the Transit Bus(停靠遠機位,乘坐擺渡車) 169 7.3.19 Waiting for Inspecting Officer(聯檢單位未到) 170 7.3.20 Announcement of Disembarkation(下機通告) 170 7.3.21 Prompting of Getting Passports Ready for Check(提示乘客持護照下機接受檢查) 170 7.3.22 Reporting a Theft Case to the Security Authorities(偷盜報案) 171 Words and Expressions 171 Practice 172 Unit 8 Emergency Announcements 179 8.1 Fire in the Cabin(客艙失火) 179 8.1.1 Decompression(客艙釋壓) 179 8.1.2 Announcement of the Cabin Fire(客艙失火通告) 179 8.1.3 Fire Extinguished(滅火後) 180 8.1.4 Emergency Landing (Ditching)[陸地(海上)迫降] 180 8.1.5 Emergency Announcements(On Behalf of the Captain)[緊急廣播(代表機長)] 180 Words and Expressions 181 8.2 Announcements by the Crew Chief(乘務長廣播) 181 8.2.1 Cabin Tidying and Seatback/Table Fastening(客艙整理、固定好座椅靠背/小桌板) 181 8.2.2 Introduction to the Exit(緊急出口介紹) 182 8.2.3 Aid Donors Selection(選擇援助者) 182 8.2.4 Taking Away Sharp Objects(取下尖銳物品) 182 8.2.5 Safety Position(防衝擊姿勢說明) 183 8.2.6 Demonstration of the Usage of a Life Vest(救生衣使用演示) 183 8.2.7 Safety Instructions Leaflet(安全說明書) 184 8.2.8 Security Tips(安全提示) 184 8.2.9 Cabin Lights Dimming(調暗客艙燈光) 185 8.2.10 Upper Deck Exits Boeing 747(B747飛機上艙緊急出口) 185 8.2.11 Before Emergency Landing(著陸前防衝擊警告廣播) 185 Words and Expressions 185 Practice 186 Unit 9 Airport Announcements(機場廣播) 192 9.1 Paging Departure(登機廣播) 192 9.2 Commencement of Check-in(辦理登機手續廣播) 192 9.3 Check-in Closing(登機手續即將完畢廣播) 192 9.4 Commencement of Boarding(開始登機廣播) 193 9.5 Final Boarding Call(登機最後一次廣播) 194 9.6 Boarding Announcement for Delayed Departure(航班延誤後的登機廣播) 194 9.7 Irregularity Delay Due to Weather Indefinite Time(因天氣原因,航班非正常延誤廣播) 195 9.8 Irregularity Delay Due to Weather Definite Departure Time(因天氣原因航班延誤,起飛時間 確定的廣播) 195 9.9 Refreshments Are Offered Due to Delay(因延誤而提供免費餐飲的廣播) 196 9.10 Delay Due to Maintenance(因飛機維修,航班延誤的廣播) 196 9.11 Delay Due to Technical Reasons(因技術原因,航班延誤的廣播) 196 9.12 Anticipated Diversion or Return(航班預計改航或回航的廣播) 197 9.13 Cancellations(航班取消廣播) 197 9.14 Connecting Passenger Information(聯程航班廣播) 198 9.15 Boarding Announcement(通知旅客登機廣播) 198 9.16 Paging for Standby Passenger(通知候補旅客廣播) 198 9.17 Paging for Claiming Baggage(通知認領行李廣播) 198 9.18 Customs Clearance(辦理結關手續廣播) 199 9.19 Customs Clearance and Baggage Claim(辦理結關手續並認領行李廣播) 199 9.20 Bus Service Available(班車服務廣播) 199 Words and Expressions 199 Practice 201 Bibliography(參考文獻) 208                                                  



    《民用航空實務英語(第2版)》共三個部分:部分為航班時刻表的英語表達法,以及城市、機場、航空公司、機型的英語表達法;第二部分主要訓練機艙服務人員面對常規及特殊情況時運用英語的能力;第三部分為英語廣播詞,主要分為靠前廣播詞、靠前廣播詞、特殊情況廣播詞、緊急情況廣播詞和機場廣播詞等。《民用航空實務英語(第2版)》專業名詞均配有漢語注釋均配有詞彙表和練習,可供學生查閱和練習使用。 《民用航空實務英語(第2版)》為民航服務專業本科英語教材,可供空中乘務等相關專業使用,同時可作為對航空英語感興趣的讀者的參考用書。


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