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    會計專業英語 附聽力音頻

    作  者: 耿雲江 著
    定  價: 42
    出?版?社: 人民郵電出版社
    出版日期: 2018年09月01日
    頁  數: 212
    裝  幀: 平裝
    ISBN: 9787115472472


    ●Chapter 1 Overview of Accounting 1
    Listening Online 1
    Learning Objectives 1
    1.1 Accounting and Accounting Profession 1
    1.1.1 Ethics 2
    1.1.2 Accounting Function 2
    1.1.3 Accounting Information Users 3
    1.1.4 Accounting Profession 3
    1.2 Accounting Assumptions 4
    1.2.1 Business Entity 4
    1.2.2 Going-concern 5
    1.2.3 Monetary Unit 6
    1.2.4 Time Period 7
    1.3 Accounting Principles 8
    1.3.1 Accrual Basis 8
    1.3.2 Historical Cost 9
    1.3.3 Realization 10
    1.3.4 Matching 11
    1.3.5 Full Disclosure 11
    1.4 Quality Characteristics of Accounting Information 11
    1.4.1 Relevance 13
    1.4.2 Reliability 13
    1.4.3 Comparability 14
    1.4.4 Materiality 14
    Key Terminologies 15
    Review and Discussion Questions 17
    Exercises 17
    參考譯文 18
    Chapter 2 Accounting Cycle 26
    Listening Online 26
    Learning Objectives 26
    2.1 Accounting Equation and
    Double-entry System 26
    2.1.1 Accounting Equation 26
    2.1.2 Double-entry System 27
    2.2 Accounting Cycle 27
    2.3 Journals 28
    2.4 Ledgers 29
    2.5 Adjusting 30
    2.5.1 Prepaid Expenses 30
    2.5.2 Accrued Expenses 31
    2.5.3 Accrued Revenues 32
    2.5.4 Unearned Revenues 32
    2.6 Closing Process 33
    2.6.1 Temporary and Permanent Accounts 33
    2.6.2 Posting Closing Entries 33
    2.7 Trial Balance 34
    2.7.1 Steps in Preparing a Trial Balance 34
    2.7.2 Searching For and Correcting Errors 35
    Key Terminologies 36
    Review and Discussion Questions 37
    Exercises 37
    參考譯文 38
    Chapter 3 Finan Statements 45
    Listening Online 45
    Learning Objectives 45
    3.1 Balance Sheet 45
    3.1.1 Components of Balance Sheet 45
    3.1.2 Form of Balance Sheet 47
    3.2 Income Statement 50
    3.2.1 Components of Income Statement 50
    3.2.2 Form of Income Statement 52
    3.3 Cash Flow Statement 54
    3.3.1 Components of Cash Flow Statement 54
    3.3.2 Preparation of Cash Flow Statement 55
    3.4 Statement of Changes in Equity 58
    3.4.1 Components of Statement of Changes in Equity 59
    3.4.2 Preparation of Statement of Changes in Equity 59
    3.5 Notes to Finan Statements 61
    3.5.1 Accounting Policy 61
    3.5.2 Finan Instruments 61
    3.5.3 Related Party Transactions 62
    3.5.4 Contingencies 62
    3.5.5 Subsequent Events 62
    Key Terminologies 65
    Review and Discussion Questions 66
    Exercises 67
    參考譯文 68
    Chapter 4 Current Assets 81
    Listening Online 81
    Learning Objectives 81
    4.1 Monetary Capital 81
    4.1.1 Cash 81
    4.1.2 Management of Cash-bank Reconciliation 82
    4.1.3 Internal Control Over Cash 83
    4.1.4 Petty Cash Fund 84
    4.1.5 Cash Over and Short 84
    4.2 Receivables 85
    4.2.1 Classification of Receivables 85
    4.2.2 Bad Debts 85
    4.2.3 Estimation of Bad Debts 87
    4.3 Inventories 88
    4.3.1 Inventory System 88
    4.3.2 Cost of Inventory Acquired 89
    4.3.3 Ending Inventory Valuation 89
    Key Terminologies 91
    Review and Discussion Questions 92
    Exercises 92
    參考譯文 93
    Chapter 5 Non-current
    Assets 100
    Listening Online 100
    Learning Objectives 100
    5.1 Fixed Assets 100
    5.1.1 Definition and Characteristics of Fixed Assets 100
    5.1.2 Classification of Fixed Assets 101
    5.1.3 Costs of Fixed Assets 101
    5.1.4 Post-acquisition Expenditures 102
    5.1.5 Depreciation and Impairment 103
    5.1.6 Disposals of Fixed Assets 104
    5.2 Intangible Assets 105
    5.2.1 Definition and Characteristics of Intangible Assets 105
    5.2.2 Main Categories of Intangible Assets 105
    5.2.3 Recognition and Measurement of Intangible Assets 106
    5.2.4 Post-acquisition Measurement 107
    5.2.5 Disposals of Intangible Assets 108
    5.3 Investments 108
    5.3.1 Objectives of Investment 108
    5.3.2 Types of Securities 109
    Key Terminologies 110
    Review and Discussion Questions 111
    Exercises 111
    參考譯文 113
    Chapter 6 Liabilities and Owner’s
    Equity 119
    Listening Online 119
    Learning Objectives 119
    6.1 Current Liabilities 119
    6.1.1 Definition of Current Liabilities 119
    6.1.2 Accounts Payable 120
    6.1.3 Short-term Notes Payable 120
    6.1.4 Unearned Revenue 120
    6.1.5 Short-term Borrowings 120
    6.1.6 Accrued Liabilities 121
    6.1.7 Dividend Payable 121
    6.1.8 Current Portion of Long-term Obligation 121
    6.2 Non-current Liabilities 122
    6.2.1 Long-term Borrowings 123
    6.2.2 Bonds Payable 123
    6.2.3 Long-term Notes Payable 124
    6.2.4 Pension Plans 124
    6.3 Types of Organization 125
    6.3.1 Sole Proprietorship 125
    6.3.2 Partnership 125
    6.3.3 Corporation 126
    6.4 Owner’s Equity 127
    6.4.1 Rights of Stockholders 127
    6.4.2 Retained Earnings 128
    6.4.3 Dividend 128
    Key Terminologies 129
    Review and Discussion Questions 130
    Exercises 130
    參考譯文 131
    Chapter 7 Revenue and
    Expense 138
    Listening Online 138
    Learning Objectives 138
    7.1 Revenue 138
    7.1.1 Definition of Revenue 138
    7.1.2 The Earning Process of Revenue 139
    7.1.3 Recognition of Revenue 139
    7.2 Expense 141
    7.2.1 Definition of Expense 141
    7.2.2 Cost Vs Expense 142
    7.2.3 Recognition of Expense 142
    7.2.4 Specific Expense Items 142
    Key Terminologies 144
    Review and Discussion Questions 144
    Exercises 144
    參考譯文 146
    Chapter 8 Cost Accounting 150
    Listening Online 150
    Learning Objectives 150
    8.1 Overview of Cost Accounting 150
    8.1.1 Definition of Cost
    Accounting 150
    8.1.2 Features of Cost Accounting 150
    8.1.3 Finan Accounting, Management Accounting and
    Cost Accounting 151
    8.1.4 Cost Classifications 152
    8.2 Costing Method 155
    8.2.1 Job-order Costing 155
    8.2.2 Process Costing 156
    8.2.3 Activity Based Costing 158
    Key Terminologies 160
    Review and Discussion Questions 161
    Exercises 161
    參考譯文 162
    Chapter 9 Management Accounting 168
    Listening Online 168
    Learning Objectives 168
    9.1 Introduction to Management Accounting 168
    9.1.1 Definition of Management Accounting 168
    9.1.2 Comparison of Finan and Management Accounting 168
    9.1.3 Functions of Management Accounting 170
    9.2 Cost Behavior 171
    9.2.1 Variable Cost 171
    9.2.2 Fixed Cost 172
    9.2.3 Mixed Cost 172
    9.3 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 173
    9.3.1 Basic Concept of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 173
    9.3.2 Break-even Analysis 174
    9.3.3 Target Profit Analysis 175
    9.4 Budget and Performance
    Evaluation 176
    9.4.1 Budget 176
    9.4.2 Performance Evaluation 177
    Key Terminologies 179
    Review and Discussion Questions 180
    Exercises 180
    參考譯文 181
    Chapter 10 Audit 187
    Listening Online 187
    Learning Objectives 187
    10.1 Introduction to Audit 187
    10.1.1 Definition of Audit 187
    10.1.2 Types of Audit 189
    10.1.3 Types of Auditors 190
    10.1.4 Componets of Audit Report 191
    10.2 Audit Procedure 192
    10.2.1 Management Assertions 192
    10.2.2 Identify Audit Objectives 193
    10.2.3 Carry Out Audit Specifically 194
    10.3 Internal Control 198
    10.3.1 Definition of Internal Control 198
    10.3.2 Development History of Internal Control 199
    10.3.3 Elements of Internal Control 199
    Key Terminologies 202
    Review and Discussion Questions 203
    Exercises 203
    參考譯文 204





    耿雲江 著


    耿雲江,2002年4月至今任教東北財經大學會計學院,主要講授管理會計、Finan Statement Analysis,會計英語等。參編不錯財務管理、管理會計、公司理財等教材多部。

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