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  • 英語(供全國中等衛生職業學校醫藥衛生各專業用國家衛生和計劃生育委員會十二五規劃教材)
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    • 出版社:人民衛生
    • ISBN:9787117210683
    • 作者:編者:陶三琴//馮欣|總主編:王蕾
    • 頁數:147
    • 出版日期:2015-08-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-08-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:296千字
    • 基於陶三琴、馮欣、王蕾編寫的《英語(供全國
    • Unit 1 Introduction
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 Introducing Each Other
      Dialogue 2 Filling out the Patient Record
      Passage 1 Health School Days and Middle School Days
      Passage 2 Giving a Case Report
      Part II Reading
      Text A Basic Human Needs
      Text B Hospitals
      Text C How to Write a Case Report
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 2 Asking for and Giving Directions
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 Where is the City Hall?
      Dialogue 2 Getting to the Hospital
      Passage 1 I Passed My Driving Test!
      Passage 2 Nash Wants to See a Doctor
      Part II Reading
      Text A An Unforgettable City
      Text B Admitting a Patient
      Text C Hospital Routines
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 3 Healthy Diet
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 Eating Out
      Dialogue 2 Leaving Hospital
      Passage 1 What Is Health?
      Passage 2 Sleeplessness
      Part II Reading
      Text A How to Keep Healthy
      Text B Good Health Habits for Preventing Flu
      Text C Nutrients
      Part III ,Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 4 Getting to Know Your Body
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 Calling for an Appointment
      Dialogue 2 Seeing a Doctor
      Passage 1 Lily Wants to Be a Nurse. ~
      Passage 2 The Skeleton
      Part II Reading
      Text A "The Doctor" inside Your Own Heart
      Text B Organizing the Body
      Text C Digestion
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 5 Dental Care
      Part I Listening and~peaking
      Dialogue 1 Talking about Healthy Lifestyle
      Dialogue 2 Talking about Toothache
      Passage 1 Dental Care in Ancient Times
      Passage 2 Some Tips for Brushing Teeth
      Part II Reading
      Text A Health Problems Slow Life Spans in the US
      Text B Dental Care from Childhood
      Text C Your Dental Health Care Plan
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 6 Physical Examination
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 When Did You Last Come in for a Physical Exam?
      Dialogue 2 I Hope the Tests Turn out Well
      Passage 1 The Physical Examination
      Passage 2 Weight
      Part' II Reading
      Text A A Breast Cancer Survivor's Story
      Text B Annual Physical Examinations
      Text C X-rays
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 7 Psychological Nursing
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 I'm Always Feeling Anxious!
      Dialogue 2 I'mAfraid I'll Die
      Passage 1 I Got Successful in My Speech!
      Passage 2 To Work as a Mental Health Nurse
      Part II Reading
      Text A Nurses Dismissed for Cruel Actions
      Text B Working as a Psychiatric Nurse
      Text C I Want to Run Away!
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 8 Rehabilitation Guide
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 Using Rehabilitation Devices
      Dialogue 2 How to Use Crutches
      Passage 1 Starting Exercising Now
      Passage 2 How to Avoid a Fall After a Stroke
      Part II Reading
      Text A I Want to Get My Life Back
      Text B Being a Rehabilitation Nurse
      Text C Is It Fit for You?
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
      Unit 9 Prevention
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 Food and Cancer
      Dialogue 2 Staying Warm and Safe in Freezing Weather
      Passage 1 Most Heart Diseases Are Preventable
      Passage 2 Sleep Apnea Raises Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack
      Part II Reading
      Text A Health Club
      Text B Smoking is Harmful
      Text C Prevent Yourself from AIDS
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics "
      Part V Writing
      Unit 10 Team Work
      Part I Listening and speaking
      Dialogue 1 Chatting with an Old Friend
      Dialogue 2 Teamwork
      Passage 1 What Does Team Work Really Mean?
      Passage 2 HowAo Become a Great Nurse
      Part II Reading
      Text A Making the Team Work
      Text B Doctors and Nurses
      Text C Importance of Team Work in Nursing
      Part III Grammar and usage
      Part IV Phonetics
      Part V Writing
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