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  • 群論
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    • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
    • ISBN:9787510078712
    • 作者:(美)雷蒙德
    • 頁數:310
    • 出版日期:2014-09-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-09-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 雷蒙德所著《群論》旨在為物理學家介紹群理論的許多有趣的數學方面,同時將數學家帶入物理應用。針對高年級本科生和研究生,書中給出了有限群和連續群的*全面的特點,並且強調在基礎物理中的應用;展開討論了有限群,重點強調了不可約表示和不變性;詳細論述了李群,也用較多的筆墨講述了Kac-Moody代數,包括Dynkin圖。
    • 1 Preface: the pursuit of symmetries
      2 Finite groups: an introduction
      2.1 Group axioms
      2.2 Finite groups of low order
      2.3 Permutations
      2.4 Basic concepts
      2.4.1 Conjugation
      2.4.2 Simple groups
      2.4.3 Sylow's criteria
      2.4.4 Semi-direct product
      2.4.5 Young Tableaux
      3 Finite groups: representations
      3.1 Introduction
      3.2 Schur's lemmas
      3.3 The ,,44 character table
      3.4 Kronecker products
      3.5 Real and complex representations
      3.6 Embeddings
      3.7 Zn character table
      3.8 Dn character table
      3.9 Q2, character table
      3.10 Some semi-direct products
      3.11 Induced representations
      3.12 Invariants
      3.13 Coverings
      4 Hilbert spaces
      4.1 Finite Hilbert spaces
      4.2 Fermi oscillators
      4.3 Infinite Hilbert spaces
      5 SU(2)
      5.1 Introduction
      5.2 Some representations
      5.3 From Lie algebras to Lie groups
      5.4 SU(2) → SU(1, 1)
      5.5 Selected SU(2) applications
      5.5.1 The isotropic harmonic oscillator
      5.5.2 The Bohr atom
      5.5.3 Isotopic spin
      6 SU(3)
      6.1 SU(3) algebra
      6.2 α-Basis
      6.3 β-Basis
      6.4 α'-Basis
      6.5 The triplet representation
      6.6 The Chevalley basis
      6.7 SU(3) in physics
      6.7.1 The isotropic harmonic oscillator redux
      6.7.2 The Elliott model
      6.7.3 The Sakata model
      6.7.4 The Eightfold Way
      7 Classification of compact simple Lie algebras
      7.1 Classification
      7.2 Simple roots
      7.3 Rank-two algebras
      7.4 Dynkin diagrams
      7.5 Orthonormal bases
      8 Lie algebras: representation theory
      8.1 Representation basics
      8.2 A3 fundamentals
      8.3 The Weyl group
      8.4 Orthogonal Lie algebras
      8.5 Spinor representations
      8.5.1 SO(2n) spinors
      8.5.2 SO(2n + 1) spinors
      8.5.3 Clifford algebra construction
      8.6 Casimir invariants and Dynkin indices
      8.7 Embeddings
      8.8 Oscillator representations
      8.9 Verma modules
      8.9.1 Weyl dimension formula
      8.9.2 Verma basis
      9 Finite groups: the road to simplicity
      9.1 Matrices over Galois fields
      9.1.1 PSL2(7)
      9.1.2 A doubly transitive group
      9.2 Chevalley groups
      9.3 A fleeting glimpse at the sporadic groups
      10 Beyond Lie algebras
      10.1 Serre presentation
      10.2 Affine Kac-Moody algebras
      10.3 Super algebras
      11 The groups of the Standard Model
      11.1 Space-time symmetries
      11.1.1 The Lorentz and Poincar6 groups
      11.1.2 The conformal group
      11.2 Beyond space-time symmetries
      11.2.1 Color and the quark model
      11.3 Invariant Lagrangians
      11.4 Non-Abelian gauge theories
      11.5 The Standard Model
      11.6 Grand Unification
      11.7 Possible family symmetries
      11.7.1 Finite SU(2) and SO(3) subgroups
      11.7.2 Finite SU(3) subgroups
      12 Exceptional structures
      12.1 Hurwitz algebras
      12.2 Matrices over Hurwitz algebras
      12.3 The Magic Square
      Appendix 1 Properties of some finite groups
      Appendix 2 Properties of selected Lie algebras
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