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  • 劍橋國際商務英語(教師用書新版劍橋大學考試委員會推薦BEC2考試用書)
    該商品所屬分類:考試 -> 英語考試
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    *. 電子圖書價格是0.69折,例如了得網價格是100元,電子書pdf的價格則是69元。
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    • 出版社:華夏
    • ISBN:9787508022260
    • 作者:(英)瓊斯//(英)亞歷山大
    • 頁數:224
    • 出版日期:2001-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2009-06-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:6
    • 字數:400千字
    • 《劍橋**商務英語(教師用書)》共設15個單元,對學生用書中的每一個單元的課程都進行了具體詳細的講解,提供必要的商務背景知識和教程中每一單元的語音部分的文字材料及答案。因此,該書十分有助於教師教學和學生自學。本書由瓊斯、亞歷山大著。
    • Thanks
      About the course:Who the Course is for ‘Business English’,Active focus on business 6
      How the course is organized:Units 1 to 4,Units 5 to 14,Unit 15 8
      Type of activities and exercises:integrated activities,Role-play,Files,Guide to the Files in the Student’s
      Book,Listening,Reading,Writing,Discussion and follow-up,Functions,Vocabulary,Extra activities
      Mistakes and correction,Written work 16
      Background information for the non-Business person 17
      Using New International Business English,The Teacher’s Book,The Workbook,Home study 17
      The New International Business English Video 19
      1 Face to face
      Basic skills and techniques for talking to people in business situations
      2 Letters,faxes and memos
      Basic skills and techniques for business correspondence
      3 On the phone
      Basic skills and techniques for using the telephone in business
      4 Summaries,notes,reports
      Basic skills and techniques for writing reports,making notes,summarizing and taking notes of conversations in business
      5 Working together
      Talking about where you work,employment policy,a company’s activities,organization and history
      6 International trade
      Ordering and supplying goods or services,answering and making enquiries,making offers,placing and acknowledging orders
      7 Money matters
      Methods of payment,cash flow,invoicing,dealing with non-payment problems
      8 Dealing with problems
      Complaining and apologizing,delivery and after-sales problems
      9 Visitors and travellers
      Looking after foreign visitors and traveling on businesshotels,restaurants,small talk,telling stories
      10 Marketing
      Marking a product,market research,promotion and advertising
      11 Meetings
      Taking part in formal and informal meetings,one-to one meetings and larger group meetings
      12 Processes and operations
      Explaining and describing operations,giving instructions
      13 Jobs and careers
      Applying for jobs and seeking promotion,participating in interviews
      14 Sales and negotiation
      Selling and buying products,negotiating face-to face and on the phone
      15 A special project
      A simulation,revising many of the skills and situations in the course
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