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  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787308100694
  • 作者:王平//劉清君//吳春生//Chung-Chiun Liu
  • 頁數:292
  • 出版日期:2012-10-01
  • 印刷日期:2012-10-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:680千字
  • 《生物醫學傳感與檢測》由王平、劉清君、吳春生、Chung-Chiun Liu編著。
    This book introduces the basic fundamentals of biomedical sensors and the measurement technology as well as the recent advancements in this field in recent years. There are five chapters in this book,which can be subdivided into two major parts. The first part places emphasis on the fundamentals and the development of modem biomedical sensors and measurement technology including their basic features and special requirement in application. This part also provides essential information on the basic sensitive reaction mechanisms, characteristics and processing approaches of the biomedical sensors. The second part introduces the typical sensors including the physical, chemical and biological sensors as well as the discussion of their measurement techniques.
  • 《生物醫學傳感與檢測》由王平、劉清君、吳春生、Chung-Chiun Liu 編著。 《生物醫學傳感與檢測》內容如下: Biomedical Sensors and Measurement is an interdisciplinary book combining electronics with biology and medicine. It gives an overview of the concept and principle of biomedical sensors and measurement. First, the basic theory and technology are explained, followed by details of the physical sensors, chemical sensors, biosensors and their typical applications in biomedicine. Furthermore, the interface technology of the sensors and the typical measurement systems is presented. The large amount of vivid and specific figures and formulas will help to deepen the understanding of the fundamental and new applications about biomedical sensors and measurement technology. The book is intended tbr biomedical engineers, medical physicists and other researchers and professionals in biomedicine-related specialties, especially interdisciplinary studies.
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Definition and Classification of Biomedical Sensors
    1.1.1 Basic Concept of Sensors
    1.1.2 Classification of Biomedical Sensors
    1.2 Biomedical Measurement Technology
    1.2.1 Bioelectrical Signal Detection
    1.2.2 Biomagnetic Signal Detection
    1.2.3 Other Physiological and Biochemical Parameter Detection
    1.3 Characteristics of Biomedical Sensors and Measurement
    1.3.1 Features &Biomedical Sensors and Measurement
    1.3.2 Special Requirements of Biomedical Sensors and Measurement.
    1.4 Development of Biomedical Sensors and Measurement
    1.4.1 Invasive and Non-Invasive Detection
    1.4.2 Multi-Parameter Detection
    1.4.3 In vitro and in vivo Detection
    1.4.4 Intelligent Artificial Viscera
    1.4.5 Micro-Nano Systems
    1.4.6 Biochips and Microfluidics
    1.4.7 Biomimetic Sensors
    Chapter 2 Basics of Sensors and Measurement
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Sensor Characteristics and Terminology
    2.2.1 Static Characteristics
    2.2.2 Dynamic Characteristics
    2.3 Sensor Measurement Technology
    2.3.1 Measurement Methods
    2.3.2 Sensor Measurement System
    2.3.3 Signal Modulation and Demodulation
    2.3.4 Improvement of Sensor Measurement System
    2.4 Biocompatibility Design of Sensors
    2.4.1 Concept and Principle of Biocompatibility
    2.4.2 Biocompatibility for Implantable Biomedical Sensors
    2.4.3 Biocompatibility for in vitro Biomedical Sensors
    2.5 Microfabrication of Biomedical Sensors
    2.5.1 Lithography
    2.5.2 Film Formation
    2.5.3 Etching
    2.5.4 Design of the Biomedical Sensors
    Chapter 3 Physical Sensors and Measurement
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Resistance Sensors and Measurement
    3.2.1 Resistance Strain Sensors
    3.2.2 Piezoresistive Sensors
    3.3 Inductive Sensors and Measurement
    3.3.1 Basics
    3.3.2 Applications in Biomedicine
    3.4 Capacitive Sensors and M~asurement
    3.4.1 The Basic Theory and Configuration of Capacitive Sensors
    3.4.2 Measurement Circuits
    3.4.3 Biomedical Applications
    3.5 Piezoelectric Sensors and Measurement
    3.5.1 Piezoelectric Effect
    3.5.2 Piezoelectric Materials
    3.5.3 Measurement Circuits
    3.5.4 Biomedical Applications
    3.6 Magnetoelectric Sensors and Measurement
    3.6.1 Magnetoelectric Induction Sensors
    3.6.2 Hall Magnetic Sensors
    3.7 Photoelectric Sensors
    3.7.1 Photoelectric Element
    3.7.2 Fiber Optic Sensors
    3.7.3 Applications of Photoelectric Sensors
    3.8 Thermoelectric Sensors and Measurement
    3.8.1 Thermosensitive Elements
    3.8.2 Thermocouple Sensors
    3.8.3 Integrated Temperature Sensors
    3.8.4 Biomedical Applications
    Chapter 4 Chemical Sensors and Measurement
    4.1 Introduction
    4.1.1 History
    4.1.2 Definition and Principle
    4.1.3 Classification and Characteristics
    4.2 Electrochemical Fundamental
    4:2.1 Measurement System
    4.2.2 Basic Conception
    4.2.3 Classification of Electrodes
    4.3 Ion Sensors
    4.3.1 Ion-Selective Electrodes
    4.3.2 Ion-Selective Field-Effect Transistors
    4.3.3 Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensors
    4.3.4 Microelectrode Array
    4.4 Gas Sensors
    4.4.1 Electrochemical Gas Sensors
    4.4.2 Semiconductor Gas Sensors
    4.4.3 Solid Electrolyte Gas Sensors
    4.4.4 Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors
    4.5 Humidity Sensors
    4.5.1 Capacitive Humidity Sensors
    4.5.2 Resistive Humidity Sensors
    4.5.3 Thermal Conductivity Humidity Sensors
    4.5.4 Application
    4.6 Intelligent Chemical Sensor Arrays
    4.6.1 e-Nose
    4.6.2 e-Tongue
    4.7 Micro Total Analysis System
    4.7.1 Design and Fabrication
    4.7.2 Applications
    4.8 Sensor Networks
    4.8.1 History of Sensor Networks
    4.8.2 Essential Factors of Sensor Networks
    4.8.3 Buses of Sensor Networks
    4.8.4 Wireless Sensor Network
    Chapter 5 Biosensors and Measurement
    5.1 Introduction
    5.1.1 History and Concept of Biosensors
    5.1.2 Components of Biosensor
    5.1.3 Properties of Biosensors
    5.1.4 Common Bioreceptor Components
    5.2 Catalytic Biosensors
    5.2.1 Enzyme Biosensors :
    5.2.2 Microorganism Biosensors
    5.3 Affinity Biosensors
    5.3.1 Antibody and Antigen Biosensors
    5.3.2 Nucleic Acid Biosensors
    5.3.3 Receptor and Ion Channel Biosensors
    5.4 Cell and Tissue Biosensors
    5.4.1 Cellular Metabolism Biosensors
    5.4.2 Cellular Impedance Biosensors
    5.4.3 Extracellular Potential Biosensors
    5.5 Biochips
    5.5.1 Chips of Microarray
    5.5.2 Gene and Protein Chips
    5.5.3 Tissue and Cell Chips
    5.5.4 Lab-on-a-Chip
    5.6 Nano-Biosensors
    5.6.1 Nanomaterials for Biosensors
    5.6.2 Nanoparticles and Nanopores Biosensors
    5.6.3 Nanotubes and Nanowires Biosensors
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