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  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309094602
  • 作者:李瑤//吳超群//瀋大稜
  • 頁數:327
  • 出版日期:2013-03-01
  • 印刷日期:2013-03-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 版次:2
  • 印次:1
  • 字數:555千字
  • 細胞生物學是一門迅猛發展的生命科學的重要基礎學科,有關細胞的基礎知識和相關研究是現代生命科學的基石。《細胞生物學(第2版雙語教材)》由李瑤、吳超群、瀋大稜主編,本教材的目的是使大學本科學生初步掌握本課程基本內容、基本原理、基本知識,為深入學習生命科學各科奠定基礎。
  • 《細胞生物學(第2版雙語教材)》由李瑤、吳超群、瀋大稜主編,本教 材是在第一版的基礎上,由復旦大學生 命學院細胞教學組牽頭,組織國內多年從事細胞 和分子生物學科研及教學的教授和專家改編完 成。在繫統闡述細胞各部分的結構和功能的基礎 上,重點介紹了細胞內外的物質運輸、信息傳 遞、能量轉換、周期調控、分化發育、癌變、免 疫、衰老與凋亡等細胞的重大生命活動。正文全 文用英文撰寫,語言上盡量做到簡練與通俗,科 學上做到精確與先進,既介紹細胞生物學的基本 概念和基本原理,又反映各領域的發展前沿。全 書為彩色印刷,各章結尾附有思考題,附錄為細 胞生物學常用詞彙的中文解釋,便於讀者自學同 時掌握中英文的專業知識。《細胞生物學(第2版雙語教材)》可供綜合性大 學、師範院校、醫學院校、農林院校的本科生和 研究生使用,也可供教師、科研人員與科教管理 人員參考。 為使用教材的教師免費提供PPT課件(詳情 見書尾附頁)。

      《雙語教材:Cell Biology細胞生物學(第2版)》由復旦大學生命科學院細胞教學組牽頭,組織國內外綜合、師範、醫學、農林等有關院校的11位多年從事細胞和分子生物學教學及科研的教授和專家,並在美國科學院院士、著名分子細胞生物學家Georgee R.stark教授直接指導下編寫完成。在繫統闡述細胞各部分的結構和功能的基礎上,重點介紹了物質運輸、信息傳遞、能量轉換、周期調控、分化發育、癌變、免疫、衰老與凋亡等細胞的重大生命活動。正文全部用英語編寫,語言上做到簡練與通俗,科學上做到精確與先進;既介紹細胞生物學的基本概念和基本原理,又反映各領域的發展前沿。為便於讀者自學並同時掌握中、英文雙語概念,各章尾附有思考題,教材的附錄為細胞生物學常用詞彙的中文解釋。

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to cell biology
    1.1 What is cell biology?
    1.2 The cell theory
    1.3 Cell is the basic unit of life
    1.4 The prokaryotic cell
    1.5 The eukaryotic cell
    1.6 Modern cell biology
    1.7 The technology of cell biology
    1.8 Training the scientists of tomorrow
    Chapter 2 Cell membrane and cell surface
    2.1 Components and structure of cell membranes
    2.2 Transmembrane transport
    2.3 Cell adhesion molecules and cell junction
    2.4 Extracellular matrix and cell wall
    Chapter 3 Cytoplasm, ribosomes and RNAs
    3.1 Structure and functions of cytoplasm
    3.2 Ribosome
    3.3 Ribozyme
    3.4 Non-coding RNA
    Chapter 4 Endomembrane system, protein sorting and vesicle transport
    4.1 Overview of endomembrane system
    4.2 Endoplasmic reticulum
    4.3 Golgi apparatus
    4.4 Lysosomes and peroxisomes
    4.5 Molecular mechanisms of vesicular transport
    4.6 Secretory pathways
    4.7 Endocytic pathways
    Chapter 5 Mitochondria and chloroplasts
    5.1 Mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation
    5.2 Chloroplasts and photosynthesis
    5.3 The origins of chloroplasts and mitochondria
    Chapter 6 Cytoskeleton
    6.1 Microtubules
    6.2 Actin filaments
    6.3 Intermediate filaments
    Chapter 7 Cell communication and signaling
    7.1 Signaling components
    7.2 The role of intracellular receptor: signaling of nitric oxide
    7.3 Signaling through G-protein-coupled cell-surface receptors
    7.4 Signaling through enzyme-coupled cell-surface receptors
    7.5 Signal network system
    7.6 Cell signaling and the cytoskeleton
    7.7 Cell communication in plants
    Chapter 8 Nucleus and chromosomes
    8.1 The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell
    8.2 The nuclear envelope
    8.3 The nuclear pore complex
    8.4 Chromatin and chromosomes
    8.5 Nucleolus and ribosome biogenesis
    8.6 The nuclear matrix
    Chapter 9 Cell cycle and cell division
    9.1 An overview of the cell cycle
    9.2 Regulation of the cell cycle
    9.3 Cell division
    Chapter 10 Cell differentiation
    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 Cells with potency of differentiation
    10.3 Stem cells
    10.4 Controls of cell differentiation
    10.5 The major cell differentiation systems
    Chapter 11 Senescence and apoptosis
    11.1 Senescence
    11.2 Apoptosis
    11.3 Senescence or apoptosis
    Chapter 12 Cells in immune response
    12.1 The immune system
    12.2 The organs of the immune system
    12.3 Cells in the innate immune system
    12.4 Cells in the adaptive immune system
    12.5 Innate and adaptive immune responses
    12.6 Immunological memory
    Chapter 13 Cancer cells
    13.1 Basic knowledge about cancer cell
    13.2 Carcinogenesis
    13.3 The genes involved in cancer
    13.4 The genetic and epigenetic changes of cancer
    13.5 Treatment of cancer

    Chapter 1 Introduction to cell biology

    1.1 What is cell biology

    1.2 The cell theory

    1.3 Cell is the basic unit of life

    1.4 Diversity of cells

    1.5 The prokaryotic cell

    1.6 The eukaryotic cell

    1.7 Morden cell biology

    1.8 The technology of cell biology

    1.9 Training the scientists of tomorrow

    Chapter 2 Chemical components of cells

    2.1 Chemical bonds

    2.2 Organic molecules

    Chapter 3 Biomembrane and cell surface

    3.1 Components and structure of biomembranes

    3.2 Plasma membrane

    3.3 Transmembrane transport

    3.4 Cell junction and adhesion molecules

    3.5 Extracellular matrix and cell wall

    Chapter 4 Intracellular compartments and transport

    4.1 Organelles

    4.2 Protein sorting inside cell

    4.3 Molecular mechanisms of vesicular transport

    4.4 Secretory pathways

    4.5 Endocytic pathways

    Chapter 5 Mitochondria and chloroplasts

    5.1 Mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation

    5.2 Chloroplasts and photosynthesis

    5.3 The origins of chloroplasts and mitochondria Chapter

    6 Cytoskeleton

    6.1 Microtubules

    6.2 Actin filaments

    6.3 Intermediate filaments

    Chapter 7 Cell communication and signaling

    7. ] Signaling molecules and their receptors

    7.2 Nitric oxide crosses the plasma membrane and actives
    intracellular enzymes directly

    7.3 Functions of cell surface receptors

    7.4 Signal network system

    7.5 Cell signaling and the cytoskeleton

    7.6 Cell communication in plants

    Chapter 8 Nucleus and chromosomes

    8.1 The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell

    8.2 The nuclear envelope

    8.3 Structure of the nuclear pore complex and its role in
    nucleocytoplasmic exchange

    8.4 Chromosomes and chromatin

    8.5 Nucleolus and ribosome biogenesis

    8.6 The nuclear matrix

    Chapter 9 Cell cycle and cell division

    9.1 An overview of the cell cycle

    9.2 Regulation of the cell cycle

    9.3 Cell division

    Chapter 10 Cell differentiation

    10.1 Introduction

    10.2 Cells with potency of differentiation

    10.3 Stem cells

    10.4 Epigenetic view of cell differentiation

    10.5 The major cell differentiation systems

    Chapter 11 Cell senescence and apoptosis

    11.1 Senescence

    11.2 Apoptosis

    11.3 Senescence versus apoptosis

    Chapter 12 Cells in immune system

    12.1 The immune system

    12.2 The organs of the immune system

    12.3 Innate and adaptive immune systems

    12.4 Innate immune system

    12.5 Adaptive immune system

    Chapter 13 Cancer cells

    13.1 Basic knowledge about cancer cell

    13.2 Carcinogenesis

    13.3 The genes involved in cancer

    13.4 The genetic and epigenetic changes of cancer

    13.5 Diagnosis and treatment of cancer



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