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  • 夢圓太空(中國的航天之路)(英文版)/中國創造
    該商品所屬分類:工業技術 -> 航空/航天
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    • 出版社:五洲傳播
    • ISBN:9787508527024
    • 作者:徐菁|譯者:鄭慧貞
    • 頁數:200
    • 出版日期:2014-04-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-04-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:70千字
    • 徐菁著的《夢圓太空(中國的航天之路)(英文版)》由中國空間技術研究所的研究人員撰寫,內容反映了我國在航天事業上的起步和開拓,**發展的現狀,及今後的發展方向和目標。內容上運用大量的史料,結合數據和事實,圖文並茂,深入淺出地將中國航天的發展歷程闡述出來。內容由以下章節組成:航天發展的裡程碑、長征火箭譜繫、中國衛星、神舟飛船等。
    • Foreword
      Milestones in the Development of China's Space Industry
      1. Initiation of China's Aerospace
      2. Exploration of China's Manned Spaceflight
      3. A New Journey for Lunar Exploration
      Long March Rocket Family
      1. LM-I Carrier Rocket Series: China's First Carrier Rocket Models
      2. LM-2 Cartier Rocket Series: Sending Shenzhou Spacecraft into Space
      3. LM-3 Carrier Rocket Series: Ladder to the Moon
      4. LM-4 Carrier Rocket Series: Sending Satellites into Sun Synchronous Orbit
      Chinese Satellites in Space
      1. Widely-used Earth Observation Satellites
      2. Communications Satellites as Bridges for Space Information
      3. Beidou Navigation Satellites
      4. Experimental Satellites for Scientific and Technological Development
      5. Chinese Satellites in Global Market
      The Shenzhou Spacecraft: Chinese Nation's Millennium
      Dream of Spaceflight Comes True
      1. China's Self-developed Flying Vehicle: The Shenzhou Spacecraft
      2. Shenzhou 5 Mission: First Manned Spaceflight
      3. Shenzhou 6 Mission: First Multi-manned and Multi-day Spaceflight
      4. Shenzhou 7 Mission: First Spacewalk
      5. Shenzhou 8 Mission: First Rendezvous and Docking in Space
      6. Shenzhou 9 Mission: Travel of First Female Astronaut to Space
      7. Shenzhou 10 Mission: First Applied Spaceflight
      Travel of Chinese Astronauts to Space
      I. "Cradle" of Chinese Astronauts
      2. Selection and Training of Chinese Astronauts
      3. Unusual Space Life of Chinese Astronauts
      4. "Feitian" Space Suit: Special Space Suit for Chinese Astronauts
      5. Chinese Space Food
      The Wonderful Beginnings and Progress of the Chang'e Program
      I. First Lunar Exploration by Chang'e 1
      2. Second Step in Lunar Exploration by Chang'e
      3. First Landing on the Moon by Chang'e
      Desert, Mountain and Ocean: Spaceports for China's Satellite Launch
      1. First Spaceport for Manned Spaceflight: Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
      2. Aerospace Town on the Plateau in Northwestern Shanxi: Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center
      3. "Moon City" Helping Chang'e with the Journey to the Moon: Xichang Satellite Launch Center
      4. Future Manned Lunar Landing Spaceport: Wenchang Satellite Launch Center
      The Broad Prospects of China's Aerospace Sector
      1. New Carrier Rockets
      2. Various Artificial Earth Satellites
      3. Future Manned Space Station
      4. Deep Space Exploration in Progress
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