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  • PLANTS OF CHINA(A companion to the Flora of China)(精)
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    • 出版社:科學
    • ISBN:9787030385741
    • 作者:HONG De-Yuan//Stephen Black...
    • 頁數:472
    • 出版日期:2013-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-01-01
    • 包裝:精裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 《PLANTS OF CHINA(A companion to the Flora of China)》由中外植物學各領域的**學者組成的著作者團隊完成。此書全面介紹中國植物的各方面,如植物多樣性、區繫、植被,以及中國植物學發展。這將是**部介紹中國植物各方面的**著作。本書可供大專院校和研究所的植物學相關專業研究生、教師和科研人員閱讀參考。本書由洪德元(HONG De-Yuan)主編。
      Chapter 1 Introduction
      Stephen Blackmore, HONG De-Yuan, Peter H. Raven and Alexandra H. Wortley
      Chapter 2 Global Significance of Plant Diversity in China
      HUANG Hong-Wen, Sara Oldfield and Hong Qian
      Chapter 3 Physical Geography
      ZHENG Du
      Chapter 4 Climate
      ZHENG Du
      Chapter 5 Soils
      ZHENG Du
      Chapter 6 Origin and Development of the Chinese Flora
      ZHOU Zhe-Kun
      Chapter 7 History of Vegetation in China
      ZHOU Zhe-Kun
      Chapter 8 The Vegetation of China Today
      CHEN Ling-Zhi
      Chapter 9 Floristic Elements of the Chinese Flora
      PENG Hua and WU Cheng-Yih (WU Zheng-Yi)
      Chapter 10 Phytogeographical Regions of China
      SUN Hang
      Chapter 11 Development of Chinese Botany
      PENG Hua
      Chapter 12 Plant Exploration in China
      HU Chi-Ming (HU Qi-Ming) and Mark F. Watson
      Chapter 13 History of Chinese Botanical Institutions
      HU Zong-Gang, MA Hai-Ying, MA Jin-Shuang and HONG De-Yuan
      Chapter 14 History of and Recent Advances in Plant Taxonomy
      ZHANG Yu-Xiao and LI De-Zhu
      Chapter 15 Introduction to Economic Plants
      PEI Sheng-Ji
      Chapter 16 Crop Plants and their Wild Relatives
      HE Shah-An, YI Ting-Shuang, PEI Sheng-Ji and HUANG Hong-Wen
      Chapter 17 Economic Forest Plants
      PEI Sheng-Ji, YANG Yu-Ming and WANG Juan
      Chapter 18 Medicinal Plants
      PEI Sheng-Ji and HUAI Hu-Yin
      Chapter 19 Ornamental Plants
      HE Shan-An and XING Fu-Wu
      Chapter 20 Major Introduced Economic Plants
      YI Ting-Shuang, Peter L. Morrell, PEI Sheng-Ji and HE Shan-An
      Chapter 21 Other Important Economic Plants
      PEI Sheng-Ji and HU Guang-Wan
      Chapter 22 Naturalized and Invasive Plants in China
      LI Zhen-Yu, FAN Xiao-Hong and David E. Boufford
      Chapter 23 The Extinction Crisis
      HUANG Hong-Wen and Sara Oldfield
      Chapter 24 Conservation Strategies
      HUANG Hong-Wen, Peter S. Wyse Jackson and CHEN Ling-Zhi
      Chapter 25 Prospects for the Future
      HUANG Hong-Wen
      Index to Scientific Names
      APPENDIX Table of Chinese Dynasties
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