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  • 廣義度量空間與映射(英文版)(精)
    該商品所屬分類:科普讀物 -> 科學世界
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    • 出版社:科學
    • ISBN:9787030522214
    • 作者:編者:林壽//惲自求
    • 頁數:355
    • 出版日期:2017-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2017-01-01
    • 包裝:精裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 林壽、惲自求主編的《廣義度量空間與映射(英
      文版)(精)》介紹了,This is the first book on
      generalized metric spaces. The ideas and
      problems of thetheory of generalized metric
      spaces greatly influenced all domains
      ofset-theoretic topology.
      A main goal of this book is to describe
      the present structure of the theory
      ofgeneralized metric spaces and the modem
      developments in this theory. The
      bookdiscusses the basic theory of
      generalized metric spaces by using the
      mapping method,and summarizes the important
      research achievements since the 1960's
      particularly byChinese scholars.
      There are three chapters“The Origin of
      Generalized Metric Spaces”, “Map-pings on
      Metric Spaces”, and “Classes of
      Generalized Metric Spaces”. In
      additionthere are two appendices of about XX
      pages in total, and about 500 references.
      The book will be a valuable source of
      information for graduate and undergradu-ate
      topology students wishing to know more about
      this exciting field, or ways it couldbe
      applied to other mathematical disciplines.
      It will also be very helpful to experts
      intopology already working in generalized
      metric spaces.
    • Foreword
      Preface to the English Edition
      Chapter 1 The origin of generalized metric spaces
      1,1 Notations and terminologies
      1.2 Distance functions
      1.3 Bases
      1.4 Stratifications
      1.5 Networks and (rood k)-networks
      1.6 k-networks and weak bases
      1.7 Generalized countably compact spaces
      1.8 Examples
      Chapter 2 Mappings on metric spaces
      2.1 Classes of mappings
      2.2 Perfect mappings
      2.3 Quotient mappings
      2.4 Open mappings
      2.5 Closed mappings
      2.6 Compact-covering mappings
      2.7 s-mappings
      2.8 ss-mappings
      2.9 7r-mappings
      2.10 Compact mappings
      2.11 a-locally finite mappings
      Chapter 3 Generalized metric spaces
      3.1 Spaces with point-countable covers
      3.2 Z-spaces
      3.3 a-spaces and semi-stratifiable spaces
      3.4 k-semi-stratifiable spaces
      3.5 Mi-spaces
      3.6 Developable spaces and p-spaces
      3.7 M-spaces
      3.8 R-spaces
      3.9 g-metrizable spaces
      3.10 Open questions
      Appendix A Characterizations of several covering properties
      A.1 Paracompact spaces
      A.2 Metacompact spaces
      A.3 Subparacompact spaces
      A.4 Submetacompact spaces
      A.5 Meta-LindelSf spaces
      Appendix B The formation of the theory of generalized metric spaces
      B.1 A historical review
      B.2 The foundation laying period
      B.3 The formation period
      Mathematics Monograph Series
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