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  • 新类目

  • 中國社會與文化
    該商品所屬分類:社會科學 -> 社會學
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    • 出版社:外語教研
    • ISBN:9787513525749
    • 作者:蒙興燦//熊躍萍
    • 頁數:320
    • 出版日期:2013-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 《中國社會與文化》基於當前**外形勢與現狀,專門為中國高校學生(含非英語專業學生、留學生和英語專業學生)編寫的中國社會與文化教材,可為非英語專業學生開設大學英語拓展課,留學生開設中國文化課和英語專業學生開設中國文化素質通識課使用。全書圖文並茂,信息量大,內容涉及中國概貌,中國漢字、語言與教育,中國傳統節日,中國歷史故事、神話、寓言與民間傳說,中國文化瑰寶,中國文學,中國古典哲學,中國建築與園林,中國醫藥以及中國科學與技術,並有的放矢地提供了補充閱讀材料。本書由蒙興燦、熊躍萍編著。
    • Chapter 1 A Panoramic View of the Chinese Land
      Section 1 Geography
      Section 2 Administrative Divisions
      Section 3 Population and Languages
      Section 4 Distribution of Ethnic Groups
      Section 5 The National Flag, Emblem and Political System
      Section 6 Economic Development and Reform
      Section 7 An Outline History
      Section 8 GeneralValues of Chinese People
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 2 Chinese Characters, Language and Education
      Section 1 Chinese Characters
      Section 2 The Chinese Language
      Section 3 TheChinese Education
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 3 Chinese Traditional Festivals
      Section 1 Main Traditional Festivals
      Section 2 OtherTraditional Festivals
      Section 3 Some Ethnic Festivals
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 4 Chinese Historical Tales, Myths, Fables and Legends
      Section 1 Chinese HistoricaITales
      Section 2 Myths
      Section 3 Fables
      Section 4 Folklores
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 5 Chinese Cultural Gems
      Section 1 The Four Books and The Five Classics (四書五經)
      Section 2 Beijing Opera and Local Operas
      Section 3 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
      Section 4 CulturaITokens in Daily Life
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 6 Chinese Literature
      Section 1 The Summary of Chinese Literature
      Section 2 Four Great Classical Chinese Novels
      Section 3 OtherWell-Known Literary Pieces
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 7 Chinese Classic Philosophy
      Section 1 Confucianism
      Section 2 Daoism
      Section 3 Buddhism
      Section 4 Other Important Schools
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 8 Chinese Architecture and Gardening
      Section 1 Ancient ArchitecturaIStyles
      Section 2 Famous Ancient Constructions
      Section 3 Chinese Gardening
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 9 Traditional Chinese Medicine
      Section 1 TheoriesofTCM
      Section 2 Diagnostic Methods
      Section 3 Chinese Herbology
      Section 4 FiveTraditionaITreatments
      Section 5 Traditional Chinese Medicine Classics
      Section 6 Four Most FamousTCM Doctors
      Section 7 The Status Quo of TCM
      Supplementary Readings
      Chapter 10 Chinese Science and Technology
      Section 1 Science and Technology in Early Chinese History
      Section 2 Science and Technology in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods
      Section 3 Science and Technology in the Qin and Han Dynasties
      Section 4 Science and Technology in the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties
      Section 5 Science and Technology in the Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period
      Section 6 Science and Technology in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
      Section 7 Science and Technology from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty before Opium War
      Section 8 Science and Technology from Opium War to the End of the Qing Dynasty
      Section 9 Science and Technology in the R.C. and P.R.C.
      Supplementary Readings
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