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    • 出版社:文物
    • ISBN:9787501025732
    • 作者:安徽省文物考古研究所//安徽省蕭縣博物館
    • 頁數:392
    • 出版日期:2008-11-01
    • 印刷日期:2008-11-01
    • 包裝:精裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 本報告的整理與編寫工作始於2005年4月,其後數易其稿,直至2008年1月初稿方告完成。
    • Xiaoxian蕭縣County,located at the north top of Anhui Province and near the borders of Jiangsu,Shandong,Henan and Anhui Provinces,is named after the Xiao蕭State in ancient times.To coordinate with the construction of Lianyungang—Khorghas Expressway,Anhui Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted salvaging excavations to the ancient burials in the expressway route.These excavations covered 1 40,000 square meters including Zhangcun張村and Fenglou馮樓Cemeteries to the southeast of the countv seat and Wangshanwo王山窩,Poge破閣and Cheniufan車牛返Cemeteries to the southweSt of the county seat, uncovered 3 1 8 tombs belonging to the Warring—States Period,the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties,the Tang and Song Dynasties, and cleared up over 80 ancient tombs looted or disturbed earlier. This report collects the data of 1 5 1 Han tombs showing representative features among these tombs. The tombs in this report could be grouped into four types by structure:vertical pit tombs,vertical pit tombs(or catacombs) with slope passages,brick~chambered tombs and brick—stone— chambered tombs;the details of tombs in each type also varied. Among these tombs,110 were vertical pit tombs,six were vertical pit tombs(or catacombs)with slope passages.14 were brick— chambered tombs and 2 1 were brick—stone—chambered tombs.Two of these tombs (XPM61 and XPM88)had mounds with clear heights and scopes,and XPM88 had remains of graveyard wails built with stone blocks. All of the tombs were filled with mottled earth;because of the various soil COnditions,the textures and tints of the fills varied slightly.Only the filling of one tomb(XPMl00)had clear traces of tamping;most of the passages were not completely uncovered because of environmental or other difficulties.The entrances of the brick—chambered tombs were usuallv sealed with rectangular bricks and some had pebbles piled on the inner and outer sides.The door leaves of the brick—stone-chambered tombs were made of stone;the wooden door leaves or adobe—sealed entrances were all decayed or silted for which the details conld not be identified. The burial furniture was made of wood and stone;wooden coffins or other burial furniture were mostly decayed,the shape of which could only be recover with the reference of the coffin board ashes and the details could not be observed.The stone coffins were a11 made of Drocessed stone boards,and composed of lid,left and right side boards,head and end boards and bottom board. The coarse stone coffins were just simply made by piecing stone boards together; the finer ones were fitted together by tenon and mortises. Most of the skeletons were poorly preserved and the identified ones were all in extended supine burial. Of the burial articles, the weapons and dress ornaments were generally put inside the coffins and the ritual implements and daily-using utensils were mostly set outside the coffins, from which we can observe the procedure of the encoffining and interment. The lining-up and facings of the tombs were arranged along with the landscape; however,all of them were in high positions backing to an upward slope. The artifacts unearthed from these tombs were made of pottery (some glazed), bronze,iron, jade, stone, bone, lead and tin, glass and wood (some lacquered, but decayed too badly to gather). Pottery wares, more than 850 pieces in number, took the largest proportion most of them were fine clay wares and a few were sandy pottery. The decorative patterns were mainly cord patterns, incised patterns and bowstring patterns, some of which had painted designs.Generally, the pottery wares were made by wheel-making, model-making and hand-making methods among which wheel-made was the most popular, but a piece of pottery ware was usually made by more than one method. The pottery wares could be classified into ritual vessels, daily-using utensils, burial furnishings and imitations of lacquer vessels. The ritual vessels were mainly Ding-tripods,cases, jars, Fang-rectangular jars,Pan-washing vessels and Yi-washing ewers and jugs.Utensils are mainly jugs,basins, cases, Fu-cauldrons, lamps, spoons and ladles; burial furnishings were mainly models of stoves, granaries, wells, millstones, animal pens, lavatories and watchtowers; imitations of lacquers were mainly plates, trays, ear cups and Lian-cosmetic cases; glazed pottery wares were baked with high-temperature and low-temperature methods and the main types were jars and iugs. The bronze artifacts were mirrors, coins, clasps, seals, thimbles, rings, brushes, spoons,knifes, swords, crossbow triggers and horse and chariot ornaments and fittings. Totally 65 pieces of iron artifacts were unearthed, which were mirrors, nails,Fucauldrons, shovels, frying-pans, Pie-open cauldrons, swords, spearheads and Gouxiang(hooked parrier). 11 jades were unearthed from these tombs; they were mouth pieces, ear plugs, swordfittings, hand pieces and Bi-discs. Artifacts made of bone were mainly bead strings and mouth pieces. 33 stone artifacts were unearthed, which were ink-stones, pestles, mortars, mouth pieces,and mattress weights; in addition, a pair of glass ear pendants were unearthed from these tombs. No chronological inscriptions were found in these excavations; the only textual inscriptions were found from bronze mirrors, coins and seals. By comparing, contrasting and lining up, we divided the tombs yielding clear pottery assemblages among the 151 excavated ones into eight groups by burial types, pottery assemblages, bronze mirror styles and bronze coin issuing dates, and referred to the similar tomb types in other regions, dated them as the following. The Early Stage of the Western Han Dynasty (the reigns of Emperors Wen, Jing ), which included ten tombs; the first and second phases of the Middle Stage of the Western Han Dynasty (the first phase coincided to the reigns of Emperors Jing and Wu, the second phase coincided to the reigns of Emperors Zhao and Xuan), which included 47 tombs; the first and second phases of the Later Stage of the Western Han Dynasty (the first phase coincided to the reigns of Emperors Cheng, Ai and Ping, the second phase coincided to the "Xin" Dynasty founded by Wang Mang), which included 60 tombs; the Early Stage of the Eastern Han Dynasty (around the reigns of the Emperors Guangwu through Zhang), which included 10 tombs and the Middle Stage of the Eastern Han Dynasty (around the reigns of Emperors He through An), which included 20 tombs. This report consists of three parts. Part One describes the geographical location, historic changes and the outlined introduction of the cemetery location, and the procedure of the excavations. Part Two records the data of the selected 151 tombs in detail and Part Three is the compilers and editors" preliminary studies and explorations to some relevant issues based on the materials in Part Two.
    • 第一章 概述
      第一節 地理位置和歷史沿革
      一 自然地理環境
      二 歷史沿革
      第二節 墓葬概況及發掘經過
      一 墓葬分布概況
      二 發掘經過
      第二章 墓葬資料
      第一節 張村漢墓
      一 XZM7
      二 XZM8
      三 XZM9
      四 XZM10
      五 XZM11
      六 XZM13
      七 XZM14
      八 XZM15
      九 XZM16
      一○ XZM17
      一一 XZM18
      一二 XZM21
      一三 XZM22
      第二節 馮樓漢墓
      一 XFM3
      二 XFM5
      三 XFM8
      四 XFM10
      五 XFM13
      六 XFM15
      七 XFM24
      八 XFM26
      九 XFM27
      一○ XFM28
      一一 XFM32
      一二 XFM36
      一三 XFM38
      一四 XFM41
      一五 XFM42
      一六 XFM44
      一七 XFM45
      一八 XFM46
      一九 XFM47
      二○ XFM49
      二一 XFM50
      二二 XFM53
      二三 XFM56
      二四 XFM57
      二五 XFM58
      二六 XFM60
      二七 XFM62
      二八 XFM63
      二九 XFM65
      三○ XFM70
      三一 XFM74
      三二 XFM85
      三三 XFM86
      三四 XFM87
      三五 XFM88
      第三節 王山窩漢墓
      一 XWM7
      二 XWM15
      三 XWM18
      四 XWM22
      五 XWM23
      六 XWM24
      七 XWM25
      八 XWM27
      九 XWM39
      一○ XWM50
      第四節 破閣漢墓
      一 XPM61
      二 XPM62
      三 XPM65
      四 XPM66
      五 XPM70
      六 XPM71
      七 XPM72
      八 XPM73
      九 XPM75
      一○ XPM79
      一一 XPM80
      一二 XPM82
      一三 XPM83
      一四 XPM84
      一五 XPM85
      一六 XPM86
      一七 XPM87
      一八 XPM88
      一九 XPM89
      二○ XPM90
      二一 XPM91
      二二 XPM92
      二三 XPM93
      二四 XPM94
      二五 XPM99
      二六 XPM100
      二七 XPM102
      二八 XPM103
      二九 XPM104
      三○ XPM106
      三一 XPM107
      三二 XPM108
      三三 XPM111
      三四 XPM112
      三五 XPM113
      三六 XPM118
      三七 XPM119
      三八 XPM120
      三九 XPM121
      四○ XPM122
      四一 XPM124
      四二 XPM125
      四三 XPM127
      四四 XPM128
      四五 XPM129
      四六 XPM130
      四七 XPM131
      四八 XPM133
      四九 XPM134
      五○ XPM135
      五一 XPM138
      五二 XPM139
      五三 XPM141
      五四 XPM142
      五五 XPM145
      五六 XPM147
      五七 XPM150
      五八 XPM154
      五九 XPM156
      六○ XPM157
      六一 XPM158
      六二 XPM159
      六三 XPM161
      六四 XPM163
      六五 XPM164
      六六 XPM166
      六七 XPM167
      六八 XPM168
      六九 XPM169
      七○ XPM170
      七一 XPM171
      七二 XPM172
      七三 XPM173
      第五節 車牛返漢墓
      一 XCM3
      二 XCM4
      三 XCM5
      四 XCM7
      五 XCM8
      六 XCM9
      七 XCM10
      八 XCM11
      九 XCM20
      一○ XCM22
      一一 XCM24
      一二 XCM25
      一三 XCM27
      一四 XCM29
      一五 XCM30
      一六 XCM34
      一七 XCM38
      一八 XCM39
      一九 XCM40
      二○ XCM41
      第三章 整理與研究
      第一節 墓葬形制
      一 墓葬類型
      二 封土、填土、封門
      三 葬具和葬式
      四 隨葬品種類及陳置
      第二節 陶器
      一 質地與紋飾
      二 型式劃分
      三 陶器組合分析
      第三節 銅鏡與銅錢
      一 銅鏡
      二 銅鏡年代
      三 銅錢
      四 銅錢年代
      第四節 其他
      第五節 墓葬分期及年代
      第六節 畫像石
      一 漢畫像石墓形制及畫像在墓室的分布
      二 漢畫像石的題材內容
      三 漢畫像石的雕刻技法
      四 漢畫像石的分期
      附表 蕭縣漢墓統計表
      附錄 安徽蕭縣漢墓出土部分漢代施釉陶瓷的1A—ICP—AES分析
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