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  • 中國學生英語會話互動特點研究--中國與澳大利亞大學生英語會話對比分析
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    • 出版社:北京語言大學
    • ISBN:9787561942079
    • 作者:劉連娣
    • 頁數:279
    • 出版日期:2015-06-01
    • 印刷日期:2015-06-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:567千字
    • 劉連娣著的《中國學生英語會話互動特點研究--中國與澳大利亞大學生英語會話對比分析》采用會話分析的方法,研究了中國大學生在“結對討論”英語口試任務中的話語特點。通過比較中國學生和澳大利亞學生的口語會話特點,探討了這些特點的形成因素以及對第二語言教學與測試的重要意義。
    • 1 Introduction
      1.1 Motivation of the study
      1.2 Background of the study
      1.2.1 Why study the spoken English of Chinese learners?
      1.2.2 Why study the spoken English of Chinese learners in a paired test?
      1.2.3 Why study Chinese EFL learner paired speaking in the PETS-5-SET format?
      1.2.4 Why use CA techniques to study Chinese EFL learner speaking in a paired speaking test?
      1.2.5 Why compare the test talk of Chinese EFL learners and Australian students?
      1.3 Objectives of the study
      1.4 Significance of the study
      1.5 Research questions
      1.6 Layout of the book
      1.7 Summary
      2 Literature Review
      2.1 Theoretical underpinnings
      2.1.1 Interactional competence
      2.1.2 Interactional sociolinguistics
      2.1.3 Cross-cultural communication
      2.1.4 Conversation analysis
      2.2 Previous research on spoken interaction
      2.2.1 Discourse-based studies in speaking tests
      2.2.2 Discourse-based studies in L2 learning contexts
      2.2.3 Discourse-based studies on Chinese EFL learners' spoken discourse
      2.3 Summary
      3 Methodology
      3.1 Introduction
      3.2 Data collection
      3.2.1 Rationale of research design
      3.2.2 Procedures of data collection
      3.3 Data analysis
      3.3.1 Data transcription
      3.3.2 Analytic framework
      3.3.3 Procedures of talk analysis
      3.4 Summary
      4 Overview of CA Findings
      4.1 Generic structure
      4.1.1 Sequential organisation
      4.1.2 Rhetorical style
      4.2 Interactional patterns
      4.2.1 Pattern categorisation
      4.2.2 Operational definitions
      4.2.3 Inter-coder reliability check
      4.3 Turn-taking behaviour
      4.3.1 Turn-taking style
      4.3.2 Speaker fights
      4.3.3 Listener responses
      4.4 Summary
      5 Interaetional Features of the Chinese Dyads: A CA Perspective
      5.1 Overview
      5.2 Interactional features
      5.2.1 Genetic structure
      5.2.2 Interactional patterns
      5.2.3 Turn-taking behaviour
      5.3 Summary
      6 Interactional Features of the Australian Dyads: A CA Perspective
      6.1 Overview
      6.2 Interactional features
      6.2.1 Genetic structure
      6.2.2 Interactional patterns
      6.2.3 Turn-taking behaviour
      6.3 Summary
      7 Comparison of the Pair Talk by the Chinese and Australian Dyads
      7.1 Introduction
      7.2 Comparison of the pair talk
      7.2.1 Generic structure
      7.2.2 Interactional patterns
      7.2.3 Turn-taking behaviour
      7.3 Differences and contributing factors
      7.3.1 Rhetorical style
      7.3.2 Interactional patterns
      7.3.3 Turn-taking behaviour
      7.3.4 Conversational devices
      7.3.5 Listener responses
      7.4 Summary
      8 Conclusion
      8.1 Introduction
      8.2 Summary of main findings
      8.2.1 Characteristics of the pair talk of Chinese EFL learners
      8.2.2 Characteristics of the pair talk of Australian students
      8.2.3 Similarities and differences of the pair talk between the Chinese EFL learners and Australian students
      8.3 Evaluation of the study
      8.3.1 Contributions
      8.3.2 Limitations
      8.4 Implications of the research
      8.4.1 Theory
      8.4.2 L2 teaching practice
      8.4.3 L2 testing practice
      8.5 Recommendations for future research
      8.6 Summary
      8.7 Conclusion
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