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  • 實用商務英語教程(大學英語後續課繫列教材)
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    • 出版社:浙江工商大學
    • ISBN:9787517801702
    • 作者:楊盈//郭虹宇
    • 頁數:129
    • 出版日期:2013-12-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-12-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:205千字
    • 作為選修課教材,本書在編排設計上不僅廣泛聽取了本課程一線任課教師的意見,也考慮了來自學生的需求反饋,努力在各方面做到既適應作為一門課程的課堂教學的要求又能滿足應試備考的需要。本書的宗旨是講解簡明扼要、突出實用,材料務求經典,注重精講多練,使教師用起來方便順手,學生用起來切實有效,從而得到*大的收獲。
      楊盈、郭虹宇主編的《實用商務英語教程》根據選修課學時的數量,將內容分為八章。每一章的內容大致需要三到四個課時,在材料上略有餘量,教師可根據實際情況處理。全書以Susan’s Journal作為主線,貫穿Apply for a job,Get Hired,Get Promoted,Meet a New Customer,Get the Best Deal,Succeed in Making a Deal,Develop New Sales和Problem Solving八大主題。每個單元圍繞主題,分為Leading—in,Hot Words,Intensive Reading,Supplementary Reading,Listening&Speaking,Appliedwriting,Cultural Tips及Case study八個板塊。本書集時代性、實用性、新穎性於一體,將商務知識介紹、英語語言練習、跨文化知識引入、商務案例分析等商務溝通基本技能融為一體,旨在培養學生在跨文化商務語境下用英語溝通、協調和解決問題的能力。
    • Unit 1 Apply for a Job
      A. Lead-in: Susan's Journal (1) Applying for a Job
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading: How to Apply for a Job
      D. Supplementary Reading
      E. Listening & Speaking
      F. Applied Writing
      G. Cultural Tips: Interviewing Across Cultures
      H. Case Study: Akiyama's Job Interview in an American Chemical Company
      Unit 2 Get Hired
      A. Lead-in: Susan's Journal (2) Working as a Sales Assistant
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading: Job Description of Sales Assistants
      D. Supplementary Reading: How to Describe Products/Services
      E. Listening&Speaking
      F. Applied Writing
      G. Cultural Tips: Cultural Awareness in the Multicultural Workplace
      H. Case Study: How Much Is Hard Work?
      Unit 3 Get Promoted
      A. Lead-in: Susan's Journal (3) Sales Executive: A Long Way to Go
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading: Keeping Your Sales Team Motivated
      D. Supplementary Reading: How to Turn a Group into a Team
      E. Listening&Speaking
      F. Applied Writing
      G. Cultural Tips: Collectivism vs. Individualism in the Workplace
      H. Case Study: A Meeting in Mexico
      Unit 4 Meet a New Customer
      A. Lead-in: Susan's Journal (4) : Meeting a New Customer
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading: Meeting a New Customer
      D. Supplementary Reading
      E. I.istening&Speaking
      F. Applied Writing
      G. Cultural Tips: Interviewing Across Cultures
      H. Case Study: Take You to Understand ABC Company
      Unit 5 Get the Best Deal
      A. Lead-in: Susan's Journal (5) : To Get the Best Deal. It's Skillful!
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading: Common Business Negotiation Style
      D. Supplementary Reading: ***0 Effective Negotiation Skills
      E. Listening&Speaking
      F. Applied Writing
      G. Cultural Tips: Negotiating in China
      H. Case Study: Who Has the Final Say in Negotiations
      Unit 6 Succeed in Making a Deal
      A. Lead-in: Susan's Journal (6) : Here Comes the First Contract!
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading: How to Write a Business Contract
      D. Supplementary Reading
      E. Listening&Speaking
      F. Applied Writing
      G. Cultural Tips: Interviewing Across Cultures
      H. Case Study: Business is Business
      Unit 7 Develop New Sales Strategies
      A. Lead-in: Suan's Journal (7) We Need Updating! We Need Innovation!
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading
      D. Supplementary Reading
      E. Listening&Speaking
      F. Applied Writing ~
      G. Cultural Tips: How to Cross Cultural Barriers in International Marketing
      H. Case Study: Finding an Interested Buyer
      Unit 8 Problem Solving
      A. Lead in: Susan's Journal (8) Get problems solved, now or never
      B. Hot Words
      C. Intensive Reading: Problems in Business Communication
      D. Supplementary Reading:Problem Solving Skills Training in the Workplace
      E. Listening&Speaking
      F. Applied Writing
      G. Cultural Tips: Communication Barriers Due to Cultural Diversity
      H. Case Study: Is She a Harsh and Pushy Boss?
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