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  • 商務英語寫作(全國高職高專專業英語規劃教材)
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302252801
    • 作者:房玉靖//馬國志
    • 頁數:230
    • 出版日期:2011-06-01
    • 印刷日期:2011-06-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:363千字
    •   房玉靖、馬國志主編的《商務英語寫作》旨在介紹**商務活動中的典型英語文本的功能、結構、語言特點、寫作要領及訓練方法。通過大量的商務題材寫作訓練,學生能將語言技能和商務知識有機結合,熟練地撰寫典型的商務英語文本,同時培養嚴謹務實、有理有節、以誠待人的職業素質。此外,本書反復提煉語言、變換表述方式,使紛繁復雜的商務文本寫作知識條理分明、清晰易懂,從而使學生能夠穩步提高商務英語書面溝通能力和跨文化交際能力。
    • 房玉靖、馬國志主編的《商務英語寫作》是《高職高專商務英語專業 教材》之一,將寫作知識、技能與實際業務活動有機地融合在一起,旨在 培養學生的商務英語文本撰寫能力。本書共有20個單元,分為5大模塊:企 業辦公管理、招聘與就業、企業宣傳、企業對外交流和商務寫作基礎。每 個單元設有4個板塊(19單元和20單元設有兩個板塊):Having a Clear Picture (摸清門道)、Showing Your Talent Slightly (初露鋒芒)、 Opening the Treasure Box (打開百寶箱)、Displaying Your Prowess Fully (大顯身手),講練結合,能有效地提高學生商務英語寫作能力。 《商務英語寫作》可供高職高專商務英語、國際貿易和國際工商管理 專業的學生使用,也可供參加各類商務英語考試的考生和國際商貿從業人 員參考使用。
    • Module 1 Office Administration
      Unit 1 Notices and Announcements 1
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 1
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 3
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 4
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 9
      Unit 2 Certificates 11
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 11
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 13
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 14
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 18
      Unit 3 Memos 19
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 19
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 21
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 22
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 27
      Unit 4 Meeting Agenda 28
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 28
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 30
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 30
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 34
      Unit 5 Meeting Minutes 35
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 35
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 38
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 39
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 42
      Unit 6 Business Reports 45
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 45
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 49
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 50
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 54
      Module 2 Recruitment and Employment
      Unit 7 Job Advertisements 56
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 56
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 59
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 60
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 65
      Unit 8 Job Application Letters 67
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 67
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 70
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 70
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 75
      Unit 9 Resumes 76
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 76
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 79
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 80
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 84
      Unit 10 Letters of Recommendation 86
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 86
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 88
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 89
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 92
      Module 3 Corporate Promotion
      Unit 11 Corporate Profiles 93
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 93
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 95
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 96
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 102
      Unit 12 Specifications 104
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 104
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 106
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 107
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 111
      Unit 13 Sales Letters 113
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 113
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 116
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 117
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 121
      Unit 14 Press Releases 123
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 123
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 126
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 127
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 132
      Module 4 External Corporate Communication
      Unit 15 Letters of Congratulations 134
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 134
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 136
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 136
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 141
      Unit 16 Letters of Sympathy/Condolence 143
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 143
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 145
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 146
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 151
      Unit 17 Complaints and Replies 153
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 153
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 155
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 156
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 161
      Unit 18 Business Visits and Itineraries 163
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 163
      Part II Showing Your Talent Slightly 166
      Part III Opening the Treasure Box 167
      Part IV Displaying Your Prowess Fully 172
      Module 5 Fundamentals of Business Writing
      Unit 19 Basic Requirements of Business Writing 173
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 173
      Part II Displaying Your Prowess Fully 180
      Unit 20 Word-selecting and Sentence-making 182
      Part I Having a Clear Picture 182
      Part II Displaying Your Prowess Fully 188
      Appendix: Reference Key 190
      References 231
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