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  • 領先經濟學原理(英文版領先商務英語專業繫列教材)
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    • 出版社:高等教育
    • ISBN:9787040356236
    • 作者:魯明易//何玉梅|主編:仲偉合//王立非
    • 頁數:262
    • 出版日期:2013-12-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-12-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:385千字
    • The graduates who major in Business English will be exposed to a wide variety of economic questions in their workplaces and during their lifetimes.The quality of their decision—making in these situations is crucial to the companies and organizations they serve,as well as to their own career development.魯明易、何玉梅編著的《**經濟學原理(英文版**商務英語專業繫列教材)》 is intended to me majors in Business English a general understanding of how the economy works,to empower them with economic modes of analysis,and to help them develop the capacity to understand and make economic decisions.
    • Part Ⅰ The Basics of Economics
      Chapter One What Is Economics?
      1. Two Branches of Economics
      2. Economics, Scarcity and Choice
      3. Opportunity Cost
      4. Production Possibilities Curve
      Chapter Two Economic Systems
      1. Three Fundamental Questions
      2. Alternative Ways of Answering the Three Fundamental Questions
      3. Market Failure
      4. The Role of Govemment

      Part Ⅱ Microeconomics
      Chapter Three Demand and Supply
      1. Demand and the Demand Curve
      2. Supply and the Supply Curve
      3. Price Determination and Market Equilibrium
      4. Change in Market Equilibrium
      5. Government Intervention in Markets
      Chapter Four Elasticity and lts Application
      1. Price Elasticity ofDemand
      2. Price Elasticity of Supply
      3. Other Demand Elasticities
      Chapter Five Consumer Choice and Demand
      1. The Consumer's Budget Constraint
      2. Utility
      3. Consumer Decision Making
      4. Deriving the Demand Curve
      5. Ordinal Utiility
      Chapter Six Production and Cost
      1. Types of Firms
      2. Cost and Profit
      3. Production
      4. Short-Run Production Cost
      5. Long-Run Production Cost
      Chapter Seven Market Structure
      1. Perfect Competition
      2. Monopoly
      3. Monopolistic Competition
      4. Oligopoly

      Part Ⅲ Macroeconomics
      Chapter Eight Macroeconomic Performance and Business Cycle
      1. Why is Macroeconomics Important
      2. Macroeconomic Goals
      3. Gross Domestic Product
      4. Measuring GDP
      5. Other Measures of Nationallncome
      6. Business Cycle
      Chapter Nine Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
      1. Aggregate Supply
      2. Aggregate Demand
      3. Macroeconomic Equilibrium and Fluctuations
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