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  • 公司會計(英文版)
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    • 出版社:立信會計
    • ISBN:9787542943569
    • 作者:蔣培德
    • 頁數:270
    • 出版日期:2014-09-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-09-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:410千字
    • 本教材名叫《公司會計(英文版)》,實際就是英
    • Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting
      1 Accounting: an Information System
      2 Accounting and Business Organizations
      3 Users of Financial Information
      4 Accounting Standards (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
      5 Two Kinds of Accounting
      6 Ethics in Accounting
      7 The Accounting Profession
      8 The Accounting Equation
      9 Accounting for Business Transactions
      Chapter 2 Recording Business Transactions
      1 The Account
      2 Double-Entry Bookkeeping
      3 The T Account
      4 The Journals
      5 The Ledger
      6 The Trial Balance
      7 Accrual Basis Versus Cash Basis
      8 Adjustments to the Accounts
      9 Permanent and Temporary Accounts
      10 Closing Entries
      11 Errors and Correcting Errors
      12 Financial Statements
      13 The Accounting Cycle
      Chapter 3 Accounting for Merchandising Business
      1 The Operating Cycle for a Merchandising Business
      2 Purchase of Merchandise Inventory
      3 Sale of Merchandise Inventory
      4 Cost of Goods Sold
      5 Perpetual and Physical Inventory System
      6 Inventory Costing Methods
      7 Lower-of-Cost-or-Market Rule (LCM)
      8 Methods of Estimating Inventory
      9 Inventory Errors
      10 Format of Income Statement
      Chapter 4 Internal Control and Cash Transactions
      1 Internal Control System
      2 Internal Control Over Cash Receipts
      3 Internal Control Over Cash Disbursements
      4 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
      5 Bank Account and Bank Reconciliation
      6 Petty Cash Fund
      Chapter 5 Short-Term Investments and Receivables
      1 Short-Term Investments
      2 Types of Receivables
      3 Main Issues in Managing Receivables
      4 Accounts Receivable and Bad Debts
      5 Selling (Factoring) Receivables
      6 Notes Receivable
      Chapter 6 Long-Term Assets and Intangible Assets
      1 Capital Expenditures Versus Operating Expenditures
      2 The Cost of a Long-term Asset
      3 Depreciation of Long-term Assets
      4 Special Issues in Depreciation Accounting
      5 Disposal of Fixed Assets
      6 Natural Resources and Depletion
      7 Intangible Assets and Amortization
      Chapter 7 Current Liabilities and Payroll Accounting
      1 Current Liabilities
      2 Contingent Liabilities
      3 Accounting for Payroll
      4 Internal Control for Payroll
      Chapter 8 Corporation
      1 Characteristics of a Corporation
      2 Organizing a Corporation
      3 Stockholders' Rights
      4 Stockholders' Equity
      5 Classes of Shares
      6 Issuing Shares
      7 Dividends on Preferred and Common Shares
      8 Dividend Dates
      9 Stock Dividends
      10 Different Values of Shares
      11 Stock Splits
      12 Treasury Stock
      13 Appropriations of Retained Earnings
      14 Corporation Income Statement
      15 Earnings per Share
      Chapter 9 Long-Term Liabilities and Investments
      1 Bonds: Nature and Types
      2 Bond Prices
      3 Issuing Bonds Payable
      4 Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
      5 Callable Bonds
      6 Convertible Bonds
      7 Advantage of Financing Operation with Debt versus Stock
      8 Operating Leases VS. Capital Leases
      9 Investment in Bonds
      10 Available-for-Sale Investment
      11 Investment in Equity
      12 Consolidation Accounting
      Chapter 10 Budgeting and Costing
      1 Budgets and Budgeting
      2 Master Budget
      3 Preparing the Budgets
      4 Cost and Cost Accounting
      5 Manufacturing Accounts
      6 Job Costing
      7 Process Costing
      8 Standard Costing
      Chapter 11 Statement of Cash Flows
      1 Purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows
      2 Operating, Investing and Financing Activities
      3 Cash and Cash Equivalents
      4 Format of The Statement of Cash Flows
      5 Non-cash Investing and Financing Activities
      6 Preparing the Statement of Cash Flow: The Direct Method
      7 Preparing the Statement of Cash Flow: The Indirect Method
      Chapter 12 Financial Analysis
      1 Financial Ratios
      2 CVP Analysis
      3 Short-Term Decision Making
      Appendix I Glossary
      Appendix II Review I
      Appendix III Review II
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