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  • 勃朗寧夫人十四行愛情詩集(插圖本)
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    • 出版社:甘肅人美
    • ISBN:9787805886794
    • 作者:(英)勃朗寧夫人|譯者:文愛藝
    • 頁數:178
    • 出版日期:2008-10-01
    • 印刷日期:2008-10-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:32開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 《勃朗寧夫人十四行愛情詩集(插圖本)》直譯為《葡萄牙人十四行詩集》,因為勃朗寧夫人寫過關於一對葡萄牙愛人的抒情詩,勃朗寧很愛這詩,常把妻子叫做“我的小葡萄牙人”的緣故。是勃朗寧夫人與勃朗寧相愛之後到之結婚之前寫下的。表達了勃朗寧夫人擁有愛情之後的歡喜、激動、擔心等種種情緒,愛的純粹與熱烈曾經感染了無數讀者。勃朗寧讀過之後,欣喜地稱之為莎士比亞以來*美的十四行詩。
    • 《勃朗寧夫人十四行愛情詩集(插圖本)》由勃朗寧夫人編著。 勃朗寧夫人偉大的愛情,鑄就了不朽的詩篇;展示在讀者面前的這四十 四首十四行詩,便是這偉大愛情的結晶,它已成為人類最優秀的十四行愛情 詩,是情詩中的珍品,從它誕生之日,一直再版不斷,盛傳不衰,流傳至今 。 觸摸著這散發著詩人崇高靈魂的詩篇,我們更加感到它的珍貴。願它的 靈魂、沐浴我們的身心,在人性的燦爛的陽光裡,活躍我們心靈的康健。 《勃朗寧夫人十四行愛情詩集(插圖本)》是英國最優美的愛情詩集。
    • "I thought once how Theocritus had sung"
      "But only three in all Gods unverse"
      "Unlike are we, unlike, 0 princely Heart"
      "Thott hast thy calling to some palace-floor"
      "I lift my heavy heart up solemnly"
      "Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand"
      "The face of all the world is changed, I think"
      "What can I give thee back, 0 liberal"
      "Can it be right to give what I can give"
      "Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful indeed"
      "And therefore if to love can be desert"
      "Indeed this very love which is my boast"
      "And wilt thou have me fashion into speech"
      "If thou must love me, let it be for nought"
      "Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear"
      "And yet, because thou overcomest so"
      "My poet, thou canst touch on all the notes"
      "I never gave a lock of hair away"
      "The souls Rialto hath its merchandise"
      "Belovbd, my Beloved, when I think"
      "Say over again, and yet once over again"
      "When our two souls stand up erect and strong"
      "Is it indeed so? If I lay here dead"
      "Let the worlds sharpness, like a clasping knife"
      "A heavy heart, Beloved, have I borne"
      "I lived with visions for my company"
      "My own Beloved, who hast lifted me"
      "My letters! all dead paper, mute and white"
      "I think of thee! i my thoughts do twine and bud"
      "I see thine image through my tears to-night"
      "Thou comest! all is said without a word"
      "The first time that the sun rose on thine oath"
      "Yes, call me by my pet-name! let me hear"
      "With the same heart, I said, Ill answer thee"
      "If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange"
      "When we met first and loved, I did not build"
      "Pardon, oh, pardon, that my soul should make"
      "First time he kissed me, he but only kissed"
      "Because thou hast the power and ownst the grace"
      "Oh, yes! they love through all this world of ours"
      "I thank all who have loved me in their hearts"
      " My future will not copy fair my past "
      "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways"
      "Belov6d, thou hast brought me many flowers"
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