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  • 軟件構架實踐(第3版影印版)
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302312932
    • 作者:(美)巴斯//克萊門茨//凱茲曼
    • 頁數:589
    • 出版日期:2013-02-01
    • 印刷日期:2013-02-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:3
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:790千字
    • Len Bass編著的《軟件構架實踐(第3版影印版)》是一本榮獲大獎且影

      <div class="neirong"><a target="_blank"><span style=
      "color: #800080;"><span style=
      "text-decoration: underline;">書籍</span></span></a><br />
      <a target="_blank"><span style=
      "text-decoration: underline;"><span style=
      "color: #0000ff;">計算機書籍</span></span></a><br />
        十年間,敏捷 & 軟件工程,冰與火之歌<br />
        《軟件構架實踐》是一本榮獲大獎且影響深遠的經典之作,目前已經全面修訂,充分體現了這一領域的最新進展。基於軟件開發的真實現狀,本書再次以全新的角度引入軟件構架的相關概念和最佳實踐,闡述軟件繫統是如何架構的,軟件繫統中的各個要素之間又是如何相互作用的。有別於實現細節、算法和數據表示,軟件構架是達成高品質軟件的關鍵,是一種可重用於後續軟件繫統的資產,並且對軟件企業的商業策略至關重要。<br />

        作者圍繞著軟件構架影響周期的概念對本書前一版進行了重構。每個周期都表明了軟件構架是如何產生影響的,同時它又受哪些因素的影響,軟件構架在特定的背景下發揮著關鍵性的作用。這些背景包括技術環境、項目的生命周期、組織的業務概況和架構師的專業實踐。作者還進一步延展了質量屬性,仍然以構架理念為中心(用單獨一章內容來專門介紹每個屬性),拓寬了軟件構架模式。<br />

        如果要參與或者負責大型軟件繫統的設計、開發和管理,你會發現這本書是很有價值的參考資源,可以幫助你緊跟技術潮流。<br />
        《軟件構架實踐(第3版 影印版)》特色主題<br />
        軟件構架的背景:技術角度、項目角度、業務角度和職業角度<br />
        軟件構架的競爭力:對於個人和組織的意義<br />
        業務目標的依據及其如何影響軟件構架<br />
        軟件構架層面的重要需求及其確定方式<br />
        軟件生命周期中的構架,包括以設計思維為前提的生成-測試;實現期間的軟件構架一致性;構架與測試;構架與敏捷開發<br />

    • preface xv
      reader’s guide xvii
      acknowledgments xix
      Part one: introduction 1
      Chapter 1: what is software architecture? 3
      1.1 what software architecture is and what it isn’t 4
      1.2 architectural structures and views 9
      1.3 architectural patterns 18
      1.4 what makes a “good” architecture? 19
      1.5 summary 21
      1.6 for further reading 22
      1.7 discussion questions 23
      Chapter 2: why is software architecture important? 25
      2.1 inhibiting or enabling a system’s quality attributes 26
      2.2 reasoning about and managing change 27
      2.3 predicting system qualities 28
      2.4 enhancing communication among stakeholders 29
      2.5 carrying early design decisions 31
      2.6 defining constraints on an implementation 32
      2.7 influencing the organizational structure 33
      2.8 enabling evolutionary prototyping 33
      2.9 improving cost and schedule estimates 34
      2.10 supplying a transferable, reusable model 35
      2.11 allowing incorporation of independently developed components 35
      2.12 restricting the vocabulary of design alternatives 36
      2.13 providing a basis for training 37
      2.14 summary 37
      2.15 for further reading 38
      2.16 discussion questions 38
      Chapter 3: the many contexts of software architecture 39
      3.1 architecture in a technical context 40
      3.2 architecture in a project life-cycle context 44
      3.3 architecture in a business context 49
      3.4 architecture in a professional context 51
      3.5 stakeholders 52
      3.6 how is architecture influenced? 56
      3.7 what do architectures influence? 57
      3.8 summary 59
      3.9 for further reading 59
      3.10 discussion questions 60
      Part two: quality attributes 61
      Chapter 4: understanding quality attributes 63
      4.1 architecture and requirements 64
      4.2 functionality 65
      4.3 quality attribute considerations 65
      4.4 specifying quality attribute requirements 68
      4.5 achieving quality attributes through tactics 70
      4.6 guiding quality design decisions 72
      tructures and views<br />
      1.3 architectural patterns<br />
      1.4 what makes a “good” architecture?<br />
      1.5 summary<br />
      1.6 for further reading<br />
      1.7 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 2: why is software architecture important?<br />
      2.1 inhibiting or enabling a system’s quality attributes<br />
      2.2 reasoning about and managing change<br />
      2.3 predicting system qualities<br />
      2.4 enhancing communication among stakeholders<br />
      2.5 carrying early design decisions<br />
      2.6 defining constraints on an implementation</p>
      <p>.2.7 influencing the organizational structure<br />
      2.8 enabling evolutionary prototyping<br />
      2.9 improving cost and schedule estimates<br />
      2.10 supplying a transferable, reusable model<br />
      2.11 allowing incorporation of independently developed
      components<br />
      2.12 restricting the vocabulary of design alternatives<br />
      2.13 providing a basis for training<br />
      2.14 summary<br />
      2.15 for further reading<br />
      2.16 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 3: the many contexts of software architecture<br />
      3.1 architecture in a technical context<br />
      3.2 architecture in a project life-cycle context<br />
      3.3 architecture in a business context<br />
      3.4 architecture in a professional context<br />
      3.5 stakeholders<br />
      3.6 how is architecture influenced?<br />
      3.7 what do architectures influence?<br />
      3.8 summary<br />
      3.9 for further reading<br />
      3.10 discussion questions<br />
      part two: quality attributes<br />
      chapter 4: understanding quality attributes<br />
      4.1 architecture and requirements<br />
      4.2 functionality<br />
      4.3 quality attribute considerations<br />
      4.4 specifying quality attribute requirements<br />
      4.5 achieving quality attributes through tactics<br />
      4.6 guiding quality design decisions<br />
      4.7 summary<br />
      4.8 for further reading<br />
      4.9 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 5: availability<br />
      5.1 availability general scenario<br />
      5.2 tactics for availability<br />
      5.3 a design checklist for availability<br />
      5.4 summary<br />
      5.5 for further reading<br />
      5.6 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 6: interoperability<br />
      6.1 interoperability general scenario<br />
      6.2 tactics for interoperability<br />
      6.3 a design checklist for interoperability<br />
      6.4 summary<br />
      6.5 for further reading<br />
      6.6 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 7: modifiability<br />
      7.1 modifiability general scenario<br />
      7.2 tactics for modifiability<br />
      7.3 a design checklist for modifiability<br />
      7.4 summary<br />
      7.5 for further reading<br />
      7.6 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 8: performance<br />
      8.1 performance general scenario<br />
      8.2 tactics for performance<br />
      8.3 a design checklist for performance<br />
      8.4 summary<br />
      8.5 for further reading<br />
      8.6 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 9: security<br />
      9.1 security general scenario<br />
      9.2 tactics for security<br />
      9.3 a design checklist for security<br />
      9.4 summary<br />
      9.5 for further reading<br />
      9.6 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 10: testability<br />
      10.1 testability general scenario<br />
      10.2 tactics for testability<br />
      10.3 a design checklist for testability<br />
      10.4 summary<br />
      10.5 for further reading<br />
      10.6 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 11: usability<br />
      11.1 usability general scenario<br />
      11.2 tactics for usability<br />
      11.3 a design checklist for usability<br />
      11.4 summary<br />
      11.5 for further reading<br />
      11.6 discussion questions<br />
      chapter 12: other quality attributes<br />
      12.1 other important quality attributes<br />
      12.2 other categories of quality attributes<br />
      12.3 software quality attributes and system quality
      attributes<br />
      12.4 using standard lists of quality attributes–or not<br />
      12.5 d 4.7 summary 76
      4.8 for further reading 77
      4.9 discussion questions 77
      Chapter 5: availability 79
      5.1 availability general scenario 85
      5.2 tactics for availability 87
      5.3 a design checklist for availability 96
      5.4 summary 98
      5.5 for further reading 99
      5.6 discussion questions 100
      Chapter 6: interoperability 103
      6.1 interoperability general scenario 107
      6.2 tactics for interoperability 110
      6.3 a design checklist for interoperability 114
      6.4 summary 115
      6.5 for further reading 116
      6.6 discussion questions 116
      Chapter 7: modifiability 117
      7.1 modifiability general scenario 119
      7.2 tactics for modifiability 121
      7.3 a design checklist for modifiability 125
      7.4 summary 128
      7.5 for further reading 128
      7.6 discussion questions 128
      Chapter 8: performance 131
      8.1 performance general scenario 132
      8.2 tactics for performance 135
      8.3 a design checklist for performance 142
      8.4 summary 145
      8.5 for further reading 145
      8.6 discussion questions 145
      Chapter 9: security 147
      9.1 security general scenario 148
      9.2 tactics for security 150
      9.3 a design checklist for security 154
      9.4 summary 156
      9.5 for further reading 157
      9.6 discussion questions 158
      Chapter 10: testability 159
      10.1 testability general scenario 162
      10.2 tactics for testability 164
      10.3 a design checklist for testability 169
      10.4 summary 172
      10.5 for further reading 172
      10.6 discussion questions 173
      Chapter 11: usability 175
      11.1 usability general scenario 176
      11.2 tactics for usability 177
      11.3 a design checklist for usability 181
      11.4 summary 183
      11.5 for further reading 183
      11.6 discussion questions 183
      Chapter 12: other quality attributes 185
      12.1 other important quality attributes 185
      12.2 other categories of quality attributes 189
      12.3 software quality attributes and system quality attributes 190
      12.4 using standard lists of quality attributes–or not 193
      12.5 dealing with “x-ability”: bringing a new quality attribute into the fold 196
      12.6 for further reading 200
      12.7 discussion questions 201
      Chapter 13: architectural tactics and patterns 203
      13.1 architectural patterns 204
      13.2 overview of the patterns catalog 205
      13.3 relationships between tactics and patterns 238
      13.4 using tactics together 242
      13.5 summary 247
      13.6 for further reading 248
      13.7 discussion questions 249
      Chapter 14: quality attribute modeling and analysis 251
      14.1 modeling architectures to enable quality attribute analysis 252
      14.2 quality attribute checklists 260
      14.3 thought experiments and back-of-the-envelope analysis 262
      14.4 experiments, simulations, and prototypes 264
      14.5 analysis at different stages of the life cycle 265
      14.6 summary 266
      14.7 for further reading 267
      14.8 discussion questions 269
      Part three: architecture in the life cycle 271
      Chapter 15: architecture in agile projects 275
      15.1 how much architecture? 277
      15.2 agility and architecture methods 281
      15.3 a brief example of agile architecting 283
      15.4 guidelines for the agile architect 286
      15.5 summary 287
      15.6 for further reading 288
      15.7 discussion questions 289
      Chapter 16: architecture and requirements 291
      16.1 gathering asrs from requirements documents 292
      16.2 gathering asrs by interviewing stakeholders 294
      16.3 gathering asrs by understanding the business goals 296
      16.4 capturing asrs in a utility tree 304
      16.5 tying the methods together 308
      16.6 summary 308
      16.7 for further reading 309
      16.8 discussion questions 309
      Chapter 17: designing an architecture 311
      17.1 design strategy 311
      17.2 the attribute-driven design method 316
      17.3 the steps of add 318
      17.4 summary 325
      17.5 for further reading 325
      17.6 discussion questions 326
      Chapter 18: documenting software architectures 327
      18.1 uses and audiences for architecture documentation 328
      18.2 notations for architecture documentation 329
      18.3 views 331
      18.4 choosing the views 341
      18.5 combining views 343
      18.6 building the documentation package 345
      18.7 documenting behavior 351
      18.8 architecture documentation and quality attributes 354
      18.9 documenting architectures that change faster than you can document them 355
      18.10 documenting architecture in an agile development project 356
      18.11 summary 359
      18.12 for further reading 360
      18.13 discussion questions 360
      Chapter 19: architecture, implementation, and testing 363
      19.1 architecture and implementation 363
      19.2 architecture and testing 370
      19.3 summary 376
      19.4 for further reading 376
      19.5 discussion questions 377
      Chapter 20: architecture reconstruction and conformance 379
      20.1 architecture reconstruction process 381
      20.2 raw view extraction 382
      20.3 database construction 386
      20.4 view fusion 388
      20.5 architecture analysis: finding violations 389
      20.6 guidelines 392
      20.7 summary 393
      20.8 for further reading 394
      20.9 discussion questions 395
      Chapter 21: architecture evaluation 397
      21.1 evaluation factors 397
      21.2 the architecture tradeoff analysis method 400
      21.3 lightweight architecture evaluation 415
      21.4 summary 417
      21.5 for further reading 417
      21.6 discussion questions 418
      Chapter 22: management and governance 419
      22.1 planning 420
      22.2 organizing 422
      22.3 implementing 427
      22.4 measuring 429
      22.5 governance 430
      22.6 summary 432
      22.7 for further reading 432
      22.8 discussion questions 433
      Part four: architecture and business 435
      Chapter 23: economic analysis of architectures 437
      23.1 decision-making context 438
      23.2 the basis for the economic analyses 439
      23.3 putting theory into practice: the cbam 442
      23.4 case study: the nasa ecs project 450
      23.5 summary 457
      23.6 for further reading 458
      23.7 discussion questions 458
      Chapter 24: architecture competence 459
      24.1 competence of individuals: duties, skills, and knowledge of architects 460
      24.2 competence of a software architecture organization 467
      24.3 summary 475
      24.4 for further reading 475
      24.5 discussion questions 477
      Chapter 25: architecture and software product lines 479
      25.1 an example of product line variability 482
      25.2 what makes a software product line work? 483
      25.3 product line scope 486
      25.4 the quality attribute of variability 488
      25.5 the role of a product line architecture 488
      25.6 variation mechanisms 490
      25.7 evaluating a product line architecture 493
      25.8 key software product line issues 494
      25.9 summary 497
      25.10 for further reading 498
      25.11 discussion questions 498
      Part five: the brave new world 501
      Chapter 26: architecture in the cloud 503
      26.1 basic cloud definitions 504
      26.2 service models and deployment options 505
      26.3 economic justification 506
      26.4 base mechanisms 509
      26.5 sample technologies 514
      26.6 architecting in a cloud environment 520
      26.7 summary 524
      26.8 for further reading 524
      26.9 discussion questions 525
      Chapter 27: architectures for the edge 527
      27.1 the ecosystem of edge-dominant systems 528
      27.2 changes to the software development life cycle 530
      27.3 implications for architecture 531
      27.4 implications of the metropolis model 533
      27.5 summary 537
      27.6 for further reading 538
      27.7 discussion questions 538
      Chapter 28: epilogue 541
      references 547
      about the authors 561
      index 563

      <p>preface xv<br />
      reader’s guide xvii<br />
      acknowledgments xix<br />
      part one: introduction<br />
      chapter 1: what is software architecture?<br />
      1.1 what software architecture is and what it isn’t<br />
      1.2 architectural s
    • 本書第2版出版以來,彈指之間已過十年。在此期間,軟件構架領域的關注點在拓寬和延展,從主要面向內部——人們是如何對軟件進行設計、評估和編檔的——到關注影響軟件的外部因素——*深入地理解這些因素對軟件構架的影響,*透徹地理解架構對軟件生命周期、組織和管理的影響。過去的十年中,我們也看到軟件繫統的類型也發生了巨大的變化。十年前,大數據、社交媒體和雲計算都還處於萌芽期,但現在,成熟已經足以形容它們的發展,而應該說它們已經相當具有影響力了。
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