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  • 無線傳感器網絡中高能效路由技術(英文版)
    該商品所屬分類:計算機/網絡 -> 網絡技術
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    • 出版社:武漢理工
    • ISBN:9787562944720
    • 作者:汪祥莉//王文波
    • 頁數:140
    • 出版日期:2014-07-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-07-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:230千字
    • 汪祥莉、王文波著的《無線傳感器網絡中高能效
      路由技術(英文版)》講述了:Wireless sensor
      network is an extremely important research
      field in computer networks at present,
      whichhas an extensive application prospect.
      As wireless sensor nodes are characterized
      by limited energy availability,energy
      efficiency is a key issue in designing the
      network. Efficiently using nodes' limited
      energy and extendingnetwork lifetime as long
      as possible has become a very challenging
      subject on wireless sensor networks.
      This book contains the authors' research
      results on energy-efficient routing
      technologies in wireless sensornetwork, and
      its main content includes the following:
      clustering heterogeneous network routing
      algorithmbased on mixed integer programming;
      adaptive aggregation routing and data fusion
      algorithms in wireless sen-sor networks; the
      lowest energy consumption routing algorithm,
      the energy balancing and lowest energy-con-
      sumption routing algorithm, and the least
      delay and low energy-consumption routing
      algorithm on the basis ofdynamic programming
      This book is very suitable for the
      graduate students, the postdoctors and the
      teachers in science and
      technologyinstitutes. It also can be used as
      a reference book for the researchers in the
      field of engineering technology.
    • Chapter 1 Introduction of Wireless Sensor Networks
      1.1 Basic concepts of wireless sensor networks
      1.2 Applications of WSNs
      1.3 Research contents of WSNs
      1.4 Performance evaluation index in WSN
      Chapter 2 Routing Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks
      2.1 Design constraints for routing in WSNs
      2.2 Classification of routing protocols for WSNs
      2.3 Analysis and comparison of typical routing protocols in WSNs
      2.4 Energy consumption characteristics and model analysis of sensor node
      2.5 Key technologies of building energy-efficient routing in WSNs
      Chapter 3 Optimal Clustering Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks with Small-world Property
      3.1 Introduction of complex networks
      3.2 Models of complex networks
      3.3 Optimal clustering routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks with small-world property
      Chapter 4 Adaptive Aggregation Routing and Data Fusion Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
      4.1 Introduction of aggregation routing
      4.2 An adaptive aggregation routing algorithm in WSNs
      4.3 An energy balance mobile agent routing algorithm based on ant colony optimization in WSNs
      4.4 De-noising preprocessing before data fusion in WSNs
      4.5 Data fusion algorithm of wireless multimedia sensor network based on nonsubsam-pled pyramid and bidimensional empirical decomposition
      Chapter 5 Efficient Energy Routing Algorithm Based on Dynamic Programming in Wireless Sensor Networks
      5.1 Basic concepts of dynamic programming method
      5.2 Establishment of standard dynamic programming model for WSNs
      5.3 LECR based on dynamic programming
      5.4 EB-LECR based on dynamic programming
      5.5 LD-LECR based on the dynamic programming
      5.6 Simulation and analysis
      5.7 Conclusion
      Chapter 6 Summary and Outlook
      6.1 Research work summary
      6.2 The next research work
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