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Radical Fashion
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  • 出版社:中圖北京市場部
  • ISBN:000024709X
  • 作者:Claire Wilcox編
  • 頁數:149
  • 出版日期:2003-01-01
  • 印刷日期:2003-01-01
  • 包裝:平裝
  • 版次:1
  • 印次:1
  • The history of any museum is as much made up of its exhibitions as by the sum of its permanent collections. These events mark moments in time, and changes in attitudes, for curators collect ideas as well as objects. Fashion marks moments in time with particular resonance, not only because it continually changes but also because it is a discipline charged with the essence of the present, imbued with the history of the past and full of potency for the future. In the words of French critic Roland Barthes: ’Every new fashion is a refusal to inherit, a subversion against the oppression of the preceding fashion? This refusal to inherit gives fashion great immediacy, for fashion captures the zeitgeist from Dior’s New Look of 1947, through Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren’s anarchic T-shirts and bondage trousers of the ’70s to the supermodern clothing of the zeros, described by Andrew Bolton as ’a response to the increasingly alienating spaces of contemporary urban life’.
  • Acknowledgements
    Notes on Contributors
    Valerie Mendes
    ’I Try Not to Fear Radical Things’
    Clahe Wilcox
    Looking Forward
    Historical Futurism
    Judith Clark
    Radical Traditionalists
    Azzedine Alaia & Jean Paul Gaultier
    Susannah Frankel
    ’A Dress is No Longer a Little, Flat Closed Thing’
    lssey Miyake, Rei Kawakubo, Yohji Yamamoto & Juwa Watanabe
    Amy de la ttaye
    Imagining Fashion
    Helmut Lang & Maison Martin Margiela
    Alistair O’Neill
    ’Style in Revolt’
    Hussein Chalayan, Alexander McQueen & Vivienne Westwood
    Valerie Sleele
    The Designers
    Azzedine Alaia
    Hussein Chalayan
    Comme des Garcons
    Jean Paul 6aultier
    Helmut Lang
    Alexander McQueen
    Maison Martin Margiela
    Issey Miyake
    Junya Watanabe Comme des Garcons
    Vivienne Westwood
    Yohji Yamamoto
    Picture Captions & Credit Lines
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