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  • 程泰寧文集/中國建築名家文庫
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    • 出版社:華中科技
    • ISBN:9787560966175
    • 作者:程泰寧
    • 頁數:296
    • 出版日期:2011-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2011-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:491千字
    • 《程泰寧文集》由程泰寧所著,所收文章反映我國在不同時期、主要是改革開放30年來關於建築創作問題的一些思考。盡管立論有深淺,但都是有感而發,而且在思路上保持了一種連續性,那就是一直在試圖闡明對建築本體的認識,探索建築創作規律;同時,也試圖在**化的語境下、在跨文化對話中找尋似已失去的中國話語。這些文章從一個角度反映了這一時期中國建築創作的發展歷程,有一定意義。
    • 《程泰寧文集》由程泰寧所著,主要內容是:面對當代城市化進程加快 ,西方建築師不斷湧人中國市場,東西方文化相互踫撞、交融的趨勢,中國 傳統文化、中國建築文化愈加引起建設者的重視。當前,中國建築師在學習 、應用西方先進的設計理念和建築技術的同時,應深入學習、領悟中國本土 的建設思想理念和傳統建築文化。 建築要有地域特色,中國城市和建築要有中國特色。中國城市的大規模 開發建設曾帶來對歷史文化的破壞,城市建築類似、雷同,缺少地域特色, 缺少文化內涵,城市建設與城市歷史文化保護等面臨著睹多問題。在這種形 勢下,越來越多的有識之士開始呼喚民族文化、傳統建築文化的回歸。 《程泰寧文集》適合建築領域的研究人員閱讀。
    • 編者序言Preface 0f the Editor
      作者自序Preface 0f the Author
      第一篇 學術論文
      Chapter 1 Academic Theses
      1. 大型運動場觀眾視覺質量的研究
      Research on Visual Quality of Spectators at Stadium
      2. 裝配式住宅建築藝術處理問題的探討
      Exploration on the Artistic Treatment in Prefabricated Housing
      3. 中小型建築創作小議
      Some Opinions on the Archi(ectural Design ofSmall and Medium Buildings
      4. 立足此時立足此地立足自己
      Gaining a Foothold Here and Now;Depending on My Own Strength
      5. 我的建築哲學
      My Architectural Philosophy
      6. 在歷史和未來之間的思考
      Thinking on the History and the Future
      7. 自然·自我·建築文化———江南傳統建築中的“理”
      Nature·Self-reliance·Architectural Culture——The Sciences Embodied in Traditional Buildings in the South ofthe Yangtze River
      8. 從加納**劇院創作想起的——漫議建築創作機制與體制
      Reflections on The Design ofGhana National Theatre——Informal Discussion on the Mechanism and System ofArchitectural Creation
      9. 面向未來,走自己的路_在歷史和未來之間的再思考
      FacingtheFuture,Taking My Own Course——Thinking Further on the History and the Future
      10. 地域性與建築文化——江南建築地域特色的延續和發展
      Local Features and Architectural Culture——一Extension and Development of the Local Architectural Features in the South 0fthe Yangtze River
      11. 建築的社會性與文化性——在商品經濟和外來文化衝擊下對中國建築現狀與未來的思考
      Social and Cultural Characteristics of Architecture——Think of the Present and Fu札rc 0f Chinese Architecture on the Impact of Commodity Economy and Foreign Culture
      12. 折射與導向——從“歐式建築”的流行談起
      The Reflection and Guidance—Talking about the European Architecture as a Prevailing Style
      13. 相通、相攜、相成——我看建築與文學
      Communication,Cooperation,and Complement with Each Other——My Views on Architecture and Literature
      14. 東西方文化比較與建築創作
      A Comparison Between Occidental and Oriental Cultures arid Architectural Creation
      15. 從建築走向城市
      City is the Architectural Aggregate
      16. 中國建築師走在自主創新的路上
      Chinese Architects ON the Way ofIndependent lnnovatiOn
      17. “以有涯逐無涯”,不亦樂乎!
      It's a Great Pleasure to Seeking More knowledge within Limited Lifetime
      第二篇 設計·構思
      Chapter 2 Design and Concept
      1. 杭州黃龍飯店
      Hangzhou Dragon Hotel
      Environment,Function,Architectural View——Notes on the Design ofHangzhou Dragon Hotel
      Symposium on the Design ofHangzhou Dragon Hotel
      2. 加納**劇院
      Ghana National Theatre
      The Composition of Reason and Image——The Notes of Ghana National Theatre Creation
      3. 馬裡**會議大廈
      Bamako Convention Building
      4. 杭州鐵路新客站
      New Hangzhou Railway Station
      The Crux Lies in People's Concept——Postscript on the Design of New Hangzhou Railway Station
      5. 杭州**假日酒店
      Holiday Inn Hangzhou
      6. 聯合國**小水電中心
      The Reconstruction Project of UN International Network on Small Hydro Power
      7. 海寧博物館
      Haining Museum
      From the Complex to the Simple,Making the Indigenous Serve the Present——On the Dcsign 0f Haining Museum
      8. 上海公安局辦公指揮大樓
      Office and Command Building for Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau
      9. 浙江大學新校區第三組團
      The Third Cluster in the New Campus ofZhejiang University
      Environment·Space·Architectural Image——Design for the Third Cluster in the New Campus of Zhejiang Universidy
      10. 寧波高教園區圖書館信息中心
      Information Center in Ningbo Higher Education Zone
      The Renewal and Development ofthe Design Idea on Library Architecture——Exploration for the Design of Library Information Center in Ningbo Higher Education Zone
      11. 李叔同(弘一法師)紀念館
      Master Hong Yi(Li Shutong)Memorial Hall
      Seeking bytheAppearance,Far awayfromtheTmth—AnUnderstanding of Master Hong Yi(Li Shutong) Memorial Hall
      12. 紹興魯迅紀念館
      Shaoxing Lu Xun Museum
      13. 浙江耀江大酒店
      Zhejiang Yaojiang Grand Hotel
      14. 杭州金都華府住宅小區
      Jinduhuafu Residential Quarter in Hangzhou
      The Houses in Hangzhou——Random Notes on the Design of Jinduhuafu Residential Qarter
      15. 浙江美術館
      Zhejiang Art Museum
      Consensus·Idea·Construction——Postscript onDesign of Zhejiang Art Museum
      16. 四川建川博物館(戰俘館)
      The POW Hall ofJianchuan Museum in Sichuan
      Intangible·Tangible·Intangible——The Design of POW Hall of Jianchuan Museum in Sichuan
      17. 常熟理工學院逸夫圖書館
      Yifu Library of Changshu Institutd of Technology
      18. 銀川**會展中心
      Yinchuan International C0nference and Exhibition Center
      19. 中國海鹽博物館
      China Sea Salt Museum
      Seeking in the Infinity——Notes on the Design ofChina Sea Salt Museum
      20. 龍泉青瓷博物館
      Longquan Celadon Museum
      21. 杭州鐵路東站概念設計方案
      The Schematic Design for Hangzhou East Railway Station
      22. 寧夏大劇院
      Ningxia Grand Theater
      23. 南京博物院二期工程
      Project Phase Ⅱof Nanjing Museum
      第三篇 隨筆·訪談
      Chapter 3 Practice and Inspiration
      1. 創作經歷自述
      My Architectural Creation Experience
      2. 當代中國建築師叢書《程泰寧》集出版座談會發言摘登
      Excerpts from the Speech on the Publishing Symposium of Series of Contemporary Chinese Architects:Cheng Taining
      3. “功夫”在設計之外——張在元與程泰寧對話
      Master Skills Outside the Design——A Dialogue between Zhang Zaiyuan and Cheng Taining
      4. 望之儼然 即之也溫——訪程泰寧院士
      SolemnLooks. butGentle andAfrable——AVisittoAcademicianChengTaining
      5. 話語纏繞中的沉思——程泰寧院士訪談
      Contemplation in the ConversatiOns——An Interview with Acadmician Cheng Taining
      Cheng Taining:Don't Take the Westem World as Our Future
      7. 俠之大者,胸懷天下——訪建築大師程泰寧
      A Great Master with the Entire World in Mind——An Interview with Architecture Master Cheng Taining
      Cheng Taining: My Lifelong Affection for Architectural Creation
      9. 不經一番徹骨寒,怎得梅花撲鼻香——訪中聯·程泰寧建築設計研究院程泰寧院士
      No Pains, No Gains——A Visit to Academician Cheng Taining from China United Cheng Taining Architectural Design & Research Institute
      10. “中國氣質·大宅第”專訪
      An Interview with Mr:Cheng on the Mansion House with Chinese Attributes
      11. 造房子的*高境界是哲學——**建築大師程泰寧先生專訪
      The Highest Level of Building Houses is Based on Philosophical Thinking——An Interview to Architect Cheng Taining
      12. 城市·建築·文化——與保羅·安德魯先生對話
      City·Architecture·Culture——The Dialogue with Paul Andreu
      13. “5·12”地震後關於規劃和建築設計問題的思考和建議——5·23給中國工程院土、水建學部的信
      The Thinking and Suggestion over the Planning and Architectural Design After 5. 12 Earthquake——The letter to the Civil Engineering Department and Water Conservation Department of the Chinese Academy of Engineering on May 23
      13. 師恩難忘、同窗情深
      The Kindness ofMy Teachers and The Friendship Between My Schoolmates on My Memory
      14. 為《張耀曾建築作品選》作序
      PrefacetoCollectedArchitecture WorksofMr. Zhang Yaozeng
      15. 我所認識的陶逸鐘先生
      What I Know about Mr. Tao Yizhong
      16. 悼光復
      Lament for Guangfu
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