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  • 液晶高分子(第2版影印版)/引進繫列/中外物理學精品書繫
    該商品所屬分類:自然科學 -> 化學
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    • 出版社:北京大學
    • ISBN:9787301251775
    • 作者:(英)唐納德//溫德爾//漢納
    • 頁數:589
    • 出版日期:2014-12-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-12-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:724千字
    • 液晶已經走入千家萬戶,成了日常生活中不可缺
    • Preface to first edition page
      Preface to second edition
      Part Ⅰ Fundamentals
      1 Liquid crystalline polymers: a brief history
      1.1 From rigid-rods to main-chain polymers
      1.2 The development of side-chain liquid crystalline polymers
      1.3 New trends: works and elastomers
      1.4 Theoretical underpinnings
      1.5 A bright future for liquid crystalline polymers
      2 Terminology and concepts
      3 Stability of liquid crystalline polymers
      3.1 Introduction
      3.2 Factors limiting liquid crystallinity in rigid rod-like molecules
      3.3 Control of mesophase stability in main-chain thermotropic liquid crystallin polymers
      3.4 Lyotropic rigid-rod polymers
      3.5 Polymers with mesogenic side-chains
      3.6 Liquid crystalline polymers with more plex molecular architectures
      4 Theories of liquid crystallinity in polymers
      4.1 Introduction
      4.2 Steric theory of rod-like liquid crystals
      4.3 Virial theories: the Onsager approach
      4.4 Flory's lattice model
      4.5 Orientation dependent interactions: the Maier-Saupe theory
      4.6 Theories for main-chain polymers with semi-rigid chains
      4.7 Theories of side-chain liquid crystalline polymers
      4.8 Phenomenological theories of phase transitions
      5 Local order and classification
      5.1 Introduction
      5.2 Nematic polymers
      5.3 Cholesteric polymers
      5.4 Smectic polymers
      5.5 Other aspects of optical texture
      5.6 Crystallisation in liquid crystalline polymers
      6 Distortions and defects 292
      6.1 Introduction 292
      6.2 Distortions 292
      6.3 Disclinations and point singularities: a general introduction
      6.4 Disclination structure in planar geometry
      6.5 Disclinations and point defects in three dimensions
      6.6 Surface disclinations and walls
      6.7 Defects in smectics and cholesterics
      6.8 What is special about polymeric liquid crystals?
      7 Biological liquid crystalline polymers
      7.1 Introduction
      7.2 Polyelectrolytes
      7.3 Helicoids: also known as pseudomorphs
      7.4 Lyotropic main-chain polymers
      7.5 Side-chain liquid crystalline polymers
      7.6 Concluding remarks
      8 Flow and applied fields
      8.1 Introduction
      8.2 Flow fields in liquid crystalline materials
      8.3 The Leslie-Ericksen theory for viscous flow of nematics
      8.4 Miesowicz viscosities
      8.5 The role of texture in liquid crystals subject to shear flow
      8.6 Shear flow of liquid crystalline polymers
      8.7 Mechanical response of liquid crystalline elastomers
      8.8 Response of liquid crystalline polymers to electric and magic fields
      8.9 Instabilities 430
      Part Ⅱ Applications 437
      9 Processing and applications of structural liquid crystalline polymers
      9.1 Two perspectives on the application of liquid crystalline polymers:an introduction to Chapters 9 and 10
      9.2 Rheology
      9.3 Processing and the consequences of flow alignment
      9.4 Liquid crystalline polymers as structural materials
      9.5 Liquid crystalline polymers in blends and posites
      9.6 Commercial exploitation of structural liquid crystalline polymers
      10 Applications of functional liquid crystalline polymers
      10.1 Introduction
      10.2 Liquid crystalline polymers as optoelectronic materials
      10.3 Liquid crystalline polymers in displays
      10.4 Semiconducting liquid crystalline polymers
      10.5 Laser writeable devices
      10.6 Non-linear optical applications
      10.7 Sensors and actuators
      List of symbols
      Molecule index
      General index
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