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  • 輻射保護導論
    該商品所屬分類:自然科學 -> 物理學
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    • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
    • ISBN:9787510070365
    • 作者:(德)克魯普恩
    • 頁數:417
    • 出版日期:2014-03-01
    • 印刷日期:2014-03-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 克魯普恩所著的《輻射保護導論》是一本學習離子化輻射源和輻射保護方法的入門書籍。書中簡短討論了與核物理有關的輻射保護,描述了輻射保護的組成部分,測量技巧、輻射的生物效應、環境輻射和輻射的眾多應用方面。每章都有一個附有詳解的問題部分。附錄中有詞彙集和許多應用信息,使得這本書的完整性*加強。書中也提到了**標準化問題使得這部教材,特別是其中的較復雜的規則能夠被歐洲、美國以及其他**理解。理解輻射保護需要一定的數學知識,書中增加了一個附錄部分講述數學,這樣使得對微積分淡忘的讀者仍然可以輕松閱讀本書。
    • Preface
      1 Introduction
      2 Units of Radiation Protection
      2.1 Supplementary Information
      2.2 Problems
      3 Basic Nuclear Physics
      3.1 Supplementary Information
      3.2 Problems
      4 Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter
      4.1 Detection of Charged Particles
      4.2 Detection of Neutrons
      4.3 Detection of Photons
      4.4 Supplementary Information
      4.5 Problems
      5 Detectors for Radiation Protection
      5.1 Ionization Chamber
      5.2 Proportional Counters and Geiger=Mtiller Counters
      5.3 Scintillation Counters
      5.4 Semiconductor Counters
      5.5 Neutron Dosimeters
      5.6 Personal Dosimeters
      5.7 Measurement of Incorporations and Contaminations
      5.8 Supplementary Information
      5.9 Problems
      6 International Safety Standards for Radiation Protection
      6.1 European Directive
      6.2 American Directive
      6.3 Other Countries
      6.3.1 Australia
      6.3.2 Brazil
      6.3.3 Canada
      6.3.4 China
      6.3.5 India
      6.3.6 Japan
      6.3.7 Mexico
      6.3.8 Russia.
      6.3.9 South Africa
      6.4 Supplementary Information
      6.5 Problems
      7 Organization of Radiation Protection
      7.1 Supplementary Information
      7.2 Problems
      8 Practical Safety Measures
      8.1 Licensing
      8.2 Design Approval
      8.3 Arrangements for Fire Fighting
      8.4 Arrangements for Mitigating the Consequences of Severe or Design-Basis Accidents
      8.5 Instruction and Training
      8.6 Protection of Air, Water, and Soil
      8.7 Special Reasons for Radiation Exposure
      8.8 Handling of Unsealed Radioactive Sources
      8.9 Medical Supervision
      8.10 Storage and Security of Radioactive Substances
      8.11 Bookkeeping
      8.12 Waste Treatment and Storage of Radioactive Waste
      8.13 Packaging and Transport
      8.14 Supplementary Information
      8.15 Problems
      9 Radiation Sources
      9.1 Particle Radiation
      9.2 Photon Sources
      9.3 Neutron Sources
      9.4 Cosmic-Ray Sources
      9.5 Supplementary Information
      9.6 Problems
      10 X Rays and X-Ray Regulations
      10.1 Supplementary Information
      10.2 Problems
      11 Environmental Radioactivity
      11.1 Cosmic Rays
      11.2 Terrestrial Radiation
      11.3 Incorporation of Radioisotopes
      11.4 Radiation Exposure by Technical Installations
      11.5 Supplementary Information
      11.6 Problems
      12 Nuclear Power Plants
      12.1 Nuclear-Fission Reactors
      12.2 Fusion Reactors
      12.2.1 Inertial Fusion
      12.2.2 Fusion by Magnetic Containment
      12.3 Supplementary Information
      12.4 Problems
      13 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
      13.1 Supplementary Information
      13.2 Problems
      14 Radiation Accidents
      14.1 Supplementary Information
      14.2 Problems
      15 Non-Ionizing Radiation
      15.1 Supplementary Information
      15.2 Problems
      16 Solutions to the Problems
      16.1 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 2
      16.2 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 3
      16.3 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 4
      16.4 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 5
      16.5 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 6
      16.6 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 7
      16.7 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 8
      16.8 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 9
      16.9 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 10
      16.10 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 11
      16.11 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 12
      16.12 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 13
      16.13 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 14
      16.14 Solutions to the Problems of Chapter 15
      17 Written Test on Radiation Protection
      17.1 Problems
      17.2 Solutions for the Written Test
      18 Radiation-Protection Glossary
      A Table of Frequently Used Radioisotopes
      B Exemption Limits for Absolute and Specific Activities
      C Maximum Permitted Activity Concentrations Discharged from Radiation Areas
      D Examples of Limits for Surface Contaminations
      E Definition of Radiation Areas
      F Radiation Weighting Factors WR
      G Tissue Weighting Factors wT
      H Physical Constants
      I Useful Conversions
      J List of Abbreviations
      K List of Elements
      L Decay Chains
      M List of Isotopes Frequently Used in Nuclear Medicine and Radiology
      N Critical Organs for Various Radioisotopes
      O Simplified Table of Isotopes and Periodic Table of Elements
      P Decay-Level Schemes
      Q Introduction into the Basics of Mathematics
      Q.1 Derivatives and Integrals
      Q.2 Exponential Function
      Q.3 Natural Logarithm
      Further Reading
      Photo Credit for Commercial Products
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