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  • 中國企業十年(英文版)/21世紀看中國
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    • 出版社:新世界
    • ISBN:9787510455629
    • 作者:楊杜//劉斌|譯者:張衛星//同文世紀
    • 頁數:245
    • 出版日期:2016-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2016-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:150千字
    • 《中國企業十年(英文版)》由楊杜、劉斌著,
      China's ascent to become the world's
      second largest economy could not have been
      achieved without the contribution of its most
      successful businesses and entrepreneurs.
      The number of Chinese companies appearing
      in the Global Top 500 list has increased from
      just 11 in 2002 to 86 in 2013. Only the US
      has more companies that feature in this list,
      but its lead is narrowing each year.
      The Rise and Fall of China's Top 500
      Companies charts the astonishing rise of
      China's largest companies, such as Sinopec,
      China Construction Bank and China Mobile, as
      well as those that have fallen away. Which
      companies are the most profitable and which
      have achieved the highest returns? The book
      investigates the factors that have propelled
      China up the world economic rankings and
      points to what distinguishes the most
      successful companies from the rest. How much
      is it due to operating in a particular
      industry sector or is it down to the
      brilliance of an individual entrepreneur or a
      far-sighted management philosophy?
      Packed with corporate case studies and
      profiles of China's most successful
      entrepreneurs, this thought-provoking book is
      essential reading for all those interested in
      understanding the growing dominance of
      Chinese companies in international business.
    • Chapter I The 12 Years
      I.The rise of China's economy and large companies
      II.The industrial restructuring of large Chinese companies
      III.Reorganizations: growth of large Chinese companies by integration of resources
      IV.Interaction between large Chinese companies and regional economies
      Chapter 2 The Logic of the Growth of Large Chinese Companies
      I.How did Chinese companies grow large?
      II.The largest companies by turnover best at improving turnover
      III.The large companies best at snowballing assets
      IV.Eight modes of growing large
      Chapter 3 The Logic of the Growth Rates of Large Chinese Companies
      I.Threshold speed, standard speed and leader's speed
      II.The large Chinese companies best at \"overtaking others\".
      III.Large Chinese companies that fell furthest behind
      IV.Six growth curves
      Chapter 4 The Logic of Growing Strong Among large Chinese Companies
      I.Three-dimensional strengthening
      II.The most profitable large companies
      III.Large companies with the highest returns on assets
      IV.Three modes of growing strong
      Chapter 5 The Logic of the Rise and Fall of Large Chinese Companies
      I.Can a company be enduring?
      II.Disappeared large Chinese companies
      III.Declining large Chinese companies
      IV.Two ways of death
      Chapter 6 The Logic of the Success and Failure of Chinese Entrepreneurs
      I.China's 10 most senior entrepreneurs
      II.China's ***0 youngest entrepreneurs
      III.China's ***0 entrepreneurs who invested the most for future
      IV.Some has-been entrepreneurs
      V.The success and failure of entrepreneurs
      VI.Entrepreneurs' four life cycles
      Chapter 7 Ways for Large Chinese Companies to Grow
      I.The growth modes of China's top 500 companies
      II.A rough judgment of the stage of growth of large Chinese companies
      III.Seven major growth trends of large Chinese companies in the coming decade
      IV.Creating a new mercantile civilization
      Data processing
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