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  • 國際商務英語(高等學校應用型特色規劃教材)
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    • 出版社:清華大學
    • ISBN:9787302189404
    • 作者:火樹鈺
    • 頁數:346
    • 出版日期:2009-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2009-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:2
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:537千字
    • 以往商務英語教材中電報、電傳占較大篇幅,現在電報電傳已淘汰不用,故本書刪除了電報電傳的內容,增加了電郵、傳真、電子郵件、電子商務、電子數據交換等篇幅。另外,本書按照外貿業務中涉及的各個主要環節的先後順序來編排各個專題和章節,內容實用、全面。書後還附有各個章節的練習答案、外貿英語口語試題以及外貿英語試題,可供學生自我測試和學習。
    • Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing商務書信寫作基礎知識
       Ⅰ. The Aim of Learning International Business English
       Ⅱ. The Keys of Learning Good Business English
       Ⅲ. The Thirteen Trade Terms in International Trade
       Ⅳ. Structure of Business Letters
       Ⅴ. The Ways of Using the Writing Parts and Their Standardized Designs International Laser Machines
      Chapter 2 Business Writing and Envelope Addressing商務書信和書寫信封
       Ⅰ. The Seven Principles of Writing English Business Letters
       Ⅱ. The Styles of Business Letters
       Ⅲ. Ways of Envelope addressing and Their Standardized Designs
       Ⅳ. The styles of Envelope Addressing
      Chapter 3 Establishing Business Relations建立業務關繫
       Ⅰ. The Origin of Establishing Business Relations
       Ⅱ. The Channels of Establishing Business Relations
       Ⅲ. Learning Some Situations before communicating with the Customers
       Ⅳ. Letter Examples
      Chapter 4 Inquiry, Quotation and Counter-offer詢盤、報盤及還盤
       Ⅰ. Inquiry………
       Ⅱ. Offer………………
       Ⅲ. Non-firm Offer
       Ⅳ. Counter-offer
       Ⅴ. Declining the Counter-offer
      Chapter 5 Placing Orders訂貨
       Ⅰ. The General Procedures of Transaction Negotiatings
       Ⅱ. The Writing and the Requirements of the Ordering Letter
       Ⅲ. Examples………
      Chapter 6 Letter of Credit信用證
       Ⅰ. The Function of Letter of Credit
       Ⅱ. The Procedures of Payment Effecting by L/C
       Ⅲ. Some Main Contents of L/C
       Ⅳ. The Classification and the Kinds of L/C s
       Ⅴ. The L/C Checking
       Ⅵ. Granting Amendment to L/C
       Ⅶ. Requesting Extension of L/C
       Ⅷ. L/C Checking and L/C Amending
      Chapter 7 Shipment 裝運
       Ⅰ. International Goods Transportation and Goods Shipment
       Ⅱ. Kinds of Transportation in International Trade
       Ⅲ. Urging the Delivery of the Goods
       Ⅳ. Shipping Advice
       Ⅴ. Booking Necessary Shipping Space in Advance
       Ⅵ. Shipment Packing and Shipping Marking
       Ⅶ. Non-delivery of the Metal Box Containing Tool Kit and Accessaries
      Chapter 8 Payment Effecting付款
       Ⅰ. The Ways of Payments
       Ⅱ. Urging Shipment
       Ⅲ. Asking for Cash Payment
       Ⅳ. Accepting the Installment Payments
       Ⅴ. Negotiating Payment Documents
       Ⅵ. Asking for Deferring Payment
       Ⅶ. Some Deformations of FOB and CIF Terms
      Chapter 9 Insurance保險
       Ⅰ. Cargo Insurance for Ocean Marine Transportation
       Ⅱ. General Additional Insurance
       Ⅲ. Special Additional Insurance
       Ⅳ. Inquiring about Insurance Information
       Ⅴ. Answering to the Inquiry about Insurance Information
       Ⅵ. Offering Insurance Coverage
       Ⅶ. Claiming on Poor Quality
       Ⅷ. Settling the Claim
      Chapter 10 International Tendering**招標
       Ⅰ.The Processes of Tendering
       Ⅱ.The Ways of Tendering
       Ⅲ. Calling for Tenders
       Ⅳ. Sending the Application for Bidding
       Ⅴ. Accepting the Tender
       Ⅵ. Letter of Guarantee for Bid Bond
       Ⅶ. Qualification Document
      Chapter 11 Invitation 邀請函
       Ⅰ. Informing the Visiting Intention
       Ⅱ. Sending the Invitation Letter
       Ⅲ. Sending the Delegation Composition List
       Ⅳ. Itineraries and Programs
       Ⅴ. Invitation Card
      Chapter 12 Resume and Job-application Form簡歷與求職表
       Ⅰ. Resumes and Job-application Letters
       Ⅱ. A Resume Written in Items
       Ⅲ. Hunting for a Provisional Job
       Ⅳ. Hunting for a New Job
      Chapter 13 E-mail,Fax,E-commerce and EDI電子郵件、傳真、電子商務及電子數據交換
       Ⅰ. E-mail………
       Ⅱ. Fax………………
       Ⅲ. E-commerce and EDI
      Chapter 14 Specimens of Documents in International Trade外貿單證
       Ⅰ. The Kinds of Foreign Trade Documents
       Ⅱ. The Document Making
       Ⅲ. Bill of Lading
       Ⅳ. Insurance Policy (Certificate)
       Ⅴ. Draft(Bill of Exchange)
       Ⅵ. Certificate of Origin
       Ⅶ. Shipper Note
       Ⅷ. Invoice……
       Ⅸ. Packing List
       Ⅹ. Commercial Invoice
      Chapter 15 Contract合同
       Ⅰ. The Concept of Contract
       Ⅱ. The Contents of the Contract
       Ⅲ. The Requirements of Working out the Contracts and the Styles and Characteristics of Contract Language
       Ⅳ. The Main Kinds of Contracts
       Ⅴ. Kinds of Standard Contracts
       Ⅵ. Preparing and Filling out the English Sales Contracts
       Ⅶ. Contract for Processing with Supplied Materials and Assembling with Supplied Parts
       Ⅷ. Compensation Trade Contract
       Ⅸ. Exclusive Agency Agreement
       Ⅹ. Joint Venture Contract
      附錄1 2000年外貿英語口語試題
      附錄2 2001年外貿英語口語試題
      附錄3 2002年外貿英語試題
      附錄4 2000年外銷員從業資格外經貿英語試題
      附錄5 2001年外銷員從業資格外經貿英語試題
      附錄6 商務英語漢譯英強化訓練400題
      Keys to the Exercises 練習答案
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