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  • 經濟解釋--張五常英語論文選(英文版)(精)
    該商品所屬分類:經濟 -> 經濟學理論
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    • 出版社:中信
    • ISBN:9787508634456
    • 作者:張五常
    • 頁數:803
    • 出版日期:2012-09-01
    • 印刷日期:2012-09-01
    • 包裝:精裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:709千字
    • 《經濟解釋--張五常英語論文選(英文版)(精)》是張五常教授**的英語文章結集,以一個經濟學家的視角審視經濟社會中的各種問題,觀點獨特,延續了他一貫對經濟現像的分析和解釋的路徑。
    • 張五常編著的《經濟解釋--張五常英語論文選(英文版)(精)》包括兩篇 中文序言和9個章節的英文正文,《經濟解釋--張五常英語論文選(英文版)( 精)》主要內容涵蓋了張教授在國內外曾經發表過的重要學術論文、畢生致 力於研究的經濟學理論、中國經濟改革取得的成就與遇到的問題以及媒體刊 登過的文章等,如一九八二年回港任職的講座演辭、加利佛尼亞大學的演講 ,合約理論、社會成本理論、價格理論、中國經濟改革以及政治經濟學。
    • 神州版序
      Foreword by Ronald H. Coase
      原序:求學奇遇記(Author's Preface: An Intellectual Odyssey)
      I. Three Lectures
      1. Economic Explanation: Let Us Ride with the Surging Tide
      2. Deng Xiaoping's Great Transformation
      3. The Transaction Costs Paradigm
      II. Contract Theory: form Sharecropping to the Firm
      4. Private Property Rights and Sharecropping
      5. Transaction Costs, Risk Aversion, and the Choice of Contractual Arrangements
      6. The Structure of a Contract and the Theory of a Non-Exclusive Resource
      7. The Contractual Nature of the Firm
      8. Economic Organization and Transaction Costs
      9. On the New Institutional Economics
      III. Social Cost Theory
      10. Coase, Ronald Harry
      11. The Fable of the Bees: An Economic Investigation
      12. The Theory of Inter-Individual Effects and the Demand for Contracts
      13. The Myth of Social Cost
      IV. Intricate Pricing Arrangements
      14. The Enforcement of Property Rights in Children, and the Marriage Contract
      15. Rose Bowl vs. Hong Kong: The Economics of Seat Pricing
      16. Commodity Futures: On the Distinction between Commodity Exchange and Crude Oil Exchange
      V. Price and Rent Control
      17. A Theory of Price control
      18. Roofs or Stars: The Stated Intents and Actual Effects of a Rents Ordiance
      19. Rent Control and Housing Reconstruction: The Postwar Experience of Prewar Premises in Hong Kong
      VI. Intellectual Property Rights
      20. Property Rights and Invention
      VII. China's Economic Reforms
      21. Irving Fisher and the Red Guards
      22. Will China go Capitalist?
      23. China in Transition: Where Is She Heading Now?
      24. Privatization vs. Special Interest: The Experience of China's Economic Reforms
      25. Economic Interactions: China vis-a-vis Hong Kong
      VIII. Political Economics
      26. Why Is There a Lack of Freedom Under Communism?
      27. A Simplistic General Equilibrium Theory of Corruption
      28. The Curse of Democracy as an Instrument of Reform in Collapsed Communist Economies
      29. Common Property Rights
      IX. Newspaper Commentaries
      30. China's Ten Black Marks
      31. From China Maids to Rents-a-Slave
      32. Learn From China's Experience
      33. On the Wrong Wave Length
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