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  • 中國家具(英文版)
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    • 出版社:五洲傳播
    • ISBN:9787508513218
    • 作者:張曉明|譯者:康健//韓慧枝//王文亮
    • 頁數:145
    • 出版日期:2009-01-01
    • 印刷日期:2009-01-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:91千字
    • 家具是人類生活的伴侶。中**具是中國藝術的傑出代表,具有鮮明的東方藝術風格特點,被譽為東方藝術的一顆明珠。關於中**具的特點,相信每個喜愛中**具的人在心中都有著自己的答案。
    • Preface 1
      Long History 3
      Bronze and Lacquered Wooden Furniture in the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties 4
      Dwarf Furniture Centered with Bed in the Qin and Han Dynasties 8
      New Lifestyles Initiated by Cultural Exchange in the Wei,Jin & Northern and Southern Dynasties 11
      Transition Stage of Furniture of Different Heights during the Sui and Tang Dynasties as Well as the Five Dynasties 14
      High Furniture Centered with Table, Chair and Stool in the Song andYuan Dynasties 18
      Ming-style Furniture of Hardwood--Classical Furniture during the Ming Dynasty 20
      Qing-style Furniture a Classic from the Qing Dynasty 25
      Lingering Charm of Wood Texture 29
      Hardwood is Valuable 30
      Rare and Magnificent Hardwood 32
      Plain and Practical Softwood 40
      Other Materials for Furniture 45
      Smart Structure and Precise Shape 47
      Tenon-and-mortise Work--the Core Technique of the Chinese Furniture 48
      Overall Furniture Structure Originating from Traditional Architecture 52
      Furniture Forming Components Originating from Traditional Architecture 55
      Reasonable Dimension and Elegant Patterns 59
      Exquisite Design: Decoration 63
      Most Common Decoration Method Hot Wax Setting 64
      Lacquer Decorations with Complete Techniques 66
      Most Common Decoration Method-engraving with Special Care 70
      Magnificent Inlay 73
      Popular Decoration of Structural Components 76
      Varieties of Moldings 79
      Exquisite and Glittering Metal Components 82
      Interesting: Patterns 85
      Beds 86
      Tables 89
      Chairs and Stools 94
      Cabinet-type Furniture 98
      Boxlike Furniture lO3
      Screens 105
      Rack Furniture 107
      Root Furniture 109
      Profound Significance: Culture 111
      Regional Furniture with Diversified Styles 112
      Ming-style Furniture Designed by Scholars 119
      Theory That "Man Is an Integral Part of Nature" Embodied in Furniture 123
      Ritual System Embodied in the Traditional Furniture 127
      Subjects of Decoration Symbolizing Good Luck 134
      Making a "Home" for the Furniture Indoor Layout of Chinese Furniture 138
      Chinese Furniture in Western Countries 142
      Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese
      Dynasties 145
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