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  • 絲路雲履(英文版)
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    • 出版社:西北工大
    • ISBN:9787561251652
    • 作者:肖雲儒|譯者:楊惠英
    • 頁數:256
    • 出版日期:2016-11-01
    • 印刷日期:2016-11-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:399千字
    • 肖雲儒著,楊惠英譯的《絲路雲履(英文版)》以
    • Foreword Passions on the Silk Road Journey
      01 Heading West from Chang'an, the Starting Point of the Silk Road
      02 Reluctant Farewell to Chang'an
      03 Bingling Temple, a Whirlpool of Multi-ethnic Cultures
      04 The Waterwheel, the Local Scenery of the Yellow River
      05 Hearing the Voice of the Yellow River
      06 The Bronze Sculpture of "Horse Stepping on a Flying Swallow" and Wu Wei City
      07 On the Qilian Mountains
      08 The Silk Road and the Great Wall Shake Hands at Jiayu Pass
      09 Dunhuang—Ancient Highlight of the Silk Road
      10 China's Flying Dream for Thousands of Years
      11 A Brief Stopover at Yumen Pass
      12 The Kunlun Mountains
      13 The Ancient City of Gaochang Steeped in Buddhist Hfstory
      14 Pondering on Loulan
      15 Rain in the Mountain of Flames
      16 Shaanxi Accent, Shaanxi Opera and a Centenarian
      17 The Ancient City of Jiaohe
      18 Memories of Shihezi
      19 "The Enlightenment of the World Comes from the Wild! "
      20 The First Grand Meeting of Chinese Western Literature in Yining City
      21 "I am an eagle, bound to fly in the sky"
      22 Silk Road Fever in Kazakhstan
      23 The Farthest Shaanxi Fellows on the Silk Road
      24 Alma-Ata and Xian Xinghai
      25 No Victory or Defeat in Battles since Ancient Times
      26 My Soul was Touched by Three Monuments
      27 Mother Rivers of Central Asia
      28 The Ancient City of Samarkand
      29 How did a "Small Worm" Turn into a Giant?
      30 A Noble Scholar
      31 Huxuan Dance on the Silk Road
      32 Looking for the Akhal-Teke Horse
      33 The "Crossroads" of Asia and "Chang'an" in the Western Regions
      34 Pain and Gratitude
      35 Thinking of Li Bai when Looking at Suyab from a Distance
      36 Tough Immigrants, Mountain Pioneers and Strong Characters
      37 A City with its Beauty
      38 The Song of the Volga Boatmen
      39 The Sail Seeking Peace in the Tempests
      40 Wi-Fi, the Signal of the Motherland
      41 Small is Beautiful
      42 History as Montage
      43 Sorry, Batumi
      44 Afandi Everywhere
      45 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land of the Soul
      46 Very Beautiful! Very Popular! Very Prosperous!
      47 Visiting "Cave Dwelling "and "Tunnel City" in Turkey
      48 Why the Tujue Regard the Wolf as a Totem?
      49 The Ancient City of Ankara
      50 A Strait and an Aircraft Carrier
      51 Mysterious Figures in the Koran
      52 The Support behind Us
      53 Cai Lun Paper and Parchment
      54 Guardians of the Soul
      55 The Olympics-Man's Innate Desire for Sports
      56 On the Glory of Greece!
      57 Venice and Chang'an
      58 I would rather believe! "
      59 Florence, the Invisible Hand behind the Renaissance
      60 The Legendary Artistic Feelings Born in Rome
      61 Getting Drunk in Rome
      62 Italian Songs and Shaanxi Opera
      63 Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican
      64 Pompeii, the Ancient City Buried Alive
      65 Prospects for the Western Regions and Contemporary Trends—a cultural perspective on the Silk Road from Chang'an to the Tiansha
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