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  • 新类目

  • 安徒生童話全集(英文版名著名譯經典插圖版)
    該商品所屬分類:少兒 -> 中國兒童文學
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    • 出版社:天津社科院
    • ISBN:9787556302161
    • 作者:(丹)安徒生|譯者:(美)赫爾舒特
    • 頁數:734
    • 出版日期:2016-03-01
    • 印刷日期:2016-03-01
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 開本:16開
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字數:1000千字
    • 安徒生編著的《安徒生童話全集(英文版名**譯經典插圖版)》介紹了,安徒生童話是一部以童話而名揚世界的文學巨著,它是由丹麥**詩人、童話作家安徒生歷時近40年創作而成。“丑小鴨”、“皇帝的新裝”、“拇指姑娘”和“賣火柴的小女孩”伴隨了一代又一代人的美麗童年、少年直至成年。安徒生童話問世一百多年來,至今仍被譯成世界上140種文字,而其中英文譯本*是不計其數。本書選用的是***的英文譯本之一。孩子,你不僅會學到真誠、友愛與智慧,還將以這本書記錄你的歡樂你的悲傷你成長的痕跡!
    • The Tinder Box
      Little Claus and Big Claus
      The Princess on the Pea
      Little Ida's Flowers
      The Naughty Boy
      The Traveling Companion
      The Little Mermaid
      The Emperor's New Clothes
      The Galoshes of Fortune
      The Daisy
      The Steadfast Tin Soldier
      The Wild Swans
      The Garden of Paradise
      The Flying Trunk
      The Metal Pig
      The Bond of Friendship
      Ole Lukoie
      The Rose Elf
      The Swineherd
      The Angel
      The Nightingale
      The Sweethearts ; or, The Top and the Ball
      The Ugly Duckling
      The Fir Tree
      The Snow Queen
      The Elder-Tree Mother
      The Darning Needle
      The Bell
      The Red Shoes
      The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweep
      The Little Match Girl
      The Old Street Lamp
      Little Tuck
      The Shadow
      The Old House
      The Story of a Mother
      A Story
      There is a Difference
      It's Quite True!
      The Goblin and the Grocer
      Under The Willow Tree
      She Was Good for Nothing
      Ib and Little Christine
      Clumsy Hans
      The Jewish Girl
      The Stone of the Wise Man
      The Nightcap of the "Pebersvend"
      The Marsh King's Daughter
      The Wind Tells about Valdemar Daae and His Daughters
      The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf
      Anne Lisbeth
      The Child in the Grave
      A Story from the Sand Dunes
      The Beetle
      What the Old Man Does is Always Right
      The Ice Maiden
      The Silver Shilling
      The Bishop of B/Srglum and his Men
      The Most Incredible Thing
      The Flea and the Professor
      What Old Johanne Told
      The Cripple
      The Talisman
      The Gardener and the Noble Family
      Lucky Peer
      The Storks
      A Rose from Homer's Grave
      The Buckwheat
      The World's Fairest Rose
      The Elf Mound
      The Jumpers
      The Last Pearl
      The Snow Man
      The Butterfly
      Chicken Grethe's Family
      Holger Danske
      A Picture from the Ramparts
      A View from Vartou's Window
      The Neighboring Families
      The Drop of Water
      The Happy Family
      The Shirt Collar
      The Flax
      The Phoenix Bird
      The Silent Book
      The Old Tombstone
      The Story of the Year
      On Judgment Day
      The Swan's Nest
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