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  • 動態繫統理論下自述情感與外語表現的多案例研究(英文版)
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    作  者:肖鸞儀 著
    定  價:98
    出 版 社:上海交通大學出版社
    頁  數:258
    裝  幀:平裝
    ●Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Scope of the Study
    1.2 Organisation of the Book
    Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Second Language Acquisition(SLA),Foreign Language Acquisition(FLA) and Foreign Language Development(FLD)
    2.2.1 Kachru's Three-circle Model of World Englishes
    2.2.2 Foreign Language Development(FLD)
    2.3 Affective Experiences
    2.3.1 What Are Emotions?
    2.3.2 How Many Emotions Are There?3
    2.3.3 How Can Emotions be Measured?
    2.3.4 Emotions in the FLA Context
    2.3.5 Features of FL Affective Experiences
    2.3.6 Definitions of FLA Affective Experiences in This Study
    2.4 Self-perceived Affective Experience and Objective Learner Performance
    2.4.1 Introduction
    2.4.2 Three Types of Relationships
    2.5 Self-perceived Affective Experience and Self-evaluated Learner Performance
    2.5.1 Self-evaluations in SLA/FLA
    2.5.2 Different Types of the Selves
    2.6 Research Gaps
    2.7 Dynamic Systems Theory
    2.7.1 Definitions of Systems
    2.7.2 DST's Origin and Development in SLA/FLA
    2.7.3 DST's Key Characteristics and Transitions of Concepts
    2.8 Studying the Relationship through the Lens of DST
    Chapter 3 Methodology
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Introduction of Phenomenography
    3.2.1 The Origin of Phenomenography
    3.2.2 First and Second Order Perspectives
    3.2.3 Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions
    3.3 Methodological Considerations of Phenomenography
    3.3.1 Common Data Collection Methods
    3.3.2 The Role of a Researcher
    3.3.3 Data Processing and Outcomes
    3.3.4 Strengths of Phenomenography
    3.3.5 Weaknesses of Phenomenography
    3.3.6 Rationale of Employing Phenomenography in the Current Study
    3.4 Research Designs
    3.4.1 Instruments
    3.4.2 Language to Collect Data and Translation Issues
    3.4.3 Sampling
    3.4.4 Ethical Considerations
    3.5 Data Analysis
    3.5.1 Data Coding Process
    3.5.2 Transcribing the Data
    3.5.3 Intercoder Reliability and Agreement
    Chapter 4 Findings
    4.1 Overview
    4.1.1 Timescales
    4.1.2 The Learners' Initial Conditions
    4.1.3 Identified Attractor States
    4.1.4 The Learners' Self-perceived Affective Experiences
    4.1.5 The Learners' Self-reported Performance Trajectories
    4.2 Alex's Profile
    4.2.1 Alex's Affective Experiences
    4.2.2 Alex's Self-reported Performance
    4.2.3 Alex's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.3 Amber's Profile
    4.3.1 Amber's Affective Experiences
    4.3.2 Amber's Self-reported Performance
    4.3.3 Amber's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.4 Bruce's Profile
    4.4.1 Bruce's Affective Experiences
    4.4.2 Bruce's Self-reported Performance
    4.4.3 Bruce's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.5 Cindy's Profile
    4.5.1 Cindy's Affective Experiences
    4.5.2 Cindy's Self-reported Performance
    4.5.3 Cindy's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.6 Eric's Profile
    4.6.1 Eric's Affective Experiences
    4.6.2 Eric's Self-reported Performance
    4.6.3 Eric's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.7 Fiona's Profile
    4.7.1 Fiona's Affective Experiences
    4.7.2 Fiona's Self-reported Performance
    4.7.3 Fiona's Self-perceived Mfective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.8 Louis' Profile
    4.8.1 Louis' Affective Experiences
    4.8.2 Louis' Self-reported Performance
    4.8.3 Louis' Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.9 Lucy's Profile
    4.9.1 Lucy's Affective Experiences
    4.9.2 Lucy's Self-reported Performance
    4.9.3 Lucy's Self-perceived Mfective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.10 Mary's Profile
    4.10.1 Mary's Affective Experiences
    4.10.2 Mary's Self-reported Performance
    4.10.3 Mary's Self-perceived Mfective Experiences and Self-reoorted Performances
    4.11 Nancy's Profile
    4.11.1 Nancy's Affective Experiences
    4.11.2 Nancy's Self-reported Performance
    4.11.3 Nancy's Self-perceived Affective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.12 Peter's Profile
    4.12.1 Peter's Affective Experiences
    4.12.2 Peter's Self-reported Performance
    4.12.3 Peter's Self-perceived Mfective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    4.13 Sarah's Profile
    4.13.1 Sarah's Mfective Experiences
    4.13.2 Sarah's Self-reported Performance
    4.13.3 Sarah's Self-perceived Mfective Experiences and Self-reported Performances
    Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 The Self-organising Capacity of Mfective Patterns
    5.2.1 Self-organising Capacity
    5.2.2 A Summary of Mfective Patterns
    5.2.3 Emotional Ambivalence
    5.2.4 Feedback
    5.3 Emerging Themes of the Affective Patterns
    5.3.1 Cross-case Comparisons and the State Space
    5.3.2 Alex's,Bruce's and Nancy's Profiles.Anticipatory Emotions
    5.3.3 Amber's and Cindy's Profiles.Self-perceived Humility without Gratitude Versws Self-perceived Shyness without Fear
    5.3.4 Fiona's and Peter's Profiles."Interest" as an Attractor Conglomerate
    5.3.5 Louis' and Sarah's Profiles,Self-perceived Sociable Students with Debilitative Affective Experiences
    5.3.6 Eric's,Lucy's and Mary's Profiles
    5.4 itive Effects of itive Emotions, itive Effects of Negative Emotions and Negative Effects of Negative Emotions
    5.5 Attractor States
    5.5.1 Terminology
    5.5.2 Location of a Conglomerate Research Strategy in DST
    5.5.3 Tripartite Framework to Attractor States
    5.5.4 Cognitive,Emotional,Motivational Factors of Each Attractor State
    5.6 Researching Traditional FLA Concepts from a DST Perspective
    5.7 Research Implications,Pedagogical Implications,Limitations and the Future Research Agenda
    5.7.1 Research Implications
    5.7.2 Pedagogical Implications
    5.7.3 Limitations and Future Research Agenda
    5.8 Conclusions
    本書為“上海對外經貿大學一流本科建設引領計劃”叢書之一,旨在通過動態繫統理論(DST)視角來探討英語學習者自我感知的情感體驗與其在外語課堂上的自我評價表現之間的非線性相互作用關繫。本書通過跨學科研究方式,跨越了數學、物理學、心理學、應用語言學和教育學學科,順利完成在動態繫統理論背景下的多案例研究,將動態繫統理論DST五大概念,即嵌套結構、自組織能力、初始條件、吸引子狀態、時標,全部遷移至二語習得相關概念中,並且成功建立“三層二語習得動態自組織進化模型”。本書從方法論角度采用Marton的現像圖析學(Phenomenography)研究方法,分別從本體論假設、認識論假設與方法論假設三個方面對研究問題進行探析。本書首次采用Braun和Clarke的數據編碼方式,數據分析采用Scherer的日內瓦情感標記編碼表Geneva Affect Label Coder(GALC)與Saldana的縱向定等
    肖鸞儀 著

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