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    亞歷山大L.G. Alexander,曾任歐洲現代語言教學委員會理事。他的著作為交際教學法奠定了基礎,其中一些如NCE(《新概念英語》)和Follow Me(《跟我學》)已成為經典教材。

    何其莘,博士,現任北京外國語大學副校長、英美文學教授、博士生導師。著有《英國文藝復興時期文學史》、《英國戲劇選讀》和Listen to This等。


    To the teacher and student 
    Learning a foreign language in the classroom 
    About this course 
    How to use this course 
    Lesson 1 Excuse me!對不起! 
    Lesson 2 1s this your…?這是你的……嗎? 
    Lesson 3 Sorry,sir.對不起,先生。 
    Lesson 4 Is thisyour…?這是你的……嗎? 
    Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.很高興見到你。 
    Lesson 6 What make is it?它是什麼牌子的? 
    Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?你是教師嗎? 
    Lesson 8 What's your,iob?你是做什麼工作的? 
    Lesson 9 How are you today?你今天好嗎? 
    Lesson 10 Look at…看…… 
    Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?這是你的襯衫嗎? 
    Lesson 12 Whose is this…?This is my/your/his/her…這……是誰的?這是我的/你 的/他的/她的…… 
    Whose is that…?That is my/your/his/her…那……是誰的?那是我的/ 你的/他的/她的…… 
    Lesson 13 A new dress一件新連衣裙 
    Lesson 14 What colour is your…?你的……是什麼顏色的? 
    Lesson 15 Your passports,please.請出示你們的護照。 
    Lesson 16 Are you…?你是……嗎? 
    Lesson 17 How do you do?你好! 
    Lesson 18 What are their jobs?他們是做什麼工作的? 
    Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty又累又渴 
    Lesson 20 Look at them!看看他/它們! 
    Lesson 21 Which book?哪一本書? 
    Lesson 22 Give me/him/her/us/thema…給我/他/她/我們/他們一…… 
    Which one?哪—……? 
    Lesson 23 Which asses?哪幾隻杯子? 
    Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some…給我/他/她/我們/他們一些…… 
    Lesson 25 Mrs.Smitws kitchen史密斯太太的廚房 
    Lesson 26 Where is it?它在哪裡? 
    Lesson 27 Mrs.Smiths living room史密斯太太的客廳 
    Lesson 28 Where are they?它們在哪裡無前例? 
    Lesson 29 Comein,Amy.進來,艾米。 
    Lesson 30 What must l do?我應該做什麼? 
    Lesson 31 Wheres Sally?薩莉在哪裡? 
    Lesson 32 What,s he/she/it doing?他/她/它正在做什麼? 
    Lesson 33 A fine day晴天 
    Lesson 34 What are they doing?他們在做什麼? 
    Lesson 35 Our village我們的村莊 
    Lesson 36 Where…?……在哪裡? 
    Lesson 37 Making a bookcase做書架 
    Lesson 38 What are you going to do?你準備做什麼? 
    What are you doing now?你現在正在做什麼? 
    Lesson 39 Don’t drop it!別摔了! 
    Lesson 40 What are you going to do?你準備做什麼? 
    Im going to…我準備…… 
    Lesson 41 Pennys bag彭妮的提包 
    Lesson 42 Is there a…in/on that…?在那個……中/上有一個……嗎? 
    Is there any…in/on that…?在那個……中/上有……嗎? 
    Lesson 43 Hurry up!快點! 
    Lesson 44 Are there any…這有……嗎? 
    Is there any…這有……嗎? 
    Lesson 45 The boss's letter老板的信 
    Lesson 46 Can you…?你能……嗎? 
    Lesson 47 A cup of coffee一杯咖啡 
    Lesson 48 Do you like…?你喜歡……嗎? 
    Do you want…?你想要……嗎? 
    Lesson 49 At the butchers在肉店 
    Lesson 50 He likes…他喜歡…… 
    But he doesnt fike…但是他不喜歡…… 
    Lesson 51 A pleasant climate宜人的氣候 
    Lesson 52 what nationality are they?他們是哪國人? 
    Where do they come from?他們來自哪個國家? 
    Lesson 53 An interesting climate有趣的氣候 
    Lesson 54 What nationality are tthey他們是哪國人? 
    Where do they come from?他們來自哪個國家? 
    Lesson 55 The Sawyer family索耶一家人 
    Lesson 56 What do they usually do?他們通常做什麼? 
    Lesson 57 An unusual day不平常的一天 
    Lesson 58 What's the time?幾點鐘? 
    Lesson 59 Is that all?就這些嗎? 
    Lesson 60 What's the time?幾點鐘? 
    Lesson 61 A bad cold重感冒 
    Lesson 62 What's the matter with them?他們怎麼啦? 
    What must they do?他們該怎麼辦? 
    Lesson 63 Thank you,doctor.謝謝你,醫生。 
    Lesson 64 Don’t…!不要……! 
    You must'nt…!你不應該……! 
    Lesson 65 Not a baby不是小孩子 
    Lesson 66 What's the time?幾點鐘? 
    Lesson 67 The weekend周末 
    Lesson 68 What's the time?幾點鐘? 
    Lesson 69 The car race汽車比賽 
    Lesson 70 When were they there?他們是什麼時候在那裡的? 
    Lesson 71 He's awful!他討厭透了! 
    Lesson 72 When did you…?你什麼時候……? 
    Can you do this test?你能完成以下測試嗎? 
    Lesson 73 The way tO King Street到國王街的走法 
    Lesson 74 What did they do?他們干了什麼P 
    Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes不舒適的鞋子 
    Lesson 76 When did you…?你什麼時候……? 
    Lesson 77 Terrible toothache要命的牙痛 
    Lesson 78 When did you…?你什麼時候……? 
    Lesson 79 Carols shopping list卡羅爾的購物單 
    Lesson 80 I must go to the…我必須去…… 
    Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes烤牛肉和土豆 
    Lesson 82 I had…我喫(喝、從事)了…… 
    Lesson 83 Going on holiday度假 
    Lesson 84 Have you had…?你已經……了嗎? 
    Lesson 85 Paris in the spring巴黎之春 
    Lesson 86 What have you done?你已經做了什麼? 
    Lesson 87 A car crash車禍 
    Lesson 88 Have you…yet?你已經……了嗎? 
    Lesson 89 For sale待售 
    Lesson 90 Have you…yet?你已經……了嗎? 
    Lesson 91Poor Ian!可憐的伊恩! 
    Lesson 92 When will…?什麼時候要……? 
    Lesson 93 Our new neighbour我們的新鄰居 
    Lesson 94 When did you/will you go to…?你過去/將在什麼時候去……? 
    Lesson 95 Tickets,please.請把車票拿出來。 
    Lesson 96 What's the exact time?確切的時間是幾點? 
    Lesson 97 A small blue case一隻藍色的小箱子 
    Lesson 98 Whose is it?它是誰的? 
    Whose are they?它們是誰的? 
    Lesson 99 OW!啊喲! 
    Lesson 100 He says that…She says that…They say that…他/她/他們說…… 


    Lesson 53 An intersting climate 有趣的氣候
    Han: Where do you come from?
    Jim: I come from england.
    Hans: Whats the climate like in your country?
    Jim: Its mild, but its not always pleasant.
    Jim: The weathers often cold in the north and windy in the east. It's often wet in the west and sometimes warm in the south。
    Hans: Which seasons do you like best?
    Jim: I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short.
    The sun rises early and sets late.
    Jim:I dont like autumn and winter.
    The days are short and the nights are long.
    The sun rises late and sets early.
    Our climate is not very good,but its certainly interesting。It's our favourite subject of conversation.
    漢斯: 你是那國人?
    吉姆: 我是英國人。
    漢斯: 你們國家的氣候怎麼樣?
    吉姆: 氣候溫和,但也不總是宜人的。
    吉姆: 北方的天氣常常寒冷,東部則常常刮風。西部常下雨,南部有時則很暖和。
    吉姆: 我不喜歡秋季和鼕季。因為此時白天短而夜晚長,太陽升得遲而落得早。

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