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  • 轉型經濟中與後金融危機時代企業管理 趙曙明 南京大學出版社 978
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    Foreword鍓嶈█Part 鈪? Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management in a TransitionalEconomy and Post Financial Crisis Challenges Facing Chinese Business Leaders: TheoreticalImplications from a Psychological Type Perspective Global Leadership in Economic Recovery: The Role of Business inAchieving Balanced, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in the APEC Region International Business Talents: Cultivation Framework andEvaluation System Identify Conflicts: Analysis of Enlightenment for Cross-CulturalManagement from Parsons's Structure and Function Theory Leadership Practices in Portugal and China Understanding Paradoxes in Mle Eastern Arab Culture Chinese Organization and Management in Sub-Saharan Africa:Towards a Cross-Cultural Research Agenda Entrepreneurial and Leadership Traits of Chinese and AmericanBusiness Students Transactional and Transformational Leadership in aTurnaround/Crisis Situation in a Multicultural EnvironmentPart 鈪? Strategic Management in a Transitional Economy and PostFinancial Crisis Managing Technological Capability in Chinese Companies: The Roleof Absorptive Capacity and Social Interaction Mechanisms The Impact of Internationalization on Public Affairs Strategy andPerformance: A Ten Year Study Analysis of Hierarchical Characteristic of Social Capital:AStructural Equation Testing Sustaining Growth in the Changing Environment through DynamicCapabilities: the Case of Mind Tree Limited HeXie Management Theory and Sustainable Development The Evolutionary Path of Competitive Advantage Based on Synergyof Product Complexity and Low Cost A "China-Plus-One" Strategy: The Best of Both Worlds? Dynamic Integration and Competitive Advantages: ComparingAnalysietween State-Owned and Foreign Retailers in Guangzhou Minimum and Maximum Available Prices and the Outcome ofCompetition: A Meta-Analysis of Oligopoly ExperimentsPart 鈪? Organizational Behavior in a Transitional Economy and PostFinancial Crisis Research on the Work Slack Behavior of Sales Staff in theMedicine Industry Personality Types and Entrepreneurial Orientation The Structure of Flow in Organization The Effects of Trustworthiness on Organization Politics andOutcomes Personality Type, Value, and Work Goal: Evidence From YoungChinese Employees and Senior Managers Research on Relations of Face-to-Face and Computer-MediatedCommunication Modality, Conflict Strength, and Communication Satisfaction How Subsidiary Top Management Teams Influence Strategic Changeand Organizational Performance in Transition Economies Evolution of Boundaryless Organizational: Case Study Based on A.O. Smith The Impact of Employment Security on Employee Turnover Intention:The Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational SupportPart 鈪? Economic Development and Business Management in Japan andChina in Post Financial Crisis Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of China Stock Market Do Stock Option Rewards Increase Dividend Payments? New Evidencefrom Japan The Strategies for Installing User-Based in Two-Sided Market: AnAnalysis of the E-Money Industry in Japan The Effect of Tax Rebate on Export Performance: EmpiricalEvidence by China's Textile Export to the U. S. The Financial Problems of Japan by Sector 1986-2008 CEO Political Reputation and Corporate Donation 鈥擡vidence from China The Growth Myth Revisit, A Structural View An Analysis of Macroeconomic and Political Factors AffectingAnti-Dumping Activities against ChinaPart 鈪? Human Resource Management in a Transitional Economy andPost Financial Crisis An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Top ManagementTeam Fault Lines and Organizational Performance in the Context of Chinese Firms People Management and Organized Labour in China's HarmoniousSociety: "Top-Down" versus "Bottom-Up" Strategies Native Exploratory Research on Structural Dimensions of EthicalDilemmas of Enterprise Human Resources Management The MBA Oath Is Profane The Impact of Perceived Commitment Human Resource Management onEmployee Performance. Empirical Evidence from China Personnel Performance Evaluation: A Model and Method Battling the Skilled Labor Shortage in China Research on the Effectiveness of Education Diploma Signaling inEmployee Screening Human Resource Management during Post-Merger Integration, A CaseStudy of BOSCH CorporationPart 鈪? E-Commerce, Marketing and Enterprise Management in aTransitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis Understanding Individuals' Instant Messaging Continuance: A MediaSelection Perspective On Perceived Benefit, Costs and Risks of Online Transactions forIllegal or Socially Undesirable Goods and Services A Study on Enterprise Growth and SMEs' Growth Evaluation Institutional Reform and the Case of Guanxi Trade in Health Services and the Emerging Economies: Challengesand Opportunities for Thailand Integrating CSR Initiatives in Business: An Organizing Framework Third Generation Family Businesses: A Comparison of SuccessionIssues in Two Brazilian Companies Comparison of Knowledge Assimilation and Exploitation inCorporations with Different Ownership Identity The Background, Path and Enlightenment of Privatization inJapanese and South Korea's Telecom Operators A Marketing Research Roadmap of the Loyalty ParadigmPart 鈪? Innovation, Accounting and Finance in a TransitionalEconomy and Post Financial Crisis Arousing Employee Creativity: Construction of New ResearchFramework Study on the Selection of Key Elementout Conceptual Frameworkof the Government Accounting 鈥擠ata Analysis Based on Survey of Chinese Government AccountingReform Survey Research on Influential Factors Concerning ConceptualFramework of Government Accounting Innovation Communication on the Internet 鈥攖he Missing Link between Technology and Marketing Success A Study of the Impacts of Human Resource Management Practices onEmployee Creativity and Organizational Innovation Employee Innovation in Mergers and Acquisitions: InteractiveEffects of Threat Perception, LMX and TMX Approach to Defining the Roles,and Functions of GovernmentAccounting Understanding Technological Innovation: Based onMulti-Dimensional and Evolutionary Perspectives Determinants and Price Discovery of China Sovereign CreditDefault Swaps The Growth of the Family Enterprises As Influenced byInstitutional Investors Is "Guanxi" Really More Important than Formal Contract forInnovation of an Alliance in the Marketing Channel? The Evidence from China Study on Elements of the Government Accounting What I See, What I Do: CEO Hubris, CEO Attention and FirmInnovation

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