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  • 英語中級聽力-英語聽力教程:2-教師用書何其莘外語教學與研究出版
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    《英語中級聽力》(教師用書)為《英語聽力教程》的中級分冊。整套教程共分為三冊。冊適合大學一年級學生或英語初學者使用;第二冊的對像是大學二年級學生和有中等英語的自學者;第三冊可供大學三、四年級學生和有較高英語的自學者使用。每冊均含《學生用書》(Student's Book)和《教師用書》(Teacher's Book用不同,相輔相成。《學生用書》以錄音材料中的生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套的練習為主。《教師用書》含錄音的書面材料、練習答案和相關文化背景知識的補充讀物。 Listen to This 2錄音材料選自英美的錄音材料。全書共有36課。每課由三個部分組成,形式活潑多樣,涉及了日常生活和社交活動的各個方面。不僅有助於提高學生的聽力技能,也有益於提高學生的英語交際能力。《教師用書括錄音的書面材料、練習及答案和補充閱讀材料三個部分。為了便於教師上課時使用,配有答案的練習排印在每部分的書面材料之後。第二冊的補充閱讀材料均以課文中所涉及的英美風俗和文化為主題。教師可以在教學中選擇部分內容向學生作一些介紹,以擴大學生的知識面。


    Lesson 1

    Ⅰ.1.This is Your Life!

    2.What Are Your Ambitionr />
    Ⅱ.In Your Own Wordr />
    Ⅲ.1.Study Skillr />
    Learning to Predict


    Lesson 2

    Ⅰ.1.Film Editing

    2.A Vision of the Future

    Ⅱ.1.American Indianr />
    2.New Australianr />
    Ⅲ.1.Learning to Predict


    Supplementary Reading:American Indianr />
    Lesson 3

    Ⅰ.1.I Don't See It That Way

    2.Marriage Customr />
    Ⅱ.1.At the Dentist'r />
    2.Hiccupr />
    Ⅲ.1.learning to Predict


    Lesson 4

    Lesson 5

    Lesson 6

    Lesson 7

    Lesson 8

    Lesson 9

    Lesson 10

    Lesson 11

    Lesson 12

    Lesson 13

    Lesson 14

    Lesson 15

    Lesson 16

    Lesson 17

    Lesson 18

    Lesson 19

    Lesson 20

    Lesson 21

    Lesson 22

    Lesson 23

    Lesson 24

    Lesson 25

    Lesson 26

    Lesson 27

    Lesson 28

    Lesson 29

    Lesson 30

    Lesson 31

    Lesson 32

    Lesson 33

    Lesson 34

    Lesson 35

    Lesson 36


        《英語中級聽力》(教師用書)為《英語聽力教程》的中級分冊,由外語教學與研究出版社出版,適合大學二年級學生和有中等英語的自學者使用。和國內現有的聽力教程相比,Listen to This 有以下幾個特點:
    4.練活潑。練設計參考了美國TOEFL考試和英國Cambridge Certificate 考試的形式,並增加了是非題、填充題、聽寫、講座摘記和根據筆記回答問題等多種形式。



    前言聽力是英語教學中四項基本技能之一,也是中國學生的一個難點。突破這個難關不僅有助於其它單項技能的訓練,同時也為培養學生的英語交際能力奠定一個良好的基礎。在國家教委頒布的《高等學校英語專業基礎階段英語教學大綱》和《高等學校英語專業高年級英語教學大綱》中,對於大學一、二、三、四年級學生在聽力方面應該達到的標準都作出了詳細的規定。Listen to This 就是按照這兩個大綱的要求,根據中國英語教學的特點而編寫的一套聽力教程。整套教程共分為三冊。冊適合大學一年級學生或英語初學者使用;第二冊的對像是大學二年級學生和有中等英語的自學者;第三冊可供大學三、四年級學生和有較高英語的自學者使用。每冊均含《學生用書》(Students Book)和《教師用書》Teachers Book用不同,相輔相成。《學生用書》以錄音材料中的生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套的練習為主。《教師用書》含錄音和書面材料、練習答案和相關文化背景知識的補充讀物。和國內現有的聽力教程相比,Listen to This有以下幾個特點:1.教程的第三冊適合英語專業高年級學生使用,以達到教委大綱中第六級和第八級對聽力的要求。2.內容新穎,聽力材料均選自80年代後期國外的有聲資料。3.錄音以標準的美國音或英國音為主,聲音清晰。4.練活潑。練設計參考了美國TOEFL考試和英國Cambridge Certificate考試的形式,並增加了是非題、填充題、聽寫、講座摘記和根據筆記回答問題等多種形式。5.《教師用書》中的補充讀物均摘自英美報刊和書籍,不僅能夠為教師備課提供必要的歷史文化背景,也可以作為學生的課外閱讀材料,以擴大學生的知識面。以上特點不僅使該教程適合課堂教學,同時也為英語專業學生和社會各層次的英語愛好者提供了自學的良好模式。Listen to This 2 適用於大學二年級學生和有一定基礎的英語自學者。錄音材料選自80年代中期以來英美的錄音材料。全書共有36課課文,每課由三個部分組成。形式活潑多樣,涉及了日常生活和社交活動的各個方面,不僅有助於提高學生的聽力技能,也有益於提高學生的英語交際能力。全書的課文按錄音材料的難易程度編排,循序,既注意與冊銜接又為學生繼續使用第三冊打下了基礎。《學生用書括生詞表、文化背景注釋和配套練習三個部分。在使用時應要求學生事先熟悉生詞表中所列的詞彙,並閱讀文化背景注釋。由於第二冊中增加了根據上下文作出推測、記筆記和整理講座提綱等項訓練,因此,在第1、7、13、19、25和31課的第三部分分別加上了對這些練示範說明。在做這部分練習前應要求學生熟悉這些訓練的目的和要求。《教師手冊括錄音的書面材料、練習及答案和補充閱讀材料三個部分。為了便於教師上課時使用,配有答案的練習排印在每部分的書面材料之後。第二冊的補充閱讀材料均以課文中所涉及的英美風俗和文化為主題。教師可以在教學中選擇部分內容向學生作一些介紹,以擴大學生的知識面。在編寫過程中我們得到了徐國良、魏蘭、趙秀英、王念華、劉俊鳳、李鐵、王德傑、楊建初以及英國專家Tom Baker和Kay Everett的幫助,我們在此謹表誠摯的謝意。同時,我們也願借此機會對外語教學與研究出版社和北京外國語大學音像出版社所給予的支持表示感謝。編者於北京外國語大學

    Section One:
    Task:In the Path of the Earthquake
    Reporter:And now, Mrs Skinner, can you tell us your story? What happened at your farm when the earthquake passed?
    Mrs Skinner: Oh, it was terrible. Ill never forget it to my dying day. I hope I never see anything like that again. It was terrible. Well, we always get up,Jack and me, at about quarter to five. He has to milk the cows early, you see, andwhile hes doing that I make hireakfast. I was in the kitchen when it came. Senly the whole house was moving. The noise was terrible. Well, I knew what I had to do. You have to get outside, you know, its safer there. So I ran through the house and opened the front door. Then I stopped - I couldnt believe it -everything was different, everything had changed, nothing was in the right ce any more. You know outside our house there is a path to the gate - there was I should say - well,the path wasnt there any more. In front of the front door was our rose-garden, not the path! And next to the rose-garden were the eucalyptus trees, and behind them the raerry patch - just aefore, but they had allmoved, moved about five metres to the left, to the south that is. On each side
    of the garden path we had a line of beautiful old cypress trees. Well these hadnow moved right down to the end of the house, to the left again that is. And the path had completely disappeared.
    Reporter: But thats incredible, Mrs Skinner. Do you mean that everything in front of your house had moved--what? --five metres to the left, I mean to the south? The raerry patch, the eucalyptus trees, the rose-garden, the two lines of cypress trees--all had moved?
    Mrs Skinner: Yes, everything had moved into the ce of the other!
    Reporter: But your front path had completely disappeared?
    Mrs Skinner: Yes, thats right. Oh it was terrible, terrible.
    Reporter: And your huand Jack? Was he all right?
    Mrs Skinner: Yeut the cowshed had moved too--it had moved several metres. Jack was all right--I could see him running round after the cows--all the cows hadescaped you see.They were running all over the ce--it was impole to catch them.
    Reporter: So Jack, your huand, was all right.
    Mrs Skinner: Well he was a bit shocked like me, but he was all right. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the granary--that had moved south too. Its normal ce wasbehind the house and now it was near the cowshed. Can you believe it?
    Reporter: Incredible, Mrs Skinner. And the house itself--what about your house?
    Mrs Skinner: Well then we saw what had happened.Everything had moved one way--that is, to the south--except the house.The house--can you believe it? --had movedthe other way--the house had moved north.So the house went one way and everything else--the garden, the trees, the granary--went the other way.
    Reporter: Incredible, Mrs Skinner, absolutely incredible.
    Task 2: A Funny Thing Happened to Me ...
    A funny thing happened to me last Friday. Id gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted toget some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my couese at college (you see, Im a student). I caught an early train to London, y early afternoon Id bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, Im not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and Id made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station, I cant really afford taxiut I wanted to get the 3.30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I bought an evening news paper,the Standard, and wandered over to the station buffet. At that time of day its nearly empty, so I bought a coffee, and a packet of biscuits ... chocolate biscuits. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window, I sat down and began doing the crossword. I always enjoy doing crossword puzzler>After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me. There was nothing special about him, except that he was very tall. In fact he looked like a typical city businessman...you know, dark suit and briefcase. I didnt say anything and I carried on with my crossword. Senly he reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into hir>mouth, I couldnt believe my eyes! I was too shocked to say anything. Anyway, I didnt want to make a fuss, so I decided to ignore it. I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword.
    When the man took a second biscuit,I didnt look up and I didnt make a sound. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle. After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the laiscuit and glanced at the man. He was staring at me furiously. I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth, and decided to
    leave. I was ready to get up and go when the man senly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the buffet. I felt very relieved and decided to wait two or three minuteefore going myself.I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up. And there, on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet
    of biscuitr>Task 1: Twinr>Interviewer: we continue with the World of Investigation. Laura,an identical twin, has agreed to contribute to our investigations. I must apologior the fact that Lauras twin cahnot be here tonight. And Id like to tell you, Laura, how sorry we are.You and your sister are very close, arent you?
    Laura: Of course we are.
    lnterviewer: Interesting! You said of couse. Dont you think there are quite a few sisters who arent close?
    Laura:Sarah and I arent just sisters. Were identical twinr>Interviewer: I take your point. How identical are you,in fact?
    Laura: Both blonde,with brown eyes, Same height, same weight,same size.Even Shoer>Interviewer: As youre the same size, have you always dressed alike?
    Laura: Oh yes. Im told it started when we were babies Mum made a feature of her twins.And then we got into the habit of buying two of everything.
    Interviewer: And youve never minded having a double identity? I mean... another person exactly like you?
    Laura: Sarah isnt exactly like me. We may look identical, but...I remember ourboyfriends couldnt tell us apart.
    Interviewer: Didnt that cause problemr>Laura: For them, perhaps. Not for us. We couldnt stop laughing.
    Interviewer: I think you said you and Sarah werent exactly alike? Just what did you mean by that?
    Laura: Sarah has a well-fed happy huand and four healthy children. When she waswashing up, I was learning to type, When she was knitting,I was writing articles for the school newspaper. When she was having her second child, I was in Panama, doing my first job for, United Information Services. See what I mean?
    Interviewer: And havent you got a healthy huand and happy children?
    Laura: You mue j. Theres never been the time...or the inclination.
    Interviewer: Laura, youve made some very interesting points.I gather that you dont feel that behaviour is purely genetic...that there might be some element of environment or choice or even perhaps...
    Laura: Shall I conclude? Sarah and I are identical twins... in appearance, thatis... but its a fact that life has presented us with different opportunities so weve led very different liver>Task 2: Genetic Make-up
    Alan and Barbara have just read an article about twins and coincidences. They are discussing the article over lunch. Listen to their discussion.
    Alan: That idea about our genetic make-up is rather frightening,isnt it?
    Barbara:Do you mean the idea that because of our genetic make-up we are bound to act in a particular way?
    Alan:Yes, If its true.then it suggests that criminals are born and not made.
    Barbara;Not necessarily.It would only mean that somebody waorn with thepotential to become a criminal.
    Alan:How do you mean?
    Barbara:Well,if somebody waorn with a particular set of genes that made him a potential criminal,it would be necessary for him to be brought up in a particular way if he was actually going to become a criminal.
    Alan:Hed have to grow up in a family of criminals,you mean?
    Barbara:Yes,in the sort of family that regarded crime as a way of life and saw the police as the enemy.
    Alan:They say it takes a thief to catch a thief.
    Barbara:What do you mean by that?
    Alan:Well,I suppose I mean that similar qualities are necessary to become asuccessful criminal or a first-class policeman.
    Barbara:Thats a bit hard on the policeman,isnt it?
    Alan:I dont think so. In time of war men who might easily be in jail win medals for gallantry.
    Barbara:Thatecause theyre the sort of men who arent satisfied with a normaleveryday job.
    Alan:Yes,theyre men who get bored with ordinary life and want action. Theyre usually pretty strong characters,too.

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