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  • BPF Performance Tools 洞悉Linux繫統和應用性能(英文版
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    【作者】 布倫丹·格雷格 
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    作  者:(美)布倫丹·格雷格 著
    定  價:219
    出 版 社:電子工業出版社
    頁  數:840
    裝  幀:平裝
    作為BPF技術的開拓者和專家,Brendan Gregg在本書中不僅展示了超過150個可以立即使用的分析工具和調試工具,對這些工具的應用場景進行了分析,還提供了開發自定義工具的分步指南。在本書中,讀者可學習到如何分析CPU、內存、存儲設備、文件繫統、網絡、編程語言、應用程序、容器、虛擬機管理器、安全及內核。Gregg帶領讀者由淺入深地了解從基礎工具到進階工具的使用,幫助讀者收集更有用、更深入的技術信息,可以用來優化幾乎任何類型的Linux繫統和應用程序。
    ●Part I: Technologies
    1 Introduction 1
    1.1 What Are BPF and eBPF? 1
    1.2 What Are Tracing, Snooping, Sampling, Profiling, and Observability? 2
    1.3 What Are BCC, bpftrace, and IO Visor? 3
    1.4 A First Look at BCC: Quick Wins 4
    1.5 BPF Tracing Visibility 6
    1.6 Dynamic Instrumentation: kprobes and uprobes 8
    1.7 Static Instrumentation: Tracepoints and USDT 9
    1.8 A First Look at bpftrace: Tracing open() 10
    1.9 Back to BCC: Tracing open() 12
    1.10 Summary 14
    2 Technology Background 15
    2.1 BPF Illustrated 15
    2.2 BPF 16
    2.3 Extended BPF (eBPF) 17
    2.3.1 Why Performance Tools Need BPF 19
    2.3.2 BPF Versus Kernel Modules 21
    2.3.3 Writing BPF Programs 22
    2.3.4 Viewing BPF Instructions: bpftool 23
    2.3.5 Viewing BPF Instructions: bpftrace 30
    2.3.6 BPF API 31
    2.3.7 BPF Concurrency Controls 35
    2.3.8 BPF sysfs Interface 36
    2.3.9 BPF Type Format (BTF) 37
    2.3.10 BPF CO-RE 37
    2.3.11 BPF Limitations 38
    2.3.12 BPF Additional Reading 38
    2.4 Stack Trace Walking 39
    2.4.1 Frame Pointer-Based Stacks 39
    2.4.2 debuginfo 40
    2.4.3 Last Branch Record (LBR) 40
    2.4.4 ORC 40
    2.4.5 Symbols 41
    2.4.6 More Reading 41
    2.5 Flame Graphs 41
    2.5.1 Stack Trace 41
    2.5.2 Profiling Stack Traces 41
    2.5.3 Flame Graph 42
    2.5.4 Flame Graph Features 44
    2.5.5 Variations 44
    2.6 Event Sources 45
    2.7 kprobes 46
    2.7.1 How kprobes Work 46
    2.7.2 kprobes Interfaces 47
    2.7.3 BPF and kprobes 48
    2.7.4 kprobes Additional Reading 49
    2.8 uprobes 49
    2.8.1 How uprobes Work 49
    2.8.2 Uprobes Interfaces 51
    2.8.3 BPF and uprobes 51
    2.8.4 uprobes Overhead and Future Work 52
    2.8.5 uprobes Additional Reading 52
    2.9 Tracepoints 53
    2.9.1 Adding Tracepoint Instrumentation 53
    2.9.2 How Tracepoints Work 55
    2.9.3 Tracepoint Interfaces 56
    2.9.4 Tracepoints and BPF 56
    2.9.5 BPF Raw Tracepoints 57
    2.9.6 Additional Reading 58
    2.10 USDT 58
    2.10.1 Adding USDT Instrumentation 58
    2.10.2 How USDT Works 60
    2.10.3 BPF and USDT 61
    2.10.4 USDT Additional Reading 61
    2.11 Dynamic USDT 61
    2.12 PMCs 63
    2.12.1 PMC Modes 63
    2.12.2 PEBS 64
    2.12.3 Cloud Computing 64
    2.13 perf_events 64
    2.14 Summary 65
    3 Performance Analysis 67
    3.1 Overview 67
    3.1.1 Goals 68
    3.1.2 Activities 68
    3.1.3 litple Performance Issues 69
    3.2 Performance Methodologies 69
    3.2.1 Workload Characterization 70
    3.2.2 Drill-Down Analysis 71
    3.2.3 USE Method 72
    3.2.4 Checklists 72
    3.3 Linux 60-Second Analysis 73
    3.3.1 uptime 73
    3.3.2 dmesg | tail 74
    3.3.3 vmstat 1 74
    3.3.4 mpstat -P ALL 1 75
    3.3.5 pidstat 1 75
    3.3.6 iostat -xz 1 76
    3.3.7 free -m 77
    3.3.8 sar -n DEV 1 77
    3.3.9 sar -n TCP,ETCP 1 78
    3.3.10 top 78
    3.4 BCC Tool Checklist 79
    3.4.1 execsnoop 80
    3.4.2 opensnoop 80
    3.4.3 ext4slower 80
    3.4.4 biolatency 81
    3.4.5 biosnoop 81
    3.4.6 cachestat 82
    3.4.7 tcpconnect 82
    3.4.8 tcpaccept 82
    3.4.9 tcpretrans 83
    3.4.10 runqlat 83
    3.4.11 profile 84
    3.5 Summary 84
    4 BCC 85
    4.1 BCC Components 86
    4.2 BCC Features 86
    4.2.1 Kernel-Level Features 87
    4.2.2 BCC User-Level Features 87
    4.3 BCC Installation 88
    4.3.1 Kernel Requirements 88
    4.3.2 Ubuntu 88
    4.3.3 RHEL 89
    4.3.4 Other Distributions 89
    4.4 BCC Tools 89
    4.4.1 Highlighted Tools 90
    4.4.2 Tool Characteristics 91
    4.4.3 Single-Purpose Tools 91
    4.4.4 lti-Purpose Tools 93
    4.5 funccount 94
    4.5.1 funccount Examples 94
    4.5.2 funccount Syntax 97
    4.5.3 funccount One-Liners 97
    4.5.4 funccount Usage 98
    4.6 stackcount 99
    4.6.1 stackcount Example 99
    4.6.2 stackcount Flame Graphs 100
    4.6.3 stackcount Broken Stack Traces 101
    4.6.4 stackcount Syntax 102
    4.6.5 stackcount One-Liners 102
    4.6.6 stackcount Usage 103
    4.7 trace 104
    4.7.1 trace Example 104
    4.7.2 trace Syntax 105
    4.7.3 trace One-Liners 106
    4.7.4 trace Structs 107
    4.7.5 trace Debugging File Descriptor Leaks 107
    4.7.6 trace Usage 109
    4.8 argdist 110
    4.8.1 argdist Syntax 111
    4.8.2 argdist One-Liners 112
    4.8.3 argdist Usage 113
    4.9 Tool Documentation 114
    4.9.1 Man Page: opensnoop 115
    4.9.2 Examples File: opensnoop 118
    4.10 Developing BCC Tools 119
    4.11 BCC Internals 120
    4.12 BCC Debugging 121
    4.12.1 printf() Debugging 122
    4.12.2 BCC Debug Output 124
    4.12.3 BCC Debug Flag 125
    4.12.4 bpflist 126
    4.12.5 bpftool 127
    4.12.6 dmesg 127
    4.12.7 Resetting Events 127
    4.13 Summary 128
    5 bpftrace 129
    5.1 bpftrace Components 130
    5.2 bpftrace Features 131
    5.2.1 bpftrace Event Sources 131
    5.2.2 bpftrace Actions 131
    5.2.3 bpftrace General Features 132
    5.2.4 bpftrace Compared to Other Observability Tools 132
    5.3 bpftrace Installation 133
    5.3.1 Kernel Requirements 133
    5.3.2 Ubuntu 134
    5.3.3 Fedora 134
    5.3.4 t-Build Steps 134
    5.3.5 Other Distributions 135
    5.4 bpftrace Tools 135
    5.4.1 Highlighted Tools 136
    5.4.2 Tool Characteristics 136
    5.4.3 Tool Execution 137
    5.5 bpftrace One-Liners 137
    5.6 bpftrace Documentation 138
    5.7 bpftrace Programming 138
    5.7.1 Usage 139
    5.7.2 Program Structure 140
    5.7.3 Comments 140
    5.7.4 Probe Format 141
    5.7.5 Probe Wildcards 141
    5.7.6 Filters 142
    5.7.7 Actions 142
    5.7.8 Hello, World! 142
    5.7.9 Functions 143
    5.7.10 Variables 143
    5.7.11 Map Functions 144
    5.7.12 Timing vfs_read() 145
    5.8 bpftrace Usage 147
    5.9 bpftrace Probe Types 148
    5.9.1 tracepoint 148
    5.9.2 usdt 150
    5.9.3 kprobe and kretprobe 151
    5.9.4 uprobe and uretprobe 151
    5.9.5 software and hardware 152
    5.9.6 profile and interval 153
    5.10 bpftrace Flow Control 154
    5.10.1 Filter 154
    5.10.2 Ternary Operators 154
    5.10.3 If Statements 155
    5.10.4 Unrolled Loops 155
    5.11 bpftrace Operators 155
    5.12 bpftrace Variables 156
    5.12.1 Built-in Variables 156
    5.12.2 Built-ins: pid, comm, and uid 157
    5.12.3 Built-ins: kstack and ustack 157
    5.12.4 Built-ins: itional Parameters 159
    5.12.5 Scratch 160
    5.12.6 Maps 160
    5.13 bpftrace Functions 161
    5.13.1 printf() 162
    5.13.2 join() 163
    5.13.3 str() 163
    5.13.4 kstack() and ustack() 164
    5.13.5 ksym() and usym() 165
    5.13.6 kaddr() and uaddr() 166
    5.13.7 system() 166
    5.13.8 exit() 167
    5.14 bpftrace Map Functions 167
    5.14.1 count() 168
    5.14.2 sum(), avg(), min(), and max() 169
    5.14.3 hist() 170
    5.14.4 lhist() 171
    5.14.5 delete() 171
    5.14.6 clear() and zero() 172
    5.14.7 print() 172
    5.15 bpftrace Future Work 173
    5.15.1 Explicit Address Modes 173
    5.15.2 Other Additions 174
    5.15.3 ply 175
    5.16 bpftrace Internals 175
    5.17 bpftrace Debugging 176
    5.17.1 printf() Debugging 177
    5.17.2 Debug Mode 177
    5.17.3 Verbose Mode 179
    5.18 Summary 180
    Part II: Using BPF Tools
    6 CPUs 181
    6.1 Background 181
    6.1.1 CPU Fundamentals 182
    6.1.2 BPF Capabilities 184
    6.1.3 Strategy 185
    6.2 Traditional Tools 186
    6.2.1 Kernel Statistics 187
    6.2.2 Hardware Statistics 189
    6.2.3 Hardware Sampling 192
    6.2.4 Timed Sampling 192
    6.2.5 Event Statistics and Tracing 196
    6.3 BPF Tools 198
    6.3.1 execsnoop 200
    6.3.2 exitsnoop 202
    6.3.3 runqlat 203
    6.3.4 runqlen 207
    6.3.5 runqslower 210
    6.3.6 cpudist 211
    6.3.7 cpufreq 212
    6.3.8 profile 215
    6.3.9 offcputime 219
    6.3.10 syscount 224
    6.3.11 argdist and trace 226
    6.3.12 funccount 229
    6.3.13 softirqs 231
    6.3.14 hardirqs 232
    6.3.15 smpcalls 233
    6.3.16 llcstat 237
    6.3.17 Other Tools 238
    6.4 BPF One-Liners 238
    6.4.1 BCC 238
    6.4.2 bpftrace 239
    6.5 Optional Exercises 240
    6.6 Summary 241
    7 Memory 243
    7.1 Background 244
    7.1.1 Memory Fundamentals 244
    7.1.2 BPF Capabilities 247
    7.1.3 Strategy 250
    7.2 Traditional Tools 250
    7.2.1 Kernel Log 251
    7.2.2 Kernel Statistics 252
    7.2.3 Hardware Statistics and Sampling 255
    7.3 BPF Tools 257
    7.3.1 oomkill 258
    7.3.2 memleak 259
    7.3.3 mmapsnoop 261
    7.3.4 brkstack 262
    7.3.5 shmsnoop 264
    7.3.6 faults 264
    7.3.7 ffaults 267
    7.3.8 vmscan 268
    7.3.9 drsnoop 271
    7.3.10 swapin 272
    7.3.11 hfaults 273
    7.3.12 Other Tools 274
    7.4 BPF One-Liners 274
    7.4.1 BCC 274
    7.4.2 bpftrace 275
    7.5 Optional Exercises 275
    7.6 Summary 276
    8 File Systems 277
    8.1 Background 278
    8.1.1 File Systems Fundamentals 278
    8.1.2 BPF Capabilities 280
    8.1.3 Strategy 281
    8.2 Traditional Tools 282
    8.2.1 df 282
    8.2.2 mount 283
    8.2.3 strace 283
    8.2.4 perf 284
    8.2.5 fatrace 286
    8.3 BPF Tools 287
    8.3.1 opensnoop 289
    8.3.2 statsnoop 291
    8.3.3 syncsnoop 293
    8.3.4 mmapfiles 294
    8.3.5 scread 295
    8.3.6 fmapfault 297
    8.3.7 filelife 298
    8.3.8 vfsstat 299
    8.3.9 vfscount 301
    8.3.10 vfssize 302
    8.3.11 fsrwstat 304
    8.3.12 fileslower 306
    8.3.13 filetop 308
    8.3.14 writesync 310
    8.3.15 filetype 311
    8.3.16 cachestat 314
    8.3.17 writeback 316
    8.3.18 dcstat 318
    8.3.19 dcsnoop 320
    8.3.20 mountsnoop 322
    8.3.21 xfsslower 323
    8.3.22 xfsdist 324
    8.3.23 ext4dist 327
    8.3.24 icstat 330
    8.3.25 bufgrow 331
    8.3.26 readahead 332
    8.3.27 Other Tools 334
    8.4 BPF One-Liners 334
    8.4.1 BCC 334
    8.4.2 bpftrace 335
    8.4.3 BPF One-Liners Examples 336
    8.5 Optional Exercises 340
    8.6 Summary 340
    9 Disk I/O 341
    9.1 Background 342
    9.1.1 Disk Fundamentals 342
    9.1.2 BPF Capabilities 344
    9.1.3 Strategy 346
    9.2 Traditional Tools 346
    9.2.1 iostat 346
    9.2.2 perf 348
    9.2.3 blktrace 349
    9.2.4 SCSI Logging 350
    9.3 BPF Tools 351
    9.3.1 biolatency 352
    9.3.2 biosnoop 358
    9.3.3 biotop 361
    9.3.4 bitesize 362
    9.3.5 seeksize 364
    9.3.6 biopattern 366
    9.3.7 biostacks 368
    9.3.8 bioerr 371
    9.3.9 mdflush 374
    9.3.10 iosched 375
    9.3.11 scsilatency 377
    9.3.12 scsiresult 379
    9.3.13 nvmelatency 381
    9.4 BPF One-Liners 384
    9.4.1 BCC 384
    9.4.2 bpftrace 385
    9.4.3 BPF One-Liners Examples 386
    9.5 Optional Exercises 387
    9.6 Summary 387
    10 Networking 389
    10.1 Background 390
    10.1.1 Networking Fundamentals 390
    10.1.2 BPF Capabilities 396
    10.1.3 Strategy 398
    10.1.4 Common Tracing Mistakes 399
    10.2 Traditional Tools 399
    10.2.1 ss 400
    10.2.2 ip 402
    10.2.3 nstat 402
    10.2.4 netstat 403
    10.2.5 sar 405
    10.2.6 nicstat 406
    10.2.7 ethtool 407
    10.2.8 tcpdump 408
    10.2.9 /proc 409
    10.3 BPF Tools 411
    10.3.1 sockstat 412
    10.3.2 sofamily 414
    10.3.3 soprotocol 416
    10.3.4 soconnect 419
    10.3.5 soaccept 422
    10.3.6 socketio 424
    10.3.7 socksize 426
    10.3.8 sormem 429
    10.3.9 soconnlat 432
    10.3.10 so1stbyte 435
    10.3.11 tcpconnect 437
    10.3.12 tcpaccept 440
    10.3.13 tcplife 443
    10.3.14 tcptop 448
    10.3.15 tcpsnoop 449
    10.3.16 tcpretrans 450
    10.3.17 tcpsynbl 453
    10.3.18 tcpwin 454
    10.3.19 tcpnagle 456
    10.3.20 udpconnect 458
    10.3.21 gethostlatency 460
    10.3.22 ipecn 461
    10.3.23 superping 463
    10.3.24 qdisc-fq 466
    10.3.25 qdisc-cbq, qdisc-cbs, qdisc-codel, qdisc-fq_codel, qdisc-red, and qdisc-tbf 468
    10.3.26 netsize 470
    10.3.27 nettxlat 473
    10.3.28 skbdrop 475
    10.3.29 skblife 477
    10.3.30 ieee80211scan 479
    10.3.31 Other Tools 481
    10.4 BPF One-Liners 482
    10.4.1 BCC 482
    10.4.2 bpftrace 482
    10.4.3 BPF One-Liners Examples 484
    10.5 Optional Exercises 487
    10.6 Summary 488
    11 Security 489
    11.1 Background 489
    11.1.1 BPF Capabilities 490
    11.1.2 Unprivileged BPF Users 493
    11.1.3 Configuring BPF Security 494
    11.1.4 Strategy 495
    11.2 BPF Tools 495
    11.2.1 execsnoop 496
    11.2.2 elfsnoop 497
    11.2.3 modsnoop 498
    11.2.4 bashreadline 499
    11.2.5 shellsnoop 500
    11.2.6 ttysnoop 502
    11.2.7 opensnoop 503
    11.2.8 eperm 504
    11.2.9 tcpconnect and tcpaccept 505
    11.2.10 tcpreset 506
    11.2.11 capable 508
    11.2.12 setuids 512
    11.3 BPF One-Liners 514
    11.3.1 BCC 514
    11.3.2 bpftrace 514
    11.3.3 BPF One-Liners Examples 514
    11.4 Summary 515
    12 Languages 517
    12.1 Background 517
    12.1.1 Compiled 518
    12.1.2 JIT Compiled 519
    12.1.3 Interpreted 520
    12.1.4 BPF Capabilities 521
    12.1.5 Strategy 521
    12.1.6 BPF Tools 522
    12.2 C 522
    12.2.1 C Function Symbols 523
    12.2.2 C Stack Traces 526
    12.2.3 C Function Tracing 528
    12.2.4 C Function Offset Tracing 529
    12.2.5 C USDT 529
    12.2.6 C One-Liners 530
    12.3 Java 531
    12.3.1 libjvm Tracing 532
    12.3.2 jnistacks 533
    12.3.3 Java Thread Names 536
    12.3.4 Java Method Symbols 537
    12.3.5 Java Stack Traces 539
    12.3.6 Java USDT Probes 543
    12.3.7 profile 549
    12.3.8 offcputime 553
    12.3.9 stackcount 559
    12.3.10 javastat 562
    12.3.11 javathreads 563
    12.3.12 javacalls 565
    12.3.13 javaflow 566
    12.3.14 javagc 568
    12.3.15 javaobjnew 568
    12.3.16 Java One-Liners 569
    12.4 Bash Shell 570
    12.4.1 Function Counts 572
    12.4.2 Function Argument Tracing (bashfunc.bt) 573
    12.4.3 Function Latency (bashfunclat.bt) 576
    12.4.4 /bin/bash 577
    12.4.5 /bin/bash USDT 581
    12.4.6 bash One-Liners 582
    12.5 Other Languages 583
    12.5.1 JavaScript (Node.js) 583
    12.5.2 C++ 585
    12.5.3 Golang 585
    12.6 Summary 588
    13 Applications 589
    13.1 Background 590
    13.1.1 Application Fundamentals 590
    13.1.2 Application Example: MySQL Server 591
    13.1.3 BPF Capabilities 592
    13.1.4 Strategy 592
    13.2 BPF Tools 593
    13.2.1 execsnoop 595
    13.2.2 threadsnoop 595
    13.2.3 profile 598
    13.2.4 threaded 601
    13.2.5 offcputime 603
    13.2.6 offcpuhist 607
    13.2.7 syscount 610
    13.2.8 ioprofile 611
    13.2.9 libc Frame Pointers 613
    13.2.10 mysqld_qslower 614
    13.2.11 mysqld_clat 617
    13.2.12 signals 621
    13.2.13 killsnoop 623
    13.2.14 pmlock and pmheld 624
    13.2.15 naptime 629
    13.2.16 Other Tools 630
    13.3 BPF One-Liners 631
    13.3.1 BCC 631
    13.3.2 bpftrace 631
    13.4 BPF One-Liners Examples 632
    13.4.1 Counting libpthread Conditional Variable Functions for One Second 632
    13.5 Summary 633
    14 Kernel 635
    14.1 Background 636
    14.1.1 Kernel Fundamentals 636
    14.1.2 BPF Capabilities 638
    14.2 Strategy 639
    14.3 Traditional Tools 640
    14.3.1 Ftrace 640
    14.3.2 perf sched 643
    14.3.3 slabtop 644
    14.3.4 Other Tools 644
    14.4 BPF Tools 644
    14.4.1 loads 646
    14.4.2 offcputime 647
    14.4.3 wakeuptime 649
    14.4.4 offwaketime 650
    14.4.5 mlock and mheld 652
    14.4.6 Spin Locks 656
    14.4.7 kmem 657
    14.4.8 kpages 658
    14.4.9 memleak 659
    14.4.10 slabratetop 660
    14.4.11 numamove 661
    14.4.12 workq 663
    14.4.13 Tasklets 664
    14.4.14 Other Tools 665
    14.5 BPF One-Liners 666
    14.5.1 BCC 666
    14.5.2 bpftrace 666
    14.6 BPF One-Liners Examples 667
    14.7 Challenges 668
    14.8 Summary 669
    15 Containers 671
    15.1 Background 671
    15.1.1 BPF Capabilities 673
    15.1.2 Challenges 673
    15.1.3 Strategy 676
    15.2 Traditional Tools 676
    15.2.1 From the Host 676
    15.2.2 From the Container 677
    15.2.3 systemd-cgtop 677
    15.2.4 kubectl top 678
    15.2.5 docker stats 678
    15.2.6 /sys/fs/cgroups 679
    15.2.7 perf 679
    15.3 BPF Tools 680
    15.3.1 runqlat 680
    15.3.2 pidnss 681
    15.3.3 blkthrot 683
    15.3.4 overlayfs 684
    15.4 BPF One-Liners 687
    15.5 Optional Exercises 687
    15.6 Summary 687
    16 Hypervisors 689
    16.1 Background 689
    16.1.1 BPF Capabilities 691
    16.1.2 Suggested Strategies 691
    16.2 Traditional Tools 692
    16.3 Guest BPF Tools 693
    16.3.1 Xen Hypercalls 693
    16.3.2 xenhyper 697
    16.3.3 Xen Callbacks 699
    16.3.4 cpustolen 700
    16.3.5 HVM Exit Tracing 701
    16.4 Host BPF Tools 702
    16.4.1 kvmexits 702
    16.4.2 Future Work 706
    16.5 Summary 707
    Part III: Additional Topics
    17 Other BPF Performance Tools 709
    17.1 Vector and Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) 709
    17.1.1 Visualizations 710
    17.1.2 Visualization: Heat Maps 711
    17.1.3 Visualization: Tabular Data 713
    17.1.4 BCC Provided Metrics 714
    17.1.5 Internals 714
    17.1.6 Installing PCP and Vector 715
    17.1.7 Connecting and Viewing Data 715
    17.1.8 Configuring the BCC PMDA 717
    17.1.9 Future Work 718
    17.1.10 Further Reading 718
    17.2 Grafana and Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) 718
    17.2.1 Installation and Configuration 719
    17.2.2 Connecting and Viewing Data 719
    17.2.3 Future Work 721
    17.2.4 Further Reading 721
    17.3 Cloudflare eBPF Prometheus Exporter (with Grafana) 721
    17.3.1 Build and Run the ebpf Exporter 721
    17.3.2 Configure Prometheus to Monitor the ebpf_exporter Instance 722
    17.3.3 Set Up a Query in Grafana 722
    17.3.4 Further Reading 723
    17.4 kubectl-trace 723
    17.4.1 Tracing Nodes 723
    17.4.2 Tracing Pods and Containers 724
    17.4.3 Further Reading 726
    17.5 Other Tools 726
    17.6 Summary 726
    18 Tips, Tricks, and Common Problems 727
    18.1 Typical Event Frequency and Overhead 727
    18.1.1 Frequency 728
    18.1.2 Action Performed 729
    18.1.3 Test Yourself 731
    18.2 Sample at 49 or 99 Hertz 731
    18.3 Yellow Pigs and Gray Rats 732
    18.4 Write Target Software 733
    18.5 Learn Syscalls 734
    18.6 Keep It Simple 735
    18.7 Missing Events 735
    18.8 Missing Stacks Traces 737
    18.8.1 How to Fix Broken Stack Traces 738
    18.9 Missing Symbols (Function Names) When Printing 738
    18.9.1 How to Fix Missing Symbols: JIT Runtimes (Java, Node.js, ...) 739
    18.9.2 How to Fix Missing Symbols: ELF binaries (C, C++, ...) 739
    18.10 Missing Functions When Tracing 739
    18.11 Feedback Loops 740
    18.12 Dropped Events 740
    Part IV: Appendixes
    A bpftrace One-Liners 741
    B bpftrace Cheat Sheet 745
    C BCC Tool Development 747
    D C BPF 763
    E BPF Instructions 783
    Glossary 789
    Bibliography 795
    本書作為全面介紹 BPF 技術的圖書,從 BPF 技術的起源到未來發展方向都有涵蓋,不僅繫統介紹了 BPF 的編程模型,還完整介紹了兩個主要的 BPF 前端編程框架―BCC 和 bpftrace,更給出了一繫列實現範例,生動展示了 BPF 技術的實際能力和未來發展前景。本書的另一個關注方向是 Linux 繫統性能和應用程序性能的調優,內容涉及繫統性能調優的策略、工具與實踐案例,不僅介紹了對應的 BPF 工具,還著重介紹了這些工具如何與 Linux 傳統性能工具配合使用,這樣讀者可以選擇很好方案。本書介紹的工具小巧精致,並提供了簡單易讀的源代碼,它們充分展現了 BPF 技術的魅力 :安全、高效、快捷的繫統擴展力。未來 BPF 技術在 Linux 中的應用場景會越來越多、越來越重要。希望本書能在大家學習 BPF 技術並關注它的發展時提供幫助。
    (美)布倫丹·格雷格 著
    Net?ix 資深性能工程師 Brendan Gregg 是 BPF(eBPF)的主要貢獻者,他幫助開發和維護了兩個主要的 BPF 前端編程框架,開創了 BPF 用於可觀測性的先河,並創建了數十種基於 BPF 的性能分析工具。他還編著有暢銷書《性能之巔 :洞悉繫統、企業與雲計算》。

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