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  • 中國歷代書法(英文版)
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    【作者】 李向平譯者:邵達 
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    • 商品名稱:中國歷代書法(英文版)
    • 作者:李向平|譯者:邵達
    • 代碼:146
    • 出版社:五洲傳播
    • ISBN號:9787508511290


    • 出版時間:2007-10-01
    • 印刷時間:2007-10-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 開本:其他
    • 包裝:平裝
    • 頁數:143


    “中國繪畫鋻賞”由紫航文化與五洲傳播出版社共同策劃、組織、編制出版,是為愛好中國文化的外國朋友們精心選編的一套全英文高品質畫冊。包括:《中國繪畫珍藏》、《中國歷代山水畫》、《中國歷代人物畫》、《中國歷代花鳥畫》、《中國歷代書法》。 本書為中國歷代書法作品集,為全英文版本。


    Calligraphy in jin and Tang Dynastry
    An Elegy for Cao E in Regular Script
    Inscription of Boyuan in Running and Cursive Scripts
    Inscription of After Rain in Running and Cursive Scripts
    Inscription of Provincial Officials in Cursive Script
    Inscription of Recovery in Zhang-cao Style
    Inscription of Zhonglang in Running Script
    Inscription of Mid-Autumn in Running Script
    Inscription of Dongshan Pines in Running Script
    A Facsimile of Wang Xizhi and His Offspring's Calligraphy
    A Facsimile of Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion in Running Script
    A Facsimile of Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion
    Inscription of Confucius Dreaming About Receiving Sacrifices in Running Script
    Inscription of Bu Shang Reading Books in Running and Regular Scripts
    Calligraphy Score
    Inscription of Improvising Linking Verses at Zhushan Hall in Regular Script
    Inscription of Four Ancient Poems in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of the Poem Entitled 'Zhang Haohao' and Prologue in Running Script
    Thousand Character Reader in Cursive Hand
    Autobiography in Cursive Hand
    Calligraphy in Five Dynastry,Northern and Southern Song Dynasties
    Inscription of Scorching Summer in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of the Poem Entitled 'Luxuriant Blossoms' in Shou-jin Style
    Thousand Character Reader in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of Sailing the Sea in Running Script
    Inscription of the Poem Entitled 'Picturesque Pavilion' in Running Script
    Inscription of Scholar Tao in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of Ningzhou Prefecture in Regular Script
    Inscription of the Poem Entitled 'Fragrant Flowers' in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of Ji Kang's Concerning Health Preservation in
    Regular and Cursive Scripts
    Inscription of the Poem Entitled 'Elders of East Hamlet' in Running and Cursive Scripts
    Preface to Muji Poetry Anthology in Cursive Hand
    Calligraphy in Yuan Dynastry
    Inscription of Ode to Autumn Sound in Running Scrip
    Inscription of the Ci of Retiring to My Native Village in Running Script
    Inscription of A Note on Huaiyun Monastery in Kunshan in Regular Script
    Inscription of 'Book of Wu-yi' from Collection of Ancient Texts in Seal Characters
    Inscription of the Poem Entitled 'Autumn Mood' in Running Script
    Inscription of Han Yu's Preface to Seeing Friend Li Yuan to Pangu Valley in Running Script
    Inscription of Wang Anshi's Miscellaneous Poems in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of a Heptasyllabic Quatrain in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of the Poem Entitled 'Climbing Up to the Summit of Mount Nanfeng' in
    Running Script
    'A Note on Zhuxi Thatched Abode' Inscribed in Running Script on Zhang Wo's Same-titled Painting
    Calligraphy in Ming Dynastry
    Stele Inscription of the Guandi Temple in Xiao-kai
    Inscription of Self-written Poems in Running Script
    Biographies of Six Buddhist Masters from Bodhidharma to
    Hui-neng in Running Script
    inscription of Self-written Ci in Running Script
    A Facsimile of Chu Suiliang's Inscription of Rhapsody on Withered
    Tree in Running Script
    Inscription of Ancient Poems in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of Antithetical Couplet in Running Script
    Annotations on the Painting of Gongzhong Pagoda in Regular Script
    Poem Inscribed on a Painting of Beautiful Women in Running and Regular Scripts
    Inscription Eulogizing Xie An on His Portrait in Official Script
    Inscription of Excerpts from Zhang Zai's Dong Ming in Regular Script
    Calligraphy in Qing Dynastry
    Inscription of Quotations from Xunzi in Official Script
    Inscription of Concerning the Jiang Calligraphy Models in Running Script
    Inscription of Manjianghong in Running Script
    The Character of 'Dragon' in Cursive Hand
    Inscription of Excerpts from the 'Biography of Zhang Han' in the History of
    Jin in Running and Regular Scripts
    Inscription of Rhapsody on the Goddess of the Luoshui River in Xiao-kai
    Inscription of a Self-made Poem in Running and Regular Scripts
    Inscription of Excerpts from the Strategies of the Warring
    States in Running Script
    Inscription of a Wu-Iu Poem in Running Script
    Inscription of the Poems by Yuyang Shanren in Official Script
    Inscription of a Yuan Dynasty Poem in Running Script
    A Five-character Antithetical Couplet in Official Script
    A Four-character Antithetical Couplet in Official Script
    An Antithetical Couplet in Seal Characters
    A Seven-character Antithetical Couplet in Running Script
    A Seven-character Antithetical Couplet in Running Script
    A Seven-character Antithetical Couplet in Running Script
    Inscription of Su Shi's Poem in Running Script
    A Vertical Scroll of Calligraphy in Official Script
    Inscription of a Qi-yan Poem in Official Script
    A Facsimile of Wanbai Shanren's Calligraphy in Seal Characters

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