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  • 中國的抉擇:和平發展與構建和諧世界(英文版) [The Choice of
    該商品所屬分類:圖書 -> 中國人民大學出版社
    【作者】 李景治蒲俜徐瑩 
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    It is manifested that China's diplomacy is lacing unprecedented transformation with both opportunities and challenges ahead. What is China's strategic choice when it is confronted with the new international situation and power distribution'? This book analyzes the possibility and inevitability fbr China to take the path of peaceful development and construct a harmo-nious world. After ali. nobody wants China to rise in a western way to an empire. With the continuous rising of China's economy and the recovery of China's cultural confidence, it's inevitable for China to make the right choice of peaceful development.


    李景治,Protessor Li Jingzhi is a doctoral supervisor of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, with contemporary world economics and politics as his research focus. He successively held the positions of Head of the International Politics Departlllent, Dean of the School of International Studies, the University Council Member, member of Degree Evalua-tion Committee and University Academic Com-mittee at RUC.Currently, he is Vice President of the Chinese Society on International Commu-nist Movement History and Chief Expert of the Contemporary International Politics Research Team affiliated to Marxist Research and Con-structi on Project. Professor Li has over 20major publications including: Contemporary World Economics and Politics, International Strategics, War on Terror and the Change of Wortd Pattern, Science and Technology Revolu-tion and the Rise and Fall of the Great Powers,The Political Party System of Contemporary Capitalist Countries, The Evolution and Contra-dictions of Contemporary Capitalism and China's Peaceful Development and the Con-struction of a Harmonious World.



    Ⅰchapter one the conception of china's peaceful development and a harmonious world
    i. the proposal of peaceful development and a harmonious world
    Ⅱ. main connotation of the concept of peaceful development and a harmonious world
    Ⅲ. characteristics of china's path of peaceful development

    chapter two china's peaceful development and the international order
    Ⅰ. opportunities the international order offers to china's path of peaceful development
    Ⅱ. restraints the present international order imposes on china's peaceful development
    Ⅲ. china's peaceful development contributes to the establishment of a just and legitimate international order

    chapter three china's peaceful development and economic
    Ⅰ. economic globalization creates a favorable international environment for china's peaceful development
    Ⅱ. international economic frictions and problems emerge in the course of china's peaceful development
    Ⅱl. resources and environment exerts influence on china's peaceful development
    iv. china's means to overcome the resources and environment bottlenecks

    chapter four china's peaceful development and diplomacy
    Ⅰ. strengthening strategic mutual trust with countries concerned
    Ⅱ. seeking the appropriate settlement of problems rooted in history
    Ⅲ. strengthening china's diplomatic soft power

    chapter five sticking to peaceful development and promoting the building of a harmonious world
    Ⅰ. china's peaceful rise:an inexorable trend of historical evolution
    Ⅱ. a harmonious world is the rational expectation of china's peaceful development
    Ⅲ. constructing a harmonious world benefited from china's peaceful development
    Ⅳ. international strategy of china's peaceful development


    status and prevailing advantages and influence over other states. After WWII, as the leader of western freedom and democracy, the US began to seek for world hegemony through its tit-for-tat competition with the Soviet Union. After the Cold War, the US was universally recognized as the sole superpower.And in terms of the distribution of power, the US hegemony had very obvious characteristics. As Henry Kissinger noted that at the dawn of the new millennium, the United States was enjoying a preeminence unrivaled by even the greatest empires of the past. From weaponry to entrepreneurship, from science to technology, from higher education.to popular culture, America exercised an unparalleled ascendancy around the globe. Especially in military arena, the US was far ahead of other countries. This predominant position offers the US the golden opportunity to establish unipolar hegemony. Some scholar thus asserted that the 20th Century was the American Century and so will be the 21st century. And in harmony with this, "absolute hegemony" and"Pax Americana" had been vigorously agitated within American administrations.Especially after the 9.11 Incident, George W. Bush made major adjustments to the US global strategy. With its strategic'goal to consolidate US unipolar hegemony and its strategic focus on strangling the rise of rivals who seek to challenge the hegemonic position of the US, the adjusted global strategy further revealed the US neo-conservativism characterized by favoring war and unilateralism.
    Towards the rapid rise of China, a comparatively objective and practical attitude is adopted by the US government and its mainstream society who have gradually accepted the rise of China after careful observation. Generally speaking, they tend to be quite optimistic about the rise of China, holding that there's no sure evidence indicating that Chinese leaders are actively seeking to counter the power of the US, undermine the unipolar system dominated by the US and then replace.

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