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  • 漢語小詞典 英語版(外研社漢語學習詞典繫列)
    該商品所屬分類:圖書 -> 外語教學與研究出版社
    【作者】 北京外國語大學漢語國際推廣多語種基地北京外國語大學漢語國際推廣多語種基地 
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    適讀人群 :初級漢語/英語學習者

    ★The dictionary has a Chinese-English section and an English-Chinese one so that you can look up words both ways.
    ★Each section includes 4000-plus basic and most frequently used words, with concise definitions and real-life examples that are ready for use.
    ★ Pinyin is provided for each Chinese headword and example phrase or sentence.
    ★It is a useful tool for everyday consultation as well as language learning.


    Concise Chinese Dictionary (English Edition) is a bilingual dictionary written for elementary Chinese learners whose native language is English. There are over 4000 entries in the Chinese-English section, including the basic vocabulary of HSK and high-frequency words of Lexicon of Common Words in Contemporary Chinese. There are over 4000 entries in the English-Chinese section, which include the most commonly used and fundamental terms. In this dictionary, most of the definitions are literal translations that are easy to understand. All example words and sentences are marked with Chinese pinyin. The dictionary provides sample words and sentences that come from daily life, focusing on oral expression and taking into account the cultural backgrounds concerned. Appendices include The Rules on Stroke Order for Chinese Characters, A Brief Chronology of Chinese History and A Brief Table of Administrative Divisions in China, etc. Moreover, it is equipped with hundreds of colorful illustrations to help learners to understand the meanings of certain words. Thus, it can be applied to elementary Chinese learners or those who are learning the corresponding foreign language.


    Founded in 2008, the Multi-language Base for International Promotion of Chinese Language of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is among the first batch of bases for International Promotion of Chinese Language of Confucius Institutes Headquarters/Hanban. The aim of the Base is to achieve balanced and sustainable development of the international promotion of Chinese language, through the development of Chinese teaching materials, references and tools as well as the training of qualified Chinese teaching talents for the countries speaking non-universal languages.



    凡例............................................................. 1—8
    詞目筆畫索引........................................... 9—56
    正文....................................................... 1—1260
    漢語—英語部分.................................... 1— 542
    英語—漢語部分................................ 543—1260
    彩色插圖(1—16)................... 542、543之間
    附錄.................................................. 1261—1278
    漢語拼音方案.................................. 1263—1266
    漢字書寫筆順規則.......................... 1267—1268
    中國簡表.......................... 1269—1271
    計量單位表...................................... 1272—1274
    中國行政區劃簡表.......................... 1275—1276
    十二生肖..................................................... 1277
    二十四節氣................................................. 1278
    User’s Guide ............................................................................ 1-8
    Stroke Index of Headwords.....................................................9-56
    Text of the Dictionary...........................................................1-1260
    Color Illustrations (1-16)................................ between 542 and 543
    Appendices..................................................................... 1261-1278
    The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet............ 1263-1266
    The Rules on Stroke Order for Chinese Characters......... 1267-1268
    A Brief Chronology of Chinese History............................ 1269-1271
    Units of Measurement.................................................... 1272-1274
    A Brief Table of Administrative Divisions in China........... 1275-1276
    The Twelve Symbolic Animals................................................... 1277
    The Twenty-four Solar Terms.................................................... 1278


    In recent years, with the clearly accelerating spread of the Chinese language towards many countries, the “Chinese language craze” is heating up all over the world. In order to meet the increasing need of international learners to learn and use Chinese, the Multilanguage Base for International Promotion of the Chinese Language of Beijing Foreign Studies University has worked in cooperation with the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press to plan and compile this multiple-language series of dictionaries for international learners of Chinese. These bilingual dictionaries cover more than 20 languages in wide use around the world and aim to help non-native learners learn and use Chinese effectively. They each comprise a Chinese-foreign language section and a foreign language-Chinese section, which can help learners better learn (input) and use (output) Chinese.
    The series has been compiled to highlight learning features. Considering the real need of international learners, all headwords in the Chinese-foreign language section are laid out with the pinyin preceding the Chinese word, allowing users to start with pronunciation to look up the meaning. Meanwhile, all examples are accompanied by pinyin so that learners, especially beginners, can master their pronunciation, which can also help them better understand the meaning.
    All definitions in this series feature literal translation, augmented by free translation. The examples in use are close to everyday life and give stress to spoken language, making it easier for beginners to understand, memorize and imitate.
    Appendices include The Rules on Stroke Order for Chinese Characters, A Brief Chronology of Chinese History and A Brief Table of Administrative Divisions in China. Moreover, more than 100 illustrations provide an easy, direct and visual guide to meaning and usage.
    To ensure high quality, Beijing Foreign Studies University and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press have established an expert team of lexicographers and translators. The team consists mainly of Chinese and foreign professors of related languages and Chinese teachers for foreigners at Beijing Foreign Studies University, as well as professors and researchers from other universities and institutions. The research interests of these experts cover language teaching, bilingual translation, cultural communication, editing and publishing. Since the project was initiated, several years of teamwork, meticulous care and continual polishing have gone into the making of this normative, authoritative and practical two-way dictionary series.
    The Concise Chinese Dictionary (English Edition), one of the series, is an elementary two-way dictionary designed for learners of Chinese who are native English speakers with elementary-level Chinese. The Chinese-English section consists of 4000-plus entries, including the high-frequency words in the HSK Chinese Proficiency Test Syllabus and the Lexicon of Common Words in Contemporary Chinese issued by the State Language Commission. The English-Chinese section contains over 4000 entries, all being core words, basic words and common words in English.
    Dictionaries are important tools in learning a language. We believe that this dictionary will help facilitate users’ understanding and use of Chinese. Meanwhile, it is our sincere hope that users and experts will give us their valued opinions and suggestions for further revision and improvement.

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